Planning Committee



To:   All Members of the Planning Committee (Cllrs Kristian Berggreen (Chair), Carolyn Barton, Robert Brewer, Bill Hatton, Don McBeth and Angus Neil) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

A meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held on 27 November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 21 November 2023



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Disclosure by Councillors of personal and/or pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda and whether the Councillors regard their interest as prejudicial/pecuniary under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2023 (previously circulated).


5. APPLICATIONS (copies of each application can be viewed online via the Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) Website

5.1 DM/23/2764 10 Downs View Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HJ Removal of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension.

5.2 DM/23/2791 Land North Of Clayton Mills Hassocks West Sussex Variation of condition 9 relating to planning reference DM/21/2841. The proposal seeks to vary the approved house type drawings for specific plots within Phase 2 of this development, in order to make window and door amendments.

5.3 DM/23/2687 Woodside Grange Woodsland Road Hassocks West Sussex Outline application to include access, layout and scale for two dwellings. Amended location and site plans received 02.11.2023.

5.4 DM/23/2372 Land At Wellhouse Lane Burgess Hill West Sussex Development of up to nine dwellings (Amended Location Plan and Certificate B 10/11/2023).

5.5 DM/23/2857 11 Hamfield Drive Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9ZW Single storey rear in-fill extension to provide dining room and separate utility room (further to PD certificate DM/20/4551 – Single storey rear/side extension).

5.6 DM/23/2865 Land North Of Clayton Mills Hassocks West Sussex Variation of Condition 9 relating to DM/21/2841 to vary the approved house type drawings for specific plots within Phase 2 as well as an altered site layout for Phase 2.

5.7 DM/23/2563 Adastra Hall Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QH Variation of condition number 2 relating to application DM/23/0771 to amend the approved plans with the alteration of the side entrance porch. AMENDED PLANS received 14/11/2023 showing the proposed amendment to the side porch.

5.8 DM/23/2573 New Close Farm London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9ND Variation of condition No: 2 relating to Planning Application DM/20/1384 in order to allow for the substitution of plans to change the appearance and usability of the previously approved workshop.

5.9 DM/23/2899 45 Wilmington Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QB Two storey extension to the rear of existing detached property, together with raised patio and detached outbuilding (home office) within rear garden.

5.10 DM/23/2837 New Close Farmhouse London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9ND
61 New solar panels to be sighted in the field of New Close Farmhouse, in the grounds of a listed building.

5.11 DM/23/2900 30 Wilmington Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QB Proposed new pitched roof on existing extension, and incorporating amendments to existing first floor rear-facing windows.

5.12 SDNP/23/04629/TCA

5.13 Bankside Cottage, Underhill Lane, Clayton, West Sussex, BN6 9PJ 2no cherry – crown raise and reduce 2m (June 2024). 5no lime – crown raise and reduce 2 to 3m. Liburnum – remove deadwood reshape. Ghinko – crown raise and reduce 2 to 3m. Willow – repollard to previous pollard points. Apple – remove small oak and sucker (prunus) at base. Sycamore – roadside trees – reduce height by 4m, 3m lateral spread. Crown raise to 5.2m over highway, 2.4m within property. (UKPN need to inspect, TM/road closure needed for 1day).



8. WSCC TRO CONSULTATION: HASSOCKS: A273 AND B2112 SPEED LIMITS. Members are invited to consider a proposed TRO for the reduction of speed limits on sections of the A273 and B2116 in Hassocks (Appendix 1).

9. Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

10. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 18 December 2023 at 7.30pm.

Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.
Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To: Planning Committee

Date:   27 November 2023

Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk


1. Members are invited to note the following correspondence received from West Sussex County Council regarding a proposed Traffic Regulation Order for the reduction of speed limits on sections of the A273 and B2112.

West Sussex County Council proposes to make a permanent Traffic Regulation Order that will introduce 40 MPH speed limits on roads in the parishes of Hassocks and Pyecombe as follows:

  • A273 Clayton Hill/Brighton Road: from a point 90m north of its junction with London Road, northwards to a point 145m north of its junction with New Way Lane; and
  • B2112 New Road: From its junction with A273 Clayton Hill/Brighton Road, eastwards for 245m

Below is a link to the TRO Team’s consultation web page, containing plans showing the new restriction, the public notice, statement of reasons for proposing the Order, and the draft Order itself.  I should be grateful if you could accept this message as the formal consultation on the proposed new Order.  If you wish to make any comments or objections to the scheme, please make them to me by e-mail before 30 November 2023.

2. Members are invited to consider any comments Hassocks Parish Council may wish to make on the proposals.



Minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting held on Monday 27 November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Parish Councillors: Cllr Kristian Berggreen, Cllr Robert Brewer, Cllr Don McBeth and Cllr Bill Hatton.

In Attendance: Deputy Clerk – Tracy Forte.

P23/106 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Absent without apology Cllr Angus Neil.

P23/107 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Barton declared a non-pecuniary interest in application DM/23/2563 Adastra Hall Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QH, Cllr Berggreen declared a non-pecuniary interest in DM/23/2372 Land At Wellhouse Lane Burgess Hill West Sussex and Cllr Hatton declared a non-pecuniary interest in applications DM/23/2899 45 Wilmington Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QB and DM/23/2900 30 Wilmington Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QB.

P23/108 MINUTES.

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2023 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

P23/109 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  There were no members of the public present.


DM/23/2764 10 Downs View Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8HJ Removal of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension (LDC). Response: NOTED

DM/23/2791 Land North Of Clayton Mills Hassocks West Sussex Variation of condition 9 relating to planning reference DM/21/2841. The proposal seeks to vary the approved house type drawings for specific plots within Phase 2 of this development, in order to make window and door amendments. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/23/2687 Woodside Grange Woodsland Road Hassocks West Sussex Outline application to include access, layout and scale for two dwellings. Amended location and site plans received 02.11.2023. Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on access grounds. The Council’s response remains unchanged.  It is acknowledged that Woodside Grange is permitted full vehicular access via Public Rights of Way 5K and 11K, however this is for the one existing property.  The Council has significant concerns over this access being extended to three further properties thus increasing the amount of vehicular traffic on a public bridleway/footpath.  These additional dwellings should be accessed via a purpose built road, not a Public Right of Way.

DM/23/2372 Land At Wellhouse Lane Burgess Hill West Sussex Development of up to nine dwellings (Amended Location Plan and Certificate B 10/11/2023). Cllr Berggreen abstained from voting on this application. Response: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. Hassocks Parish Council’s response remains unchanged and the Council remains strongly opposed to this application.  This proposed application is on agricultural land outside of the built up area boundaries and is not contiguous with an existing built up area. It intrudes on the countryside and is in the local gap between Keymer/Hassocks and Burgess Hill and there is no safe pedestrian access from the site to local amenities Therefore the application is in conflict with District Plan policies DP6: Settlement Hierarchy, DP12: Protection and Enhancement of Countryside and DP15: New Homes in the Countryside and Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan policies: Policy 1: Local Gap, and Policy 14: Residential development within, and adjoining, the built up area boundary of Hassocks.

Furthermore, the proposed site is immediately adjacent to the boundary of the South Downs National Park and the building of up to nine additional dwellings in this rural area will negatively impact on the visual and special qualities of the Park including Dark Skies.  Hence the application is contrary to District Plan Policies DP18: Setting of the South Downs National Park and DP29: Noise, Air and Light Pollution and Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan Policy 6: Development Proposals affecting the South Downs National Park.

There is also considerable concern over the safety of vehicular access from Wellhouse Lane onto Ockley Lane.  The combination of poor visibility at the access point and the speed at which oncoming traffic travels along Ockley Lane already poses a challenge for vehicles entering and exiting Wellhouse Lane. To potentially double the number of vehicles using this access would increase the risk of an accident significantly.

DM/23/2857 11 Hamfield Drive Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9ZW Single storey rear in-fill extension to provide dining room and separate utility room (further to PD certificate DM/20/4551 – Single storey rear/side extension).  Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/23/2865 Land North Of Clayton Mills Hassocks West Sussex Variation of Condition 9 relating to DM/21/2841 to vary the approved house type drawings for specific plots within Phase 2 as well as an altered site layout for Phase 2. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/23/2563 Adastra Hall Keymer Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QH Variation of condition number 2 relating to application DM/23/0771 to amend the approved plans with the alteration of the side entrance porch. AMENDED PLANS received 14/11/2023 showing the proposed amendment to the side porch. Cllr Barton abstained from participating in any discussion and voting on this application. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/23/2573 New Close Farm London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9ND Variation of condition No: 2 relating to Planning Application DM/20/1384 in order to allow for the substitution of plans to change the appearance and usability of the previously approved workshop.  Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/23/2899 45 Wilmington Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QB Two storey extension to the rear of existing detached property, together with raised patio and detached outbuilding (home office) within rear garden. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

DM/23/2837 New Close Farmhouse London Road Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9ND
61 New solar panels to be sighted in the field of New Close Farmhouse, in the grounds of a listed building. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL.

DM/23/2900 30 Wilmington Close Hassocks West Sussex BN6 8QB Proposed new pitched roof on existing extension, and incorporating amendments to existing first floor rear-facing windows. Response: RECOMMEND APPROVAL. The applicant is advised that Government has committed to adopt a ‘Future Buildings Standard’ during 2021 which will change the Building Regulations requirements for alterations and extensions to homes to bring these alterations closer to that of a ‘zero energy building’.  This is supported by Policy 5 ‘Enabling Zero Carbon’ of the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan which states that proposals that modify existing buildings (including extensions) should seek to maximise the inclusion of energy-saving measures and renewable energy generation.  Energy saving measures include floor, roof and wall insulation, and low u-value windows (which may need to be triple glazed).  These requirements may require amendments to your design which could affect the drawings submitted for planning permission. The applicant may wish to note that alterations that are built to a Nearly Zero Energy standard, are unlikely to need further retrofitting to minimise the carbon emissions that the nation is required to reduce to zero by 2050.  As retrofitting an existing home to be highly energy efficient is more complex than doing so for a new building, applicants may wish to look at the ‘EnerPHit’ standard that the Government is understood to be considering as the applicable “Nearly Zero Energy’ standard in this context, or at the Architypes published by the London Energy Transformation Initiative for u-values for your extension walls, windows etc. and for ventilation and overheating prevention standards to be achieved.

SDNP/23/04629/TCA Bankside Cottage, Underhill Lane, Clayton, West Sussex, BN6 9PJ 2no cherry – crown raise and reduce 2m (June 2024). 5no lime – crown raise and reduce 2 to 3m. Liburnum – remove deadwood reshape. Ghinko – crown raise and reduce 2 to 3m. Willow – repollard to previous pollard points. Apple – remove small oak and sucker (prunus) at base. Sycamore – roadside trees – reduce height by 4m, 3m lateral spread. Crown raise to 5.2m over highway, 2.4m within property. (UKPN need to inspect, TM/road closure needed for 1day). Response: NOTED.


P23/112 RESOLVED that the observations on the planning issues as agreed above be submitted to the relevant Planning Authority for consideration.


The following decisions were noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/23/2354 The Warren, South Bank, Hassocks. No Objection Permission Granted
DM/23/2413 8 Dale Avenue, Hassocks BN6 8LP Recommend Approval Permission Granted


The following notifications of Certificate of Lawful Use or Development (LDC), General Permitted Development (GDP) and/or Prior Approval was noted:

Application details Hassocks PC recommendation to Planning Authority Planning Authority Decision (MSDC/SDNP)
DM/23/2565 6 Bonnywood Road, Hassocks BN6 8HR Noted GPD certificate issued.


P23/114 WSCC TRO CONSULTATION: HASSOCKS: A273 AND B2112 SPEED LIMITS. Members were invited to consider a proposed TRO for the reduction of speed limits on sections of the A273 and B2116 in Hassocks (Details included in Appendix 1 of the agenda).   Members noted the consultation and AGREED that Hassocks Parish Council offered its full support to the proposals.

P23/115 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  There were no urgent matters.

P23/116 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Monday 18 December 2023.

There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8 pm.