It is not always easy to know who concerns should be addressed to and in the Parish Office we are always happy to answer your queries on this or to make reports on your behalf. However it is also very easy now for residents to submit their own reports online for many issues.
Concerns or queries over highways matters should be addressed to West Sussex County Council. Reports can be made by residents online or by telephone about problems such as potholes, pavements, grass verges and flooding. To find out more click here. This WSCC website also allows you to see whether problems have already been reported and to track the status of matters that have been reported.
Mid Sussex District Council can help with concerns over waste and refuse collection, street cleaning, fly tipping, anti social behaviour and much more. To find out more visit the MSDC website.
To report a faulty light please contact SSE, the company responsible for maintaining the lights in West Sussex. This can be done via an interactive map online. It is useful if you are able to locate the street light number which will be displayed on the lighting column.
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