This section contains links to external sites. Hassocks Parish Council is not responsible for the content or accuracy of information contained on those sites.
The links below provide more information on additional services available for you to dispose of your waste.
Bulky Waste:
Garden waste service:
Household Waste Recycling Sites: Book to Recycle booking system – West Sussex County Council
Alternatively if you wish to speak to someone about any of these services or other waste collection matters, the MSDC Waste Management Team can be contacted on 01444 477440.
Regretfully the additional Mobile Refuse collections which were held on specific dates over the year at the Dale Avenue and Belmont Car Parks, have been cancelled to read the full article please click here.
The household waste and recycling collection services will continue to operate as normal.
Here you will find information about the Parish Council, Hassocks news, history, culture, business and community.
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