Planning Committee



To:   All Members of the Planning Committee (Cllrs Kristian Berggreen, Robert Brewer, Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Bill Hatton and Angus Neil) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

A meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on 18 November 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 12 November 2024



2. TO ACCEPT DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Disclosure by Councillors of personal and/or pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda and whether the Councillors regard their interest as prejudicial/pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2024 (previously circulated).


5. APPLICATIONS (copies of each application can be viewed online via the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Website or the
South Downs National Park Authority (SDNP) Website

5.1 DM/24/2504 50 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Two three-storey rear extensions, a single storey rear extension, two hip to gable enlargements, a rear dormer, a single storey side extension, solar panels within south, east and west facing roof slopes, new timber front gates, render to walls and replacement window and doors frames. (Amended description 28.10.2024).

5.2 DM/24/2226 10 Bonny Wood Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HR Proposed polycarbonate tunnel style greenhouse to also house a temporary above ground swimming pool during warmer months. (Amended description and plans 25/10/2024).

5.3 DM/24/2531 Station Goods Yard Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8JA The installation of 1 No. 25 metre high lattice tower mounted with 9 No. antennas, and 3 No. GPS modules, 12 No. cabinets, within a compound comprised of 2.4 metre high palisade fencing 1 No. electrical metre cabinet and associated development thereto.

5.4 DM/24/2618 44 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Demolition of existing rear extension. Erection of a new single storey rear extension. Conversion of the existing garage building into a garden studio. Modifications / improvements to existing house including new front porch, raised garage roof / mezzanine and alterations to some windows/doors.

5.5 DM/24/2631 17 Stanford Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8JH Proposal to relocate an air source heat pump 70 cm closer to fence.

5.6 DM/24/2629 Pine Trees Court Pine Trees Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NW Oak – reduce crown by 1.5m. Tree located on left hand side of boundary.

5.7 DM/24/2630 5 The Crescent Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8RB Eucalyptus : Fell.

5.8 DM/24/2669 111 Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QL Change of use from existing holiday let to residential. (LDC).

5.9 DM/24/2612 16A The Quadrant Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8BP Retrospective change of use of existing double garage to a one bedroom detached dwelling, which has had the addition of new windows, doors and rendering and the addition of a new porch as well as new pergola and decking.

5.10 DM/24/2665 3 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS Variation of condition no 2 relating to planning application DM/23/2989 to amend the approved plans to allow for design changes.

5.11 DM/24/2690 3 Ewart Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FJ 1 x Ash – Fell. 2 x Sycamore – Reduce back to previous points, approx. 1 – 2 m and remove basal growth. Thuja – reduce lower drooping growth by 1-2m.

5.12 DM/24/2674 44 Ockley Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8BD Proposed window to front elevation.

5.13 DM/24/2691 Hassocks Football Club The Beacon Brighton Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9LZ Variation of condition 4 of planning permission CN/002/95 to allow an increase in the average illuminance from 205 lux to 239 lux by way of replacement bulbs (maximum illuminance will decrease from 364 lux to 355 lux).

5.14 DM/24/2716 31 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Rear single storey extension to include a balcony with glass balustrade and part two storey side extension to the West. Replacement windows throughout existing dwelling and alterations to existing roof. Please note amended description.

5.15 SDNP/24/04248/FUL Down Under Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8XP Change of use of holiday let to 2 bed dwelling.

5.16 SDNP/24/04649/HOUS Springs Manor, Spring Lane, Clayton, West Sussex, BN6 9PN Construction of first floor side extension.



8. WSCC PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY – CONSULTATION: PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE FOOTPATHS 5K, 11K AND 60BH. Members are invited to review the consultation information received from WSCC and consider any response to be submitted on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council. (Appendix 1).

9. REGULATION 26 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF EAST SUSSEX, SOUTH DOWNS AND BRIGHTON & HOVE WASTE AND MINERALS LOCAL PLAN REVISED POLICIES. Members are invited to note correspondence received from the East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority regarding the adoption of the revised Waste and Minerals Plan policies. (Appendix 2).

10.URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

11. Date of Next Meeting. 9 December 2024 at 7.30pm

Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.  Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.

It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To: Planning Committee                                                                     

Date: 18 November 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk


1.Members are invited to review the following consultation information received from WSCC regarding a proposal to upgrade footpaths 5K, 11K and 60BH and to consider any response to be submitted on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council.


Burgess Hill and Hassocks

Section 25 Highways Act 1980 – dedication of bridleways

1. The existing paths and background to the proposal – please click here to see plan numbered 01834

1.1      As part of the Taylor Wimpey development at land north of Clayton Mills Hassocks, the respective landowners, and developers including Taylor Wimpey and Burgess Hill Town Council have agreed to a number of improvements to the existing rights of way network. These improvements including the following:

i. Upgrading, to bridleway status, footpaths 5k and 11k between Woodlands Road and Ockley Road. Shown between points A, B, C and D on the attached plan.

ii. Dedication of a new bridleway, from the junction with 11k, heading north to reach 19aBH. Show between points C and E on the attached plan.

1.2      The new bridleways will largely follow the existing right of way network, save for where a new bridleway link is being created to join with existing path 11k.

1.3      To ensure that the most northern section of the new bridleway (between points E & X on the plan) is suitably accommodated on the ground, it is not possible to tie into the existing length of footpath 60bh, meaning that the 2 paths will run parallel for a short distance. Whilst the definitive line of FP60bh will remain, it is likely that users will favour the laid-out bridleway.

1.4      The proposed dedications (together with the agreement from Network Rail to upgrade the underpass at Woodside Crossing and the proposed permissive bridleway along footpath 5k to the west of the railway) will provide non- motorised users (NMUs) with a direct and continual link from London Road to Ockley Lane. It will also provide users with direct access to the Burgess Hill Green Circle network as well as access to the existing bridleway network to the east and west.

1.5      Formal dedication of the routes as bridleways secures use for NMUs in perpetuity. This adds great value and benefit to the rights of way network for a variety of users and is a very much welcomed addition to the existing rights of way network.

2. Consultations

On 23 October 2024 a copy of this consultation report was sent to the relevant user groups and other interested parties with the request that any comments be submitted by 13 November 2024. Notice of the consultation was also included in the Members’ Bulletin. Before proceeding with any legal order, careful consideration will be given to all comments received.

3. West Sussex Rights of Way Management Plan, Human Rights Act 1998, Equality Act 2010 and Crime and Disorder Act 1998 Implications

3.1 In considering this application the County Council’s responsibilities under the provisions of the above have been taken into account.

4. Costs and works

4.1 The developer has agreed to cover all costs associated with the construction of the bridleway to a standard and specification that is acceptable to the County Council. In large this will be a 3-metre-wide route, surfaced to our standard bridleway specification, expect for occasions where the route is shared with vehicular access. In these locations a suitable surface specification will be laid.

4.2 All works carried out will be subject to inspection and certification by Rights of Way Officers prior to the agreement being brought into effect. WSCC will be responsible for the waymarking cost and as the routes are to be dedicated, the ongoing surface maintenance of each route.

5. General conclusion

This package of improvements will provide non-motorised users with an extensive off-road route between Hassocks and Burgess Hill adding great value and benefit to the existing network. The co-operation of the relevant landowners is very much appreciated.

Ami Dye

Senior Rights of Way Officer

22 October 2024

Appendix 2


To: Planning Committee                                                                     

Date: 18 November 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk


Dear Sir / Madam,

Regulation 26 Notice of Adoption of the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan Revised Policies.

We are writing to you as you are signed up to the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) Planning Policy Contact Database.

The SDNPA works in partnership with East Sussex County Council and Brighton & Hove City Council – collectively known as “the Authorities” – on minerals and waste policy matters for the part of the South Downs National Park that falls within East Sussex and Brighton & Hove. 


In accordance with Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 (as amended), notice is hereby given that the Authorities adopted the “East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan Revised Policies” on 24 October 2024.  The adoption of the Revised Policies concludes the partial review of the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan.  The Revised Policies will be used by the Authorities in the determination of planning applications for minerals extraction, waste management activities, and the safeguarding of minerals and waste infrastructure in the Plan Area up to 2030.

In addition, Article 9 of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive requires that when a Plan is adopted, specific information is made available, including that which shows how the assessment of the environmental effects of the Plan (included in the Plan’s Sustainability Appraisal) have been taken into account. This information has been published as the SEA Post Adoption Statement and is available to view with the adopted Revised Policies.

The Adopted Revised Policies – along with the Adoption Notice, Background Documents, Policies Map, Sustainability Appraisal, and SEA Post Adoption Statement – can all be found on the East Sussex County Council website:

The Adoption Notice and SEA Post Adoption Statement are also attached.   Hard copies of all the above can be viewed at the libraries and offices detailed in the attached Adoption Notice.

Further Information

If you have any general queries about the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan, please do not hesitate to contact:

For more information about the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan, please visit the East Sussex County Council website:

Kind Regards

Edward Sheath
Head of Planning and Environment – East Sussex County Council

Nicola Hurley
Head of Planning – Brighton & Hove City Council

Mike Hughes
Director of Planning (Interim) – South Downs National Park Authority



Minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting held on Monday 18 November 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Cllr Kristian Berggreen (Chair), Cllr Robert Brewer, Cllr Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Cllr Bill Hatton, Cllr Don McBeth and Cllr Angus Neil

In Attendance: Assistant to the Clerk – Tracy Forte, Cllr Maria Angelaki-King

P24/105 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. There were no apologies.

P24/106 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.  Cllr Robert Brewer declared a personal non-pecuniary interest in application SDNP/24/04248/FUL Down Under Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8XP.

P24/107 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 28 October 2024 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

P24/108 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were no members of the public present.


DM/24/2504 50 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Two three-storey rear extensions, a single storey rear extension, two hip to gable enlargements, a rear dormer, a single storey side extension, solar panels within south, east and west facing roof slopes, new timber front gates, render to walls and replacement window and doors frames. (Amended description 28.10.2024). Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/24/2226 10 Bonny Wood Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HR Proposed polycarbonate tunnel style greenhouse to also house a temporary above ground swimming pool during warmer months. (Amended description and plans 25/10/2024). Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. Given the close proximity to neighbouring properties, Hassocks PC considers that this application is unneighbourly and therefore is contrary to Policy DP26: Character and Design of the District Plan and Policy 9: Character and Design of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan.

DM/24/2531 Station Goods Yard Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8JA The installation of 1 No. 25 metre high lattice tower mounted with 9 No. antennas, and 3 No. GPS modules, 12 No. cabinets, within a compound comprised of 2.4 metre high palisade fencing 1 No. electrical metre cabinet and associated development thereto. Response: Noted.

DM/24/2618 44 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Demolition of existing rear extension. Erection of a new single storey rear extension. Conversion of the existing garage building into a garden studio. Modifications / improvements to existing house including new front porch, raised garage roof / mezzanine and alterations to some windows/doors. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/24/2631 17 Stanford Avenue Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8JH Proposal to relocate an air source heat pump 70 cm closer to fence. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/24/2629 Pine Trees Court Pine Trees Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8NW Oak – reduce crown by 1.5m. Tree located on left hand side of boundary. Response: Defer to MSDC Tree Officer’s assessment and decision.

DM/24/2630 5 The Crescent Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8RB Eucalyptus – Fell. Response: Defer to MSDC Tree Officer’s assessment and decision.

DM/24/2669 111 Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QL Change of use from existing holiday let to residential. (LDC). Response: NOTED.

DM/24/2612 16A The Quadrant Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8BP Retrospective change of use of existing double garage to a one bedroom detached dwelling, which has had the addition of new windows, doors and rendering and the addition of a new porch as well as new pergola and decking. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/24/2665 3 Ockenden Way Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HS Variation of condition no 2 relating to planning application DM/23/2989 to amend the approved plans to allow for design changes. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/24/2690 3 Ewart Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8FJ 1 x Ash – Fell. 2 x Sycamore – Reduce back to previous points, approx. 1 – 2 m and remove basal growth. Thuja – reduce lower drooping growth by 1-2m. Response: Defer to MSDC Tree Officer’s assessment and decision

DM/24/2674 44 Ockley Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8BD Proposed window to front elevation. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/24/2691 Hassocks Football Club The Beacon Brighton Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9LZ Variation of condition 4 of planning permission CN/002/95 to allow an increase in the average illuminance from 205 lux to 239 lux by way of replacement bulbs (maximum illuminance will decrease from 364 lux to 355 lux). Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/24/2716 31 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Rear single storey extension to include a balcony with glass balustrade and part two storey side extension to the West. Replacement windows throughout existing dwelling and alterations to existing roof. Please note amended description. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

SDNP/24/04248/FUL Down Under Lodge Lane Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8XP Change of use of holiday let to 2 bed dwelling. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

SDNP/24/04649/HOUS Springs Manor, Spring Lane, Clayton, West Sussex, BN6 9PN Construction of first floor side extension. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.  The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.


P24/111 RESOLVED that the observations on the planning issues as agreed above be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority for consideration.


The following decisions were noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/24/1874 16A The Quadrant, Hassocks Recommend Approval – Removal of Condition 10 Withdrawn
DM/24/2436 8 Chancellors Park, Hassocks Recommend Approval Permission Refused
DM/24/2346 2 Lagwood Close, Hassocks (LDC) Noted Certificate of Lawful Use or Development issued
DM/24/2045 Montrose, 32 Woodsland Road, Hassocks Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/24/2289 2 Stonepound Ridge, Hassocks Defer to Tree Officer’s decision Consent given


Appeal Decision APP/D3830/W/24/3344121 68 & 70 Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QP.  Appeal Allowed and Permission Granted.

P24/113 WSCC PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY – CONSULTATION: PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE FOOTPATHS 5K, 11K AND 60BH. Members were invited to review the consultation information received from WSCC for the proposals to upgrade footpaths 5K, 11K and 60BH. (Appendix 1 of the Agenda).   Members were then invited to consider any response to be submitted on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council. Members reiterated the Council’s support for these proposals and welcomed the proposed upgrades to Public Rights of Way 5K, 11K and 60BH.

P24/114 REGULATION 26 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF EAST SUSSEX, SOUTH DOWNS AND BRIGHTON & HOVE WASTE AND MINERALS LOCAL PLAN REVISED POLICIES. Members were invited to note correspondence received from East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority regarding the adoption of the revised Waste and Minerals Plan policies. (Appendix 2 of the agenda). This was noted by Members.

P24/115 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda. There were no urgent matters.

P24/116 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Monday 9 December 2024 at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.15pm.