To: All Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee (Claire Tester, Bill Hatton, Ian Weir, Carolyn Barton and Kristian Berggreen) with copies to all other Councillors for information.
A meeting of the NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN COMMITEE will be held at the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks on Wednesday 27th July at 7.30pm.
Parish Clerk 20 July 2022
4. MINUTES to accept the minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee held on 26th May 2022 (previously circulated).
6. District Plan – (verbal update)
7. Review of the South Downs Local Plan (Appendix 1 – attached letter for information). To view Appendix 1 please click here.
8. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
9. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 22nd September 2022
In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted Councillors will be referred to the Confidential Agenda. If any members of the public or press are in attendance they will be requested to withdraw from the meeting in the public interest.
10. Proposal for Preparing a Community Led Plan /Neighbourhood Priority Statement– (Appendix 2) members are invited to consider the submitted proposal.
Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 5 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.
FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.
Minutes of the NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN COMMITTEE meeting held on Wednesday 27th July 2022 at 19.30 pm
Attendees: Parish Councillors: Claire Tester, Ian Weir, Bill Hatton and Carolyn Barton
Clerk: Ian Cumberworth
Visitor: Faustina Bayo – Action in Rural Sussex
NP22/11 APOLOGIES: Kristian Berggreen
NP22/12 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: Cllr Tester declared a personal interest in items 7 and 10.
The Clerk indicated that this appointment had been held over from the last meeting and were now seeking a volunteer to fill this role. Cllr Barton indicated that she was prepared to take up this role.
Members were in agreement that Cllr Barton should be appointed as the Vice Chair the Committee and RESOLVED to AGREE that Cllr Barton be appointed as Vice Chair for the current Municipal year.
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee held on the 26th May 2022 were agreed and accepted as a true record.
There were no members of the public present.
NP22/16 District Plan
Cllr Weir had attended a recent virtual briefing session and provided a brief summary of the presentation. MSDC suggested that Neighbourhood Plans don’t need to be updated at this stage and suggested that the parishes wait until the updated District Plan is in place, however if parishes still wished to do so they were encouraged to liaise closely with the Planning team. Representatives were advised that infrastructure elements will now be incorporated into the proposed plan. There is likely to be continued pressure from developers to develop sites however they expressed some concerns that delivery may be reduced if property prices don’t hold up.
MSDC indicated that the Regeneration Bill has a long way to go prior to any planning changes coming into effect therefore the current rules will continue to operate for the foreseeable future. Parish Councils will have the opportunity to raise issues regarding the proposed district plan at the Regulation 18 consultation stage but they did not provide any information as to when this may be.
MSDC indicated they will continue to keep the Parish Councils informed.
NP22/17 Review of South Downs Local Plan
Members were advised that a letter had been received from the SDNP informing the Parish that they were about to commence a review of the SDNP Local Plan which would involve:
- Call for sites (July 22)
- Reviewing the settlement facilities study
- Seeking details of any further green spaces within the parish that merit designation
Parishes were being invited to work with the SDNP collaboratively to develop the local plan rather than parishes reviewing their own individual development plans with the intention of the SDNP holding various workshops with Parishes in December to discuss the proposed local plan.
Members indicated that as the Parish was on the edge of the SDNP outside but adjacent to the Park members agreed to keep this work stream under review and participate in the workshops in December later in the year.
NP22/18 Urgent Matters. None
NP22/19 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 22nd September 2022.