Planning Committee



To:   All Members of the Planning Committee (Cllrs Kristian Berggreen (Chair), Carolyn Barton, Robert Brewer, Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Bill Hatton, Don McBeth and Angus Neil) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

A meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on 13 May 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 7 May 2024



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Disclosure by Councillors of personal and/or pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda and whether the Councillors regard their interest as prejudicial/pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2024 (previously circulated).


5. APPLICATIONS (copies of each application can be viewed online via the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Website

5.1 DM/24/0429 1st Hassocks Scout Group Scout Headquarters Parklands Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8LF Change of use from Class F2 to Class F2 and Class E(f) (mixed use) and associated work, including erection of a shed and steps to facilitate access. (Highways Technical Note received 12.04.2024. Revised description agreed 18.04.2024).

5.2 DM/24/0905 33 Chancellors Park Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8EY Single storey rear extension.

5.3 DM/23/3114 68 And 70 Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QP Redevelopment for retirement living accommodation for older people comprising 41no. apartments including communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping. (Amended plans received including revised fenestration and internal layout. Additional plans including sections and boundary treatments 10/04/2024).

5.4 DM/24/0215 36 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Two storey front extension (including garage at ground floor), replacement enlarged single storey rear extension and new dormers to north and east roof slopes. Proposal to include demolition of existing rear and side extensions. New raised rear terrace. (Amended plans 23.04.2024).

5.5 SDNP/24/01754/24BC Weavers Ditchling Road Clayton West Sussex BN6 9PH Notification of commencement of a 60 day temporary recreational campsite for 6 pitches only.



8. SDNPA Renewable Energy Study. Members are invited to review and consider correspondence received on behalf of the South Downs National Park, inviting Hassocks Parish Council to provide feedback or ideas for renewable energy development within the South Downs National Park. Full details previously circulated as a background paper.  (Appendix 1).

9. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

10. Date of Next Meeting. 3 June 2024 at 7.30pm.

Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.
Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.



 To: Planning Committee

Date: 13 May 2024

Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 8: SDNPA Renewable Energy Study

1. Members are invited to consider any response to be submitted on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council to the SDNPA Renewable Energy Study. Full details previously shared as a background paper.

2. Please note the Parish Council has been granted an extension for the submission of comments on this consultation.

Dear Parish Clerk,

Land Use Consultants (LUC) are working together with the South Downs National Park Authority to prepare a Renewable Energy Study which will assess submitted sites for renewable energy and provide policy advice to support community and small-scale energy proposals.

You have been identified as a key stakeholder, so we are seeking your valuable local knowledge and feedback on renewable energy developments within the National Park. With this in mind, we are pleased to invite you to access our online Consultation Hub dedicated to the South Downs National Park Renewable Energy Study. The hub allows you access to a short online survey and an interactive map where you can add your feedback or ideas for opportunities. Getting the views of those who know the area best will be central to the success of this Study, and ensuring that it responds fully to local priorities.

We really look forward to receiving your feedback and will really appreciate your input.  We ask that you complete the survey by Friday 10th May.

Important: This is a focused consultation process targeted toward Key Stakeholders, rather than a full public consultation..

We really look forward to hearing your views

All our best

The LUC team

South Downs National Park Authority

South Downs Centre, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DH



Minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting held on Monday 13 May 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Cllr Robert Brewer, Cllr Carolyn Barton, Cllr Kristian Berggreen,
Cllr Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Cllr Bill Hatton and Cllr Don McBeth.

In Attendance: Parish Clerk – Ian Cumberworth.

P23/193 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Angus Neil.

P23/194 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST.  There were no declarations of interest.

P23/195 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 22 April 2024 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

P23/196 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Eight Members of the public were present to raise objections to Planning Application DM/23/3114  68 – 70 Keymer Road, Hassocks.

The Chair (Cllr Berggreen) indicated that the Council could only consider the current amended plans as listed on the agenda; the Parish Council had previously considered and recommended approval of the initial application, subject to various caveats including parking. Cllr Berggreen also proposed that in light of the public interest he proposed that the item be moved up the agenda to be considered first. Members agreed this proposal.

In advance of the meeting, two papers were submitted for the attention of the Planning Committee by Dale Avenue resident Clare McGuinness (attending).  The papers, prepared by Edwards Planning Consultancy who are representing concerned residents, present objections to application DM/23/3114.  Both of which had been submitted to the Planning Authority, Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC). (Letters 12/1/24 & 8/5/24).

The first paper set out some of the objections against the proposed development which included Design and character, impact on residential amenity, loss of privacy, overbearing impact, noise and disturbance, amenity for future residents of the development, parking and flooding. The second dealt with the amended plan with the consultant indicating that this plan had not addressed their clients concerns raised in the earlier representation letter.

Some of the residents present made representations to the Committee reiterating points made in the documents previously mentioned.  Further concerns raised were surrounding the processes followed in respect of the consultation process, notification of proposed development and the timing of the receipt of notification. Members advised that this should be taken up with MSDC the Planning Authority.

Cllr Hatton indicated that the Council as a Consultee is provided with limited time to deal with applications and respond to MSDC and is required to consider the wider aspects of applications.

The public attendees were encouraged to raise their concerns directly with MSDC and it was suggested that they should make contact with the planning case officer to establish the timeline for any report going forward to MSDC Planning Committee. It would be at this point that they would have an opportunity to raise objections.


DM/23/3114 68 And 70 Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QP Redevelopment for retirement living accommodation for older people comprising 41no. apartments including communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping. (Amended plans received including revised fenestration and internal layout. Additional plans including sections and boundary treatments 10/04/2024).

Members considered the proposal which set out to ameliorate some of the concerns previously raised by the Parish Council; however it was felt that the amendments had not adequately addressed the concerns surrounding parking and traffic issues.  Therefore the Council’s comments remain unchanged.

Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL subject to the following two matters:

1. The proposed parking space allocation of 18 spaces is still woefully inadequate for 41 residential dwellings. This is a semi-rural village and many older residents continue to require and use cars long into their retirement. This is particularly relevant as the main bus route to local hospitals and into Brighton does not come through the village, instead the main stops for Hassocks are located on the outskirts of the village on the London/Brighton Road. Therefore residents who are unable to walk this distance, have no alternative other than to drive and park closer to the designated stops in order to catch the required buses.

It should not be assumed that the location of the development will negate the need or choice to have a car.  The provision of insufficient parking for this development will require residents to find alternative parking locations within the locality, thus adding further avoidable pressure on an already stretched resource and therefore being of detriment to the village.

2. The Adastra Park car park (opposite the development site) is a private car park owned by Hassocks Parish Council for the use of those visiting any of the Adastra park facilities. Therefore, it is requested that a planning condition is included stating that during the build period parking is provided for all associated traffic on the development site ideally and in particular that the Adastra Car Park must not be used by any associated traffic during the development period.

Six Members of the public left the meeting after this item was considered.

DM/24/0429 1st Hassocks Scout Group Scout Headquarters Parklands Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8LF Change of use from Class F2 to Class F2 and Class E (f) (mixed use) and associated work, including erection of a shed and steps to facilitate access. (Highways Technical Note received 12.04.2024. Revised description agreed 18.04.2024). Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/24/0905 33 Chancellors Park Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8EY Single storey rear extension.  Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/24/0215 36 Hurst Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9NL Two storey front extension (including garage at ground floor), replacement enlarged single storey rear extension and new dormers to north and east roof slopes. Proposal to include demolition of existing rear and side extensions. New raised rear terrace. (Amended plans 23.04.2024). Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

SDNP/24/01754/24BC Weavers Ditchling Road Clayton West Sussex BN6 9PH Notification of commencement of a 60 day temporary recreational campsite for 6 pitches only. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL


P23/199 RESOLVED that the observations on the planning issues as agreed above be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority for consideration.


The following decisions were noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/24/0411 73-75 The Quadrant, Hassocks BN6 8BS Recommend Refusal Permission Granted
DM/24/0669 25 Oak Tree Drive, Hassocks BN6 8YA Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/24/0589 East Lodge, Belmont Lane, Hurstpierpoint Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/24/0607 26 Wilmington Close, Hassocks BN6 8QB Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/24/0276 31 Damian Way, Hassocks BN6 8BH Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/24/0538 52 Stanford Avenue, Hassocks BN6 8JH Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/24/0550 29 Silverdale, Hassocks BN6 8RD Recommend Approval Permission Granted
DM/23/2688 Woodside Grange, Woodsland Road, Hassocks Recommend Refusal Permission Granted
DM/23/2687 Woodside Grange, Woodsland Road, Hassocks Recommend Refusal Permission Granted
SDNP/23/03828/FUL Clayton Wood Natural Burial Ground Recommend Approval Permission Granted
SDNP/24/00652/FUL Land to the rear of 19 Beacon Hurst, Hassocks Recommend Refusal Permission Refused


P23/201 SDNPA Renewable Energy Study.  Members reviewed correspondence received on behalf of the South Downs National Park, inviting Hassocks Parish Council to provide feedback or ideas for renewable energy development within the South Downs National Park.  Members noted the consultation but did not have any comments to make.

P23/202 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  Members were invited to note the following temporary road closure application which had been received from MSDC:

Priory Road, Hassocks (from Junction of Friars Oak Road to Shepherds Walk) between the hours of 10:00hrs & 16:00hrs Saturday 13th July 2024 for a Community Street Party to take place.

Members noted the application.

P23/203 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Monday 3 June 2024.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.25pm.