Grounds & Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Angus Neil, Peter Richardson, Alex Simmons, Paul Shepherd and Ian Weir) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on 30 January 2025 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 23 January 2025



3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 3 October 2024. (Previously circulated).


5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1).

6. ADASTRA PARK – FIELD MAPLE TREE DONATED BY TAYLOR WIMPEY – Members are invited to consider two options for the design, material and wording of a proposed plaque to be installed under the tree. (Appendix 2). To view Appendix 2 please click here.


7.1 MEMORIAL TABLETS – The work has now been completed satisfactorily. As the bricks were kindly donated by Parker Building Supplies, Members are asked to consider the purchase of a small metal plaque to be installed by the tablets to acknowledge this gesture. (Appendix 3). To view Appendix 3 please click here.

7.2 PLASTIC MEMORIAL SIGNS – Members are asked to consider the future use of the three temporary signs which are currently by the hedge adjacent to the Garden of Remembrance. (Appendix 4). To view Appendix 4 please click here.

8. ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal Update (Cllr David Bunting/Parish Clerk).

8.1 ADASTRA PARK – Path Access. (Appendix 5).

8.2 ADASTRA PARK – Drainage Mapping (Appendix 6).

9. 20MPH SPEED LIMIT WORKING GROUP. Verbal Update. New data on Grand Avenue recently received from WSCC. A further meeting to be scheduled.

10. FEES AND CHARGES 2025/26

10.1 BURIAL GROUND. Members are requested to agree the proposed charges for 2025-26. An increase of 1.66% in line with inflation (Sept 24), has been applied. (Appendix 7).

10.2 ADASTRA SPORTS FACILITIES. Members are requested to agree the proposed charges for 2025-26. An increase of 1.66% in line with inflation (Sept 24), has been applied. (Appendix 8).

11. PARKLANDS COPSE – Installation of a water gauge. (Appendix 9). Adur Adaption Project. (Appendix 10).

12. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 13 March 2025 at 7.30pm (*to be confirmed).

Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 30 January 2025

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 5 – Officer Report

The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.


Members had previously set aside a sum of £5000 in Earmarked Reserves to replace the Allotment Gates. Three quotations were obtained which ranged from £3,362.59 to £4,953.24 net all being subject to survey.

The most competitive quote was provided by Knight Fencing Ltd therefore its proposed to award the work to them. Members are asked to note the action being taken.

Any unspent funds from the EMR allocated for these works will be returned to General Reserves.


Members are asked to note that the procedure for reporting overgrown hedges or foliage in the parish is to report online to West Sussex County Council. Make an enquiry or report a problem with a road or pavement – West Sussex County Council.

3. TREE WORK – Talbot Field. Members are invited to note that some essential safety work was carried out to lift branches from trees which were overhanging into the adjacent lane.  The cost of this work was £650 and was expended from the Talbot Field Tree Maintenance fund.

4. PROW – Footpath from Oldlands Mill – Ditchling – The Monday Group are investigating a suitable upgrade to the path.

5. GRANTS – Members are invited to note that thanks have been received from both The Monday Group and the Woodland Flora and Fauna Group for the annual donation made to each by the parish Council.  Both groups were very appreciative of the Parish Council’s ongoing support.

6. TENNIS COURTS – The structure of the tennis club fees for 2025-26 is under review. The appropriate introduction of a season ticket system is to be discussed at a future meeting.

Appendix 5


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                               

Date: 30 January 2025

Contacts for this report: Clerk                                       

Subject: Agenda Item 8.1 Adastra Park – Path Access

Adastra Park – path access

The entrance path to the park that runs alongside the Adastra Hall has become more prone to waterlogging with pools of water forming after heavy rainfall which impacts on patrons’ access to the newly refurbished ‘Green room’ and other park users accessing the park.

As a result of this patrons have little option other to either paddle through the pooled water or divert onto a sodden park. Either option is not ideal.

Cllr Bunting and Cllr Richardson met recently with a local contractor to discuss potential options that might improve/resolve the current issues.

We have now received details of the proposed options for consideration which are set out below.

Option 1Lift and Re-Lay Paving.

The two rows of concrete slabs, for a length of approximately 15 meters would be lifted and laid higher than the surrounding grass areas.

The slabs would be re-laid into a bed of cement to set hard.

The Total Cost for the work In Item 1 would be £1946.00 plus vat

Option 2Drainage Pipe

To dig a trench along the grass side of the path, approximately 30cm depth, lay a 60mm perforated land drainpipe encased in 10mm shingle, 50mm away from the surface of the slabs, lay a permeable membrane and then back fill the top 50mm with topsoil & grass seed.

The pipe shall exit in the nearby Rain Garden.

The Total Cost for the work In Item 2 would be £1130.00 plus vat

  • Members are firstly requested to consider whether they support the principle of the work being undertaken, and if so to confirm which option(s) they would support.
  • If Members were minded to support these works, funds would need to be released from general reserves to fund these works, ranging from £1,130 to £3,076 depending on the extent of work approved.
  • If Grounds & Environment Committee support these proposals they should recommend to Council the release of the required funds from General reserves to complete the works. Therefore final approval will need to be sought from Council to approve.

Appendix 6


To: Grounds & Environment Committee                                    

Date: 30 January 2025

Contacts for this report: Clerk                                   

Subject: Agenda Item 8.2 Adastra – Drainage

Drainage mapping

1. The Parish Council own Adastra Park and lease a number of buildings located within the park:

  • Parish Centre (directly owned managed by HPC)
  • Adastra Hall (leased)
  • Sports & Social Club (leased)
  • Sports Pavilion (directly owned /managed by HPC)
  • Bowls Clubroom (leased)
  • Toilet block (owned and managed by MSDC)

2. The leaseholders are responsible for the buildings under the terms of full repairing lease arrangements, and are responsible for any services/defects contained within the footprint of the building, however responsibility for any services outside of the building (e.g. drains etc.) rests with the Parish Council.

3. Adastra Park is private land, therefore if any defects in respect of main foul drains etc. are located outside of the footprint of the building(s), the Council is liable to meet the cost of repairs. It was established last year that they would not be the responsibility of the Water companies.

4. Last year a foul/sewer drain failed in the car park adjoining the sports and social club, resulting in an area of the car park having to be excavated and a section of drain replaced. This section of sewer was primarily made up of a pitch fibre material which tends to degrade over time and eventually fail. In this case a section of drain had collapsed beyond repair.

5. Due to the age range of the buildings on site it’s likely the drainage system(s) will be made up of a combination of materials/connections etc.

6. The Council has undertaken some limited CCTV drainage surveys to establish drain pipe conditions where defects have been reported, however the Council lacks a comprehensive record of all drains linked to the buildings within the park.

7. It would be beneficial to have definitive records of where each building’s drainage goes, which should also include the various buildings downpipes.

8. The Council is therefore proposing to consider commissioning a ‘Drain mapping’ survey to create a definitive record.

9. It will be important to establish whether the various buildings downpipes are connected to either the main drains or soakaways and the condition of any pipework associated with these.

10. This is particularly relevant where buildings have enlarged over the years and the surface area of the roof has increased, so that the Council can ensure that any soakaway remains ‘fit for purpose.’ (E.g. capacity).

11. Members are therefore firstly requested to consider the principal of commissioning a drain mapping survey.

12. A brief outline of what drain mapping entails is set out below, which is different to a drain survey.

Drainage mapping provides exact information about the location of sewers and drains, as well as detailing the water flow direction and flow rates of a wastewater network. Using specialist electromagnetic location technology, it is possible to successfully locate underground drainage, sewage and water piping. You will receive a detailed report of your underground drainage system, including all sewers and drains, shared connections and any damages or breaks in the piping that will need to be repaired.

If Members agree with the principal of commissioning this piece of work, Members should request the Clerk to seek quotations for the work from appropriate service providers, and report back to Council, so that they may consider releasing funds to undertake the work once costs have been established.

Member’s views are sought.

Appendix 7


To: Grounds & Environment Committee                                    

Date: 30 January 2025

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                                                 

Subject: Agenda Item 10.1 Burial Ground Fees 2025/26

This purpose of this report is to set out the proposed fees for the Burial Ground.

Burial Ground

Hassocks Burial Ground


Current Fees

April 2024

Proposed changes – April 2025

Increase by CPI Increase Sept 23 to Sept 24–1.66%


Non-parishioner – 5 x fee

EROB (50yrs)

Non-parishioner – 5 x fee

A stillborn child, or a person who’s age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents) No Charge No Charge
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years.
Purchase of Exclusive Right of Burial

Single or double depth

£400.00 £407.00
Single depth – first & only interment

Double plot depth – first interment.



Second interment – coffin £182.00 £220.00*
Memorials – Burial Area
For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. £149.00 £151.50
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. £74.00 £75.00
A stillborn child, or a person who’s age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years months (Residents and Non-residents). No Charge No Charge
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years:
SOUTH SECTION Memorial Tablet area

Purchase Exclusive Right of Burial – 50 years

Single or Double depth ashes plot

£250.00 £255.00
First ashes interment £128.00 £130.00
Second ashes interment £128.00 £130.00
Memorial – South Cremation Area
For the right to install a Flat Memorial Tablet £75.00 £76.00
For the right to have an additional inscription £40.00 £41.00
NORTH SECTION Memorial Wall Area

Purchase Exclusive Right of Burial – 50 years

Single depth ashes plot

£125.00 £127.00
Single depth ashes interment £128.00 £130.00
Memorial – North Cremation Area
To purchase a plaque on the memorial wall

and permission for an inscription

£40.00 £41.00
Other Charges
Search Fee £34.00 £35.00
Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant £57.00 £58.00


  • An anomaly exists in relation to the charging structure when single or double depth is specified at the first interment. It is proposed to simplify this by charging the same interment fee regardless of whether the plot will be used again in the future.


Appendix 8


To: Grounds & Environment Committee                                    

Date: 30 January 2025

Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk                                       

Subject: Agenda Item 10.2 Adastra Park Fee 2025/26

This purpose of this report is to set out the proposed fees for use of the Adastra Park facilities.

Adastra Park

Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 2025/26. 

General Conditions

1. The charges included in this leaflet are effective from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 in relation to the sports facilities operated by Hassocks Parish Council. Summer and Winter season dates are specific to each facility and activity.

2. All hirers must complete an official HPC application form and adhere to the Council’s published Terms and Conditions of Hire prior to the booking period.

3. Payment for the hire of facilities must be made in advance unless otherwise are agreed.

4. Discounted Rates – where a discounted rate (50% of the full rate) is provided, the following conditions apply:
Juniors-to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be under the age of 17 at the time of hire. Senior Citizens – to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be 60 or over at the time
of hire.

  Full Rate 1.66% inflation(rounded) Discounted


1.66% inflation
  24/25 Proposed 2025/26 24/25 Proposed 2025/26
Cricket Turf Wicket – per use 55.00 55.90 27.50 27.95
Cricket Turf Wicket – evening rate 28.90 29.40 n/a n/a
Juniors on Artificial Pitch n/a n/a 14.45 14.70
Cricket Net Practice – Per session 28.90 29.40 14.45 14.70
Water for cricket square will be recharged at cost        
Stoolball – South Field per use 27.00 27.50 13.50 13.75
North Field     6.75 6.90
Bowls – Club Members 159.50 162.15 79.75 81.00
Water use will be recharged to the Bowling Club    
Tennis – Casual Hire per Court (no change, in line with recommendation by Lawn Tennis Association) 7.00 7.00 3.50 3.50
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Bar/Storage 47.00 47.75    
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Storage 31.70 32.30 15.85 16.15
Toilets/Kitchen/Storage 15.85 16.15 7.90 8.10
Football – per use 71.10 72.30
Junior Football on Senior Pitch       35.55 36.15
Mini-Pitch   17.80 18.10
Training Session (per session) 18.20 18.50 9.10 9.25
WINTER PAVILION HIRE – SPORTS 38.70 39.40 19.35 19.70
Community Pavilion Hire (hourly) 11.70 11.90    
Fitness Training Charges (4 hour session) 13.10 13.30    


Appendix 9


To: Grounds & Environment Committee                                    

Date: 30 January 2025

Contact for this report: Clerk                                         

Subject: Agenda Item 11 – Parklands Copse

Parklands Copse – Installation of water gauge.

The Council have recently received an email (set out below) from the Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust (OART) seeking permission to place a small water level gauge within the Parklands Copse stream as part of the Adur Adaption Project (see Appendix 10). To view Appendix 10 please click here.

Extract from email – Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust:

I was referred to you by my colleague Alistair Whitby as we recently visited one of the streams at Parklands Copse in Hassocks to assess its suitability for installing water level monitoring equipment.

As we’ve previously discussed I am currently working on a project called the Adur Adaptation Project, which focuses on using nature-based solutions to mitigate flood risk further downstream. In case I haven’t sent this to you previously, I’ve attached a document with more details about the project for your reference.

As part of this initiative, we’re working with the University of Brighton to better understand the volume of water flowing through the streams entering Hassocks. This data will hopefully help us identify the most effective locations for implementing Natural Flood Management aimed at reducing flooding issues in the area.

If possible, we would like to install a small water level gauge in the stream at Parklands Copse. This device would allow us to gather the necessary data and would require periodic checks by the University of Brighton—roughly every few months—to download the information. Similar gauges will be installed on a few other streams leading into Hassocks.

You can find out a bit more about the equipment we will be using here:

We’re planning to carry out these installations on the 6th of February. Please could you let me know if you’re happy for this installation to go ahead and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tara Dawson
Adur Catchment Officer
Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust

Member’s views are sought as to whether they would support this initiative and approve the installation of the device within the stream. Further details of the device can be accessed via the link incorporated in the email.



Draft Minutes of the meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on Thursday 30 January 2025 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Attendees: Councillors Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Frances Gaudencio, Peter Richardson, Paul Shepherd, Ian Weir and Sue Hatton.

In attendance: Helen Valler (Deputy Clerk). Ian Cumberworth (Parish Clerk).

One member of the public

GE24/55 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from: Cllr Kate Bailey & Cllr Bill Hatton.

Absent without apologies: Cllr Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Cllr Angus Neil, Cllr Alex Simmons.

GE24/56 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Berggreen declared a personal interest – Item 8 Adastra Park Masterplan.

GE24/57 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment Committee meeting held on 3 October 2024 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE24/58 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. One member of the public present who didn’t wish to speak.

GE24/59 OFFICER’S REPORT. Members noted the report provided in Appendix 1 of the agenda.

GE24/59.1 ALLOTMENT GATES – noted.

GE24/59.2 OVERGROWN HEDGES – The Chair clarified the procedure to report to WSCC. Members requested that an announcement is made via Facebook or Hassocks Life to raise awareness of the correct method of reporting.

GE24/59.3 TREE WORK – Talbot Field. Cllr Weir explained he had received an email from a member of the public to thank the Parish Council for the work completed.

GE24/59.4 PROW – Cllr Weir provided the following update

  1. The Monday Group has recently completed a two-stage upgrade of the bridleway and parallel footpath running from Oldland Mill to Lodgehill Lane in Ditchling. Whilst just outside Hassocks Parish this will be well received by the many Hassocks residents who enjoy a recreational walk over to Ditchling. The heavy footfall and poor drainage resulted in many sections of thick mud making them hard to use in the Winter.
  2. The Bridleway work was completed by February 2023 and there is now a hard-core path for the whole route.
  3. The adjacent footpath which gives amazing views of the South Downs was completed in November 2024 and provides a continuous raised walkway over 300ft long raised off the ground to provide a level walking surface and allowing the surface water to find its own way without creating the impassable muddy pockets that previously made using the path so difficult.
  4. The Monday Group is now working on the more southerly PROW from Damian Way to Ditchling which is also one of the most heavily used footpaths in the Parish. Sections within Ditchling Parish have already been completed and the Monday Group are currently installing raised walkways within the Hassocks Parish section. Each section has a durable oak frame, topped with high quality decking boards to give good grip when wet.
  5. These improvements align with the Parish’s Business Plan objective to provide all-weather walking routes for our residents.
  6. This work is costly in materials and whilst the Monday Group raises donations from residents who appreciate the work they do; they are looking for support from the Parish to support future projects which may come to Council for approval.

It was explained that the Clerk at Ditchling Parish Council had recently written to Cllr McBeth asking to set up a meeting to discuss collaboration regarding the condition of the southerly PROW from Damian Way to Ditchling. Members supported Cllr Richardson being involved. It was raised that there is still outstanding work dating back to the PROW projects update July 2023. The Monday Group may have taken on some projects so there is a need to update the document.

GE24/59.5 GRANTS – Members noted the grants awarded. It was confirmed that the Monday Group had been awarded £600 for repairs, materials are provided by the Parish Council.  This amount is outside of the normal grant funding budget.

GE24/59.6 TENNIS COURTS – Members noted that research is being conducted into introducing a season ticket system, whilst also respecting the Tennis Club members. The Clerk confirmed that all retention monies from the tennis court refurbishment had now been released.


Members were requested to approve the design a of plaque. The Deputy Clerk explained that two companies had advised against a brass plaque due to the maintenance requirements. It was confirmed that Taylor Wimpey were funding the plaque. Slightly different wording was agreed:

“Taylor Wimpey South Thames donated this Field Maple tree for the benefit of the Hassocks community. The tree began its life in Hassocks in November 2024”. 

Members voted and it was RESOLVED that Option 2 was selected. To view the selected sign please see Appendix 2 in the Agenda.

Acrylic sign with wrought iron post. Brushed metallic silver.

Spike with flat plate – 100 x 75mm.Plaque 150mm x 150mm


GE24/61.1 MEMORIAL TABLETS Members were asked to approve the purchase of a small metal plaque to be installed by the tablets to acknowledge the donations of bricks.

Members requested a smaller plaque to ‘fill’ with the wording and a simpler font.

It was RESOLVED to approve the purchase of a plaque to be placed at the memorial tablets.

GE24/61.2 PLASTIC MEMORIAL SIGNS – Members are requested to consider whether they wish to install permanent mood/ information boards setting out the history of the garden of remembrance.

The three temporary boards have been installed for several years & have remained undamaged since.

The name board currently installed is likely to replicate those on the stones therefore members may wish to remove this one in its current form.

If members are supportive of this proposal consideration should be given as to where they should be sited, or they could simply be re-installed in their current location.

Sufficient funds are held within the garden of remembrance earmarked reserves to fund this proposal.

It was RESOLVED that the Deputy Clerk would investigate options for a permanent sign to be installed inside the Garden of Remembrance or on the Lychgate.

GE24/62 ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal Update (Cllr David Bunting/Parish Clerk).

GE24/62.1 ADASTRA PARKPath Access.

The Chair outlined the situation with the footpath to ‘The Green Room’ at Adastra hall. Cllrs Bunting & Richardson have recently met contractors on site to consider options to alleviate occasional flooding. The following points were discussed:

  • A temporary trench has already been dug into the rain garden.
  • Can the council justify spending funds on temporary works. The path will be diverted anyway when the Adastra hall toilets are extended.
  • If a trench is dug health and safety must be considered.
  • If the existing dug trench isn’t working, then it’s possible the pipework may not, but a pipe would be buried so not visible and cover a wider area.
  • Does the rain garden have the capacity to take the additional water.
  • The best option technically is a raised path, if option 1 is agreed can the path be raised out from under the hedge.
  • If members are supportive of the proposal(s) funds would need to be released from general reserves therefore final approval would need to be sought from full council.

Members voted, the Chair having the casting vote. It was RESOLVED that Option 2 would be implemented, subject to:

  • Having a deadline for completion, the work needs to be carried out within 3 months. The Clerk indicated a lead time of 10 days once the contractor is instructed.
  • Members agreed that the Groundsperson would be asked to make enquiries into suitable additional planting in the rain garden that would soak up water.

GE24/62.2 ADASTRA PARK – Drainage Mapping

The park currently lacks a comprehensive record of drains within the park, this includes both main drains & soakaways. Members requested the clerk to explore ways to obtain a comprehensive record of the drainage network with the associated buildings within the park.

A number of the buildings within the park not only have main sewers but also a series of down pipes that may be connected to either main drains or soakaways.

Drainage mapping is technique used to identify and plot drains (including condition) using sonic/gps signalling. it may also require the use of CCTV cameras.

The council is liable for repairs outside of the footprint of the respective buildings on site some of which have expanded since they were originally built:

Adastra hall
Sports & social club
Bowls club

Members asked that any survey would need to identify voids and existing soakaways, the rain garden should be included.

Members views are sought regarding the principle of drainage mapping & secondly if supportive of the proposal authorise the clerk to seek suitable quotes & report back to full council once costs have been established & confirmation that this technique would be suitable.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would investigate and seek quotations.

GE24/63 20MPH SPEED LIMIT WORKING GROUP. Verbal Update. New data on Grand Avenue recently received from WSCC. A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 4th February with the aim of agreeing the scope of works. The next step is then gaining support from the community before a formal application can be submitted to WSCC.

GE24/64 FEES AND CHARGES 2025/26:

GE24/64.1 BURIAL GROUND. Members are requested to agree the proposed charges for
2025-26. An increase of 1.66% in line with inflation (Sept 24), has been applied.

The Deputy Clerk explained the reasoning behind simplifying the charges for a first or second interment.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Burial Ground Fees to be applicable from 1 April 2025.

GE24/64.2 ADASTRA SPORTS FACILITIES. Members are requested to agree the proposed charges for 2025-26. An increase of 1.66% in line with inflation (Sept 24), has been applied. (Appendix 8).

The clerk clarified that the football and cricket clubs were paying the most in fees.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Adastra Sports Facilities Fees as shown below to be applicable from 1 April 2025.

GE24/65 PARKLANDS COPSE – Installation of a water gauge. (Appendix 9). Adur Adaption Project.

The paper set out a request for permission from the Ouse & Adur river trust (OART) to install an additional water gauge within the copse stream.

The current installation is a (1 metre) depth gauge board that were also installed at Spitalford bridge designed to visually see accurate water levels. the new levelscout equipment is a probe in the water that digitally records water levels/volumes/temperatures etc which is periodically downloaded and analysed.

The clerk explained this device will record more advanced data than the gauge boards. It is a small device so shouldn’t disrupt the flow. Brighton University is involved in the data collection.

It was RESOLVED to approve the installation of the gauge. Members asked that the data be shared with the Parish Council.

GE 24/66 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

GE24/66.1 OPERATION WATERSHED – Cllr Gaudencio asked for an update on this in relation to the property on Downsview Road. Cllr Weir had agreed to lead on this, paperwork had been received from WSCC & there is a complicated grant funding process. The Clerk will send a ‘holding’ email to the homeowner to confirm that the Parish Council are now leading this.

GE24/66.2 VILLAGE PARKING – Letter received from MSDC requesting feedback on their proposals to introduce new parking arrangements in the local villages. Members expressed disappointment that MSDC had not allowed more time for Parish Councils to respond in full. It was agreed that the Clerk would make a request for further time. Otherwise, members would put together a response to be agreed at council on 11th February.

GE24/67 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 13 March 2025 at 7.30pm (to be confirmed).

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.