Hassocks Burial Ground

Hassocks Parish Council owns and manages a Burial Ground and Memorial Garden, which is situated opposite St Cosmas and St Damian church, on the B2116, Keymer Road, Hassocks.

The Burial Ground is a quiet area under the escarpment of the South Downs.

There is a small, gated car park off the B2116, Keymer Road, Hassocks. Please contact the Hassocks Parish Council office before visiting, if you wish to have vehicular access to the car park.

For details of arrangements for purchasing plots or for any other queries, please contact the Hassocks Parish Council office. Please click here for a list of current fees and charges for the Burial Ground.    Further information about Hassocks Burial Ground can be found  in the Hassocks Burial Ground Information Booklet.

The Burial Ground


The burial ground in hassocks