Hassocks Parish Council is pleased to announce that it is now inviting applications for community grants for 2025/26. Projects must be achievable within a year and grants are for a maximum of £600 each.
Applications for 2025/26 will be considered in September 2025 and February 2026, with the deadline for submissions being 31 August 2025 for consideration at the Full Council meeting scheduled for September 2025 and 31 January 2026 for consideration at the Full Council meeting in February 2026.
Click here to download a grant application form (word format).
Click here to download a grant application form (PDF format).
To download a pdf with the information shown on this page, please click here
The Council has powers to give financial aid under various statutes, notably the Local Government Act 1972:
There is a limited budget each year for grants and the amounts requested can sometimes exceed the fund available. It is therefore important that all questions on the application form are answered as fully as possible to provide a detailed description of your proposed project/activity.
Once awarded the Council will require written confirmation of how the grant has been spent. This may include a report, photographs, copies of receipts etc. This must be provided by the end of the financial year.
Applications will be considered twice yearly by Council in September and February. Applications can be submitted at any time during the year for consideration in the next round.
What to consider when applying for a grant.
The Council supports voluntary and charitable organisations that provide services of direct benefit to the residents of the parish. The granting of funds will be considered in line with the aims and priorities set out within the Council’s Business Plan:
Applications should consider:
Each award is considered as a ‘one off’ grant and are therefore limited .However, this should not deter groups from applying. Applications will be particularly welcome from:-
For any further information please contact the Parish Council Office on 01273 842714 or email info@hassocks-pc.gov.uk.
Ian Cumberworth
Parish Clerk
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