Please click here to view Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan made on 24 June 2020.
The Parish Council has set up a Neighbourhood Plan Committee to keep the Plan under review and encourage its use. The following guidance is intended to support the implementation of Policy 5 Enabling Zero Carbon and Policy 9 Character and Design. Residents and developers are encouraged to use this guidance to help make their projects sustainable and appropriate for Hassocks.
London Energy Transport Initiative – Climate Emergency Design Guide.
Hassocks Landscape Character Areas Map
Hassocks Centre Townscape Analysis Map
For several years Hassocks Parish Council and members of the community have been working on a Neighbourhood Plan for our Parish. Finally after overcoming setbacks and challenges and with a great deal of hard work, the Plan was finished. On March 5th 2020 a Referendum was held and 98.4% of the residents who voted, did so in favour of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan.
At the meeting of Full Council on 24th June 2020, Mid Sussex District Council resolved to ‘make’ the Hassocks Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014-2031.
This means that the Hassocks Neighbourhood Development Plan has been brought into legal force, and forms part of the statutory Development Plan for Hassocks Parish.
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