Grounds & Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Angus Neil, Peter Richardson, Alex Simmons and Paul Shepherd) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on 21 March 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 14 March 2024



3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 1 February 2024. (Previously circulated).


5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1).

6. USE OF ADASTRA PARK BY GROUPS AND COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES. Members are invited to review and approve the conditions set out for the use of Adastra Park by groups and commercial enterprises. (Appendix 2).

7. CHILDREN’S FUNFAIR, ADASTRA PARK. Members are invited to consider a request to hold a funfair in Adastra Park. (Appendix 3).

8. WINDMILLS SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL ART PROJECT. Members are invited to note an update on this project and to approve the Parish Office as a location for displaying the art. (Appendix 4).

9. ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal update (Cllr David Bunting).

10. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Verbal Update (Cllr Frances Gaudencio).

11. 20MPH SPEED LIMIT WORKING GROUP. Verbal Update (Cllr Peter Richardson).

12. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update (Cllr Ian Weir). Members are invited to consider proceeding with an application to divert PROW 10K in Adastra Park. (Appendix 5).

13. WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (WSCC) ASH DIE BACK WORKS. Members are invited to note correspondence received from WSCC regarding planned ash die back work on London Road. (Appendix 6). To view Appendix 6 please click here.

14. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 9 May 2024 at 7.30pm.

Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 March 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 5 – Officer Report

The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.

1. ADASTRA PARK TREE WORK. Several trees in the Garden of Remembrance which run adjacent to Keymer Road have been trimmed back to reduce overhanging vegetation around the street lights.

2. ADASTRA PARK DEVELOPER SUPPORT OPPORTUNITY. At the previous G&E meeting, Members approved the use of any donation received to cover the cost of a replacement tree for the fallen Maple north of the small children’s play area. It has been confirmed that Taylor Wimpey would be supportive of funding a suitable replacement tree including suitable protection, an estimated cost has been given as in the region of £500-600. The preferred time for planting would be in September/October.

3. MEMORIAL BENCH. A further memorial bench has been purchased and is to be installed on the hardstanding north of the Tennis Courts facing towards the field.

4. FLORAL DISPLAYS. This year has seen the highest number of businesses register to have a hanging basket since the project began. We have had requests for over thirty baskets which is excellent news.   The order has now been placed with the contractor and the baskets will be distributed in May.  Great thanks must go to Penny Wadsworth who kindly liaised with each business distributing and collecting forms and answering any queries.

Appendix 2


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                                                        

Date: 21 March 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 6 – Use Of Adastra Park by Groups and Commercial Enterprises.

1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to review and approve the current Terms and Conditions set out for the use of Adastra Park by Groups and Non-Commercial Enterprises.

Members are invited to note that this does not apply to sporting activities which are covered under different Terms & Conditions.

2. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. It is recommended that Members approve the proposed Terms and Conditions of Hire for Adastra Park Facilities.


Use of Adastra Park by Groups and Commercial Enterprises

1. This note sets out the basis on which:

  • Organised groups may use the Adastra Park.
  • Commercial enterprises may use the Adastra Park on a regular basis.

General Use of Adastra Park

2. The Adastra Park is a public space to which all people have reasonable access at all times. It is expected that any person may use the space in any way within the terms of the Law and without interfering with the use, or causing a nuisance to any other person.

3. From time to time groups of people or organisations will propose to use some or all of the space in Adastra Park. These will be events which take place infrequently and irregularly.  An event is where there is a planned activity involving several people, which is organised by a definable person, group of people, organisation or company (the organiser).  These can be small events or large events.

4. Individuals or businesses with a commercial interest i.e./ fitness training, fairs, professional coaching etc can apply to the Parish Council for permission to run one off or regular activities on a commercial basis on areas of the Adastra Park.

Small Events

5. A small event is defined as complying with all of the following:

  • Less than 50 people (adults and children) gathered
  • There being no machinery or vehicles deployed
  • There is no trading (the sale of goods, food, drink or services) for commercial purposes.
  • There are no public address systems (loudspeakers)
  • There are no fires lit, including BBQ’S
  • There are no fireworks.

6. The organiser is asked to seek the permission of the Parish Council, in writing. The following information will be required:

  • The name and address and contact details of the organiser
  • The date and approximate times of the event
  • A brief description of the expected activity
  • The area of the Adastra Park to be used
  • An estimate of the number of people (adults and children) attending
  • Confirmation that the terms of the small event will be complied
  • Confirmation that all litter will be removed and any damage will be made good before leaving the recreation ground on the day of the event
  • Confirmation that appropriate health and safety issues have been considered.

7. The Parish Council may make a nominal charge for a small event to be decided in accordance with individual applications.

Large Events

8. A large event occurs where any of the following apply:

  • More than 50 people (adults and children) gathered
  • There being machinery or vehicles deployed
  • There is trading (the sale of goods, food, drink or services)
  • There are public address systems (loudspeakers)

9. Organisers of a large event must apply to the Parish Office for permission to use the land and the following conditions will apply:

  • A charge will normally be made
  • A returnable bond might be requested
  • The organiser will be required to remove any litter and to make good any damage to the Adastra Park
  • The organiser will have to submit a Risk Assessment covering the activities, to demonstrate that proper attention has been given to all matters including safety, crowd control, emergencies, traffic and parking.
  • The organiser may be required to obtain an Entertainment Licence from the Licensing Authority (Mid Sussex District Council)
  • Evidence will be required of public and third party insurance of up to £5 million.

Commercial Activities

10. Individuals or Business who wish to use areas of the Adastra Park to run regular or one off commercial activities i.e./ fairs, fitness training, for which they are charging a fee, must apply to the Parish Office for permission to do so.

11. The organiser is asked to seek permission of the Parish Council, in writing. The following information is required:

  • The name, address and contact details of the organiser
  • A brief description of the business and activities involved
  • The day and time on which the activity is proposed
  • The area of the Adastra Park to be used
  • An estimate of the number of people attending and fees being charged
  • Confirmation that public and third party insurance is held
  • Confirmation that any damage will be reported and made good.

12. The Parish Council will make a charge for such activities, to be decided on individual arrangements specific to each application.

13. No equipment is to be used which is likely to damage the turf, and the playing of music for fitness training is prohibited.

 Appendix 3


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                                                        

Date: 21 March 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 7 – Children’s Funfair, Adastra Park

1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to consider a request from a commercial funfair to hold an event in Adastra Park over two weeks during the Summer. (Full details previously distributed).


  • The fair will open in sessions and entry into the site will be free, a wrist band will need to be purchased to ride any attractions. The wristband will allow unlimited rides during the session.
  • Each session will last three and half hours as follows:
    Between 4pm and 7.30pm on weekdays
    12 until 3.30pm and 3.30pm and 7pm on Saturdays, Sundays and School Holidays.
  • The site will be made secure and will only be accessible via a designated entrance gate. The organisers will remain onsite at all times.
  • The fair will consist of small rides, activities, games and refreshment outlets. There will also be toilets including disabled and baby change facilities.
  • It is anticipated that the fair will be held in the bottom corner of the North Field, covering a footprint of approximately 50 metres x 60 metres.

2. The preferred date for holding the fair was given as the first two weeks in June, however from an operational perspective this would create difficulties as the North Field is available and used for football until the end of June. Therefore July would be a more suitable window of time.

3. Any commercial enterprise would be subject to the Terms & Conditions as set out in the previous agenda item, including a damage deposit. References would also be sought prior to any final agreement.


4.1 Historically the Parish Council permitted a funfair to be held in the North Field on an annual basis.  This came to an end in 2017 due to the installation of the barrier gate and the fair vehicles becoming increasingly larger thus impacting on the ability to access the field.

  • The charge applied was £550 which covered 7 days including set up and dismantle.
  • The fee applied to Downsfest in 2022 was £150 which was over 3 days including set up and dismantle. This was a reduced fee for a community event raising funds for charity.
  • A £500 damage deposit is required for all events.

4.2 MSDC charges for 2023/24 are as follows:

Funfairs and Circuses

+ Funfair/Circus – Large (Per Day)            £473.00

A large funfair/circus can be defined as one having 6 – 10 powered rides/a Big Top holding more than 500 people and more than 10 stalls, other temporary structures and ancillary vehicles. (Please refer to the application form for specific information on designated sites).

+ Funfair/Circus – Small (Per Day)            £257.00

A small funfair/circus can be described as one having 5 (or fewer) powered rides/a Big Top holding fewer than 500 people, 10 (or fewer) stalls and 10 (or fewer) temporary structures/ancillary vehicles.

Event Set Up & De-Rig

All days over the operating period used for set up and de-rig of the site will be charged at the

25% of the applicable published rate.

4.3 A similar sized local Parish Council has the agreed fee structure in place:


(such as Fun Fairs and Circuses)


Per Day


Per Day

Hire of Outdoor Space for Commercial Events for operational days (plus a £400 good order deposit) £126.00 £135.00
Set Up / Dismantle Days £53.00 £57.00



Members are therefore invited:

5.1 To consider if the Parish Council is in agreement in principle to the fair as described above being held in the park over two weeks in July or August.

5.2 If Members are in favour of the proposal to allow a fair on the park.  Members are then invited to consider and agree an appropriate charge. It is recommended that as a minimum a daily charged of £120 should be applied for all trading days and £60 per set up/dismantle days.

Appendix 4


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                                                        

Date: 21 March 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 8 – Windmills School Environmental Art Project.

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on the project in partnership with Windmills School to produce a piece of public art promoting an environmental theme.

2. Further to the previous Officer’s Report, a mosaic artist has been identified and currently the project lead at Windmills is finalising the details ready for the Parish Office to complete and submit a request to MSDC for s106 funding for Public Art.

  • The provisional proposal is a mosaic tree growing up and around on the south and east facing walls of the parish Office. There will be individual mosaic cut outs of birds and butterflies placed among the branches, the aim is to ensure all of the pupils participate in the project.
  • It is proposed that the artist will give a short talk during an assembly, explaining the project and how each child will be involved. She will also share her story of how becoming an artist to hopefully inspire future generations.
  • Additionally, the project will be used to emphasize the importance of respecting the environment, nature, plants, insects, and the area they play in by keeping it litter-free and protecting the mosaics once they are displayed in the park.
  • Porcelain ceramic tiles will be used for the tree mosaic, as they are weatherproof and durable.
  • Colourful ceramic tiles and glass beads of different shapes will be used for the individual shapes. The children will have the option to write their names on a piece of paper, which will go under a clear cabochon bead so they can easily identify their own mosaic over time.
  • The artist has also proposed extending an invitation to parish councillors to participate in making a butterfly after the school sessions on one afternoon.

3. Various locations were considered but the Parish Office was considered to be the most suitable location for the project in terms of installation, shelter and visibility. Further smaller mosaics may be created and attached along the fence in the north field play area.

4. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve the progression of the project and to support the installation of a mosaic on the Parish Office.

Appendix 5


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                                                        

Date: 21 March 2024

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 12 – PROW 10K Diversion.

1. The purpose of this report is to update Members on the previously agreed proposal to submit an application to WSCC for the diversion of path 10K in Adastra Park to allow ticketed events to be held in North Field without having to apply for temporary stoppage orders. The anticipated cost was in the region of £2000.

2. At the G&E meeting held on 27 July 2023, Members were informed that WSCC had temporarily stopped accepting diversion orders due to workload constraints. It was suggested that the Clerk approach them to ascertain if they will now accept an order and if not to provide an anticipated date.

3. It has now been confirmed that the process has been re-opened, however the cost has increased since the original agreement and are as follows:

Fees and charges for path diversions and extinguishments

Prices are valid between 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024 and exclude VAT.

Fee element   Charge         
Non-refundable deposit – this fee is deducted from the costs mentioned below £500
Unopposed Public Path     Order £2,746
Opposed Public Path Order – this fee is in addition to the fee quoted above £1,553
Additional order(s) – In addition to the fee stated as ‘Unopposed Public Path Order’
and ‘Opposed Public Path Order’ fee as applicable
Cost of advertising the statutory notices in the press. Approximately £1,000 for both notices


4. It is therefore likely that the minimum cost will be in the region of £3,800 assuming that the order is unopposed. If the order is opposed the cost will be £5,200.

5. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are therefore invited to consider whether the Committee is minded to approve expenditure of up to £6000 from the PROW budget for the diversion of PROW 10K to a path with follows the border of the North Field rather than diagonally across.



Minutes of the meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on Thursday 21 March 2024 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks. 

Attendees: Councillors Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting (Chair), Lesley Cruickshank-Robb, Frances Gaudencio, Angus Neil, Peter Richardson, Alex Simmons, Paul Shepherd and Ian Weir.

In attendance: Tracy Forte (Deputy Clerk).  Spencer Graham & Steven Hebborn – Fun Village.

GE23/82 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllrs Kate Bailey, Cllr Bill Hatton and Sue Hatton.

GE23/83 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.


It was RESOLVED that, the minutes of the Grounds & Environment Committee meeting held on 1 February 2024 be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE23/85 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  There were no members of the public present, however Spencer Graham and Steven Hebborn from Fun Village were in attendance to answer any questions Members may have regarding item 7 of the agenda – Children’s Funfair, Adastra Park. This item invited Members to consider a request to hold a small children’s funfair (Fun Village) in Adastra Park for two weeks during July.  The Chair read through the information provided in Appendix 3 of the agenda regarding Fun Village and thanked Mr Graham and Mr Hebborn for attending to answer any questions Members may have.  The Chair then offered Members the opportunity to clarify any questions that they may have or to request further information if required.

Members asked Mr Graham and Mr Hebborn various questions.  Both confirmed that their fair was aimed at younger children aged 2years to 12years old with the target audience being local families.

They would like to be onsite for two weeks, however trading days will be Thursday to Sunday only.  The fair will consist of approximately six rides in total, inflatables, soft play and other activities such as crazy golf.   There will also be a small number of food stalls onsite.

Entrance into the fair is free via a designated entrance gate, a wristband can be purchased for £15 which will allow unlimited access to all rides and activities during the session.  Alternatively it will be possible to pay for individual rides at cost of approximately £2 per ride if a wristband is not purchased.

Each session will last for three and a half hours.  There will be one session on weekdays and two on weekends.  The last session will be finished by 8pm at the latest.

The fair will be enclosed by Herris rail fencing with locked double gates for vehicular access and a further pedestrian access which will also be kept locked outside of trading hours.   Two caravans will form part of the set up and will be lived in whilst the fair is onsite, this will allow at least two members of staff to be onsite at all times.

The entire ‘village’ will be self-sufficient.  Silent generators will be used to provide electricity and water will be provided by the organisers.  There will be public toilets including baby change and disabled toilets, which will be serviced by an outside contractor.

Advertising will be kept local and in consultation with the Parish Council.

The Chair thanked the organisers for providing the additional information and for answering questions.

Mr Hebborn and Mr Graham left the meeting.

GE23/86 OFFICER’S REPORT.  Members noted the report provided in Appendix 1 of the agenda.

GE23/86.1 ADASTRA PARK TREE WORK.  Cllr Richardson reported that the trimming back of trees overhanging Keymer Road had been insufficient and far more significant work was required to increase the level of lighting.  The Deputy Clerk noted this.

GE23/86.2 ADASTRA PARK DEVELOPER SUPPORT OPPORTUNITY. Members noted that Taylor Wimpey would be prepared to fund a suitable replacement tree in Adastra Park costing in the region of £500, this will be arranged for September/October this year.  A request had been made by Taylor Wimpey for a plaque to be installed next to the tree signifying the partnership between Hassocks Parish Council and Taylor Wimpey, Members agreed to this subject to Taylor Wimpey covering the cost of the plaque.

GE23/86.3 MEMORIAL BENCH.  Cllr Gaudencio noted that the new bench was to be installed facing the field, and questioned whether it would be an opportunity to provide seating to watch the tennis.  The Deputy Clerk confirmed that the bench was being located further forward on the hard-standing, which would allow sufficient space for a second bench to be installed facing the tennis courts should this location be favourable to any families donating a bench in the future.

In addition to the written report, the Deputy Clerk also reported the following matters which Members noted:

GE23/86.4 ADASTRA TENNIS COURTS.  The Deputy Clerk reported that the previously noted flaws in the surface have now been repaired by the contractor under the warranty.

The Deputy Clerk also informed Members about the recent LTA scheme to provide Free Social Tennis across the country.  At Adastra Tennis Courts this will take place between 12-1pm on a Saturday starting March 23rd and is free to anyone who would like to play, registration is via the Clubspark website.  The sessions are being run by the Tennis Coach, Keith Brown.  Volunteers are also being sought to assist with running the session.

GE23/86.5 PARKLIFE COFFEE.  Members were informed that Parklife Coffee has run further Hummus Lunch clubs in the pavilion which have been very successful.  Due to the difficulties in trading over such a wet winter, an arrangement has also been agreed to enable Parklife to hire the Pavilion at the community rate to run a pop up café in poor weather, subject to no other bookings being received.

GE23/86.6 GROUNDS PERSON VACANCY.  The Grounds Person vacancy has now been advertised via Indeed, on the Parish Council website and poster points.

GE23/87 USE OF ADASTRA PARK BY GROUPS AND COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES.  Members were invited to review and approve the conditions set out for the use of Adastra Park by groups and commercial enterprises.  Members reviewed the existing document and no changes were recommended.

GE23/87.1 It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Terms and Conditions as set out in the Use Of Adastra Park By Groups And Commercial Enterprises document.  (Appendix 1).

GE23/88 CHILDREN’S FUNFAIR, ADASTRA PARK.  Members considered the proposal in full including the additional information provided by the Fun Village organisers earlier in the evening.

It was noted that the location of the fair would need to be considered to ensure Public Right of Way 10K was not obstructed during the event at any time.  Some concern was expressed over the potential for damage to the grass and it was agreed that this would need to be mitigated as much as possible. The Deputy Clerk noted that the fair would be sited across football pitches which would be in use again from the start of September.

Members were also invited to consider and agree an appropriate charge for the fair, which was discussed in detail using information provided in Appendix 3 of the agenda.

GE23/88.1 It was RESOLVED to APPROVE Fun Village running for two weeks in Adastra Park during July subject to the Clerk being satisfied that all conditions applied can be met.

GE23/88.2 It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the following charges to be applied for the use of Adastra Park by Fun Village.

£150 per trading day.    £50 per non-trading days and set up & take down days.

Cllr Alex Simmons left the meeting.

GE23/89 WINDMILLS SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL ART PROJECT.  Members were invited to note an update on the joint project between Hassocks Parish Council and Windmills Junior School to provide a piece of public art in Hassocks using s106 funds.   Members were informed that the final proposed project was for a large mosaic to be installed on the Parish Office building, comprising of a collaborative piece and individual mosaics created by the pupils.  (Full details were included as Appendix 4 of the agenda).

Members were fully supportive of the proposal.  There was some concern over the potential risk of vandalism, the Deputy Clerk confirmed that this had been considered and all involved were aware of this risk.   One of the reasons for selecting the Parish Office as the location for the artwork was due to its visibility from the road and car park.

It was agreed that the noticeboard on the south facing side of the Parish Office should either be moved or removed to allow a larger area for the artwork to be displayed.

GE23/89.1 Members RESOLVED TO APPROVE the progression of the Art project as presented and for the installation of Mosaic artwork on the external walls of the Parish Office.

GE23/90 ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN.  Cllr Bunting provided Members with a verbal update on the following matters:

GE23/90.1 GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE.  Previously Members had agreed the installation of a ramp in place of the step from the path bordering Keymer Road in the Garden of Remembrance, with the aim of making the path which runs north-south under the stone pergola more accessible.  The estimated cost being in the region of £700.

The Volunteer Group who maintain the garden had expressed some reservations regarding this proposal due to the concern that it may further encourage the use of bikes and skateboards in the garden.

Members were also informed that the volunteer group would soon be turfing the borders running parallel to the path.

Members considered the proposal again, but remained in agreement that whilst acknowledging the concerns raised, the intention to increase accessibility within the gardens continued to be an important part of the Adastra Park Masterplan.

GE23/90.2 Members therefore RESOLVED TO APPROVE the installation of a ramp in place of the step onto the stone pergola path from the path at the side of the gardens.


A further request had been made to the Adastra Hall Committee to enable the installation of a drinking fountain on the side of the building as part of the new work.  The drinking fountain and installation would be paid for by the Parish Council.  Cllr Bunting reported that the Adastra Hall Committee had considered this request but had felt unable to agree to this proposal for various reasons, including the risk of encouraging groups of youths to gather around the hall and the potential plans to further extend the building in the future.

Members noted the reasons and although disappointed with the response, the Committee remained committed to the aspiration to install a drinking fountain in the park if possible.

It was accepted that the area directly in front of the pavilion bi-fold doors would not be suitable due to the current issues already around standing water in this location.   However it was accepted that the Pavilion was the most accessible location in terms of water supply.

The Deputy Clerk noted that the concerns raised by the Adastra Hall Committee regarding the potential of a drinking fountain to encourage youths gathering and disturbing hirers, would also apply to hirers in the pavilion.  The Deputy Clerk reported that during the summer there are often issues with youths filling water bottles and balloons from the public toilets and outside tap and causing a disturbance by throwing water around in the car park.  This should therefore be considered when agreeing the location for a drinking fountain.

It was AGREED to progress the concept to install a drinking fountain in the park, and that a suitable location in the vicinity of the pavilion would be explored.

GE23/90.4 PARK DRAINAGE.   The Clerk had sought informal advice from MSDC to clarify whether planning permission would be required for the installation of any drainage systems which discharge into the Adastra Stream.

Preliminary information had confirmed that dependent on the scheme itself meeting certain criteria, there was a likelihood that this could fall under Permitted Development, which was encouraging.

Cllr Bunting confirmed that a meeting was to be set up with the Drainage Consultants to discuss current proposals.  Members agreed that any scheme must look at the entire park as a whole.

GE23/91 FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Cllr Frances Gaudencio informed Members that Cllr Weir had written to Councillor Deborah Urquhart, WSCC Cabinet Minister for Environment and Climate Change.  The letter was to draw Cllr Urquhart’s attention to the apparent lack of progress on proposals made to mitigate surface water flooding in Hassocks in the WSCC Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) which was published in 2016. One of the recommendations was that an implementation plan be produced within 3 months, however eight years later the recommendations have not yet been implemented.   Cllr Weir requested Cllr Urquhart’s support in raising awareness of the importance of the proposed work and finding resources to progress the proposals.

One recommendation being the implementation of a balancing pond to the east of Lodge Lane to mitigate the inability of the culvert in Lodge Lane to handle peak flows resulting in the subsequent flooding of Lodge Lane and Dale Avenue. It was noted by the committee that balancing ponds can be a very effective method to reduce flood risk, however the installation of such ponds can be costly and is therefore dependent on adequate funding.

Cllr Gaudencio noted that due to increasing cutbacks having to be made by local authorities, it was likely that the level of funding available to support any flood mitigation proposals may be reduced.  Therefore, the Parish would need to also consider smaller scale mitigation schemes that could be undertaken by individuals and local groups.

Cllr Gaudencio noted that the publication and distribution of Riparian Ownership leaflets had been a positive proactive step by the Parish Council in sharing information and raising awareness.  The subject of the enforcement of any Riparian Responsibilities was raised and it was accepted that there is no mechanism or authority in place to enforce any lack of action.  The Flood Action Group had previously discussed the potential to train and appoint volunteer Stream Wardens, and it was agreed that this would be revisited as wardens might be able to further support efforts to educate and raise awareness around riparian responsibilities.

GE23/92 20MPH SPEED LIMIT WORKING GROUP.  Cllr Peter Richardson provided a verbal update to the Committee.

The Working Group had held its first meeting and it was recognised that a proposal to implement a 20mph speed limit throughout the entire village was very unlikely to be acceptable to West Sussex County Council.  Therefore it was agreed that initially the group would need to consider smaller areas and to establish which roads should be priority routes.   It was decided that before progressing any further, it was necessary to establish a greater understanding of the criteria required by WSCC when considering such applications.  County Cllr Kirsty Lord has offered her support to the project and it was the Deputy Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Lord to seek her assistance in arranging a meeting with an appropriate WSCC Officer.  This meeting would enable the group to develop a clearer understanding of the process and requirements for a Highways Application Scheme.

Cllr Richardson also informed the Committee that community support is a key consideration in applications for Community Highway Schemes.  Therefore, although the group were still in the very early stages of exploring the possibilities of any proposals, the Working Group had welcomed an offer by Bob Kenhard (Hassocks Community Organisation representative on the Working Group) to send an information gathering email to registered HCO supporters.  This would be to seek preliminary opinions on any proposals to implement a 20mph speed limit and on which areas are considered to be priorities.

Once a meeting has taken place with WSCC, the Working Group would meet again to formulate its proposals.

GE23/93 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Members were invited to consider proceeding with an application to divert PROW 10K in Adastra Park.  The current PROW route extends diagonally across the North Field from the north-west corner to the south east corner.

It had been previously agreed by the Committee to submit an application to WSCC for the diversion of Path 10K to allow ticketed events to be held in North Field without having to apply for temporary stoppage orders.  The anticipated cost at that time was in the region of £2000.

However at that time WSCC had temporarily stopped accepting diversion orders due to workload constraints.  It is understood that diversion requests are now being accepted again, however there has been an increase applied to the fees for this process.  The costs could potentially be in the region of £5000, depending on whether the application is opposed.

Therefore due to the time lapse since the previous resolution and the increase in costs, Members were invited to review whether the Committee is still minded to approve expenditure of up to £6000 from the PROW budget, for the diversion of PROW 10K to a path which follows the border of the North Field rather than diagonally across.

Members continued to be supportive of this proposal.

GE23/93.1 It was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the submission of an application to WSCC for the diversion of PROW 10K to a path which follows the border of the North Field rather than diagonally across.  Members approved the expenditure of up to £6000 from the PROW EMR to cover the costs involved.

GE23/93.2 Cllr Neil enquired about the re-opening of the section of PROW 5K which runs east/west from London Road under the railway subway.  Cllr Weir informed the committee that progress has been delayed on the work due to the excessively wet weather.  However the work is now almost complete and it is intended that the footpath would be re-opened once the ground has had the opportunity to sufficiently dry out to accommodate pedestrian use.

GE23/93.3 WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL (WSCC) ASH DIE BACK WORKS.  Members were invited to note correspondence received from WSCC regarding planned ash die back work on London Road. (Appendix 6 of the agenda).  Members noted the information.

GE23/94 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  There were no urgent matters.

GE23/95 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 9 May 2024 at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.35pm.



Use of Adastra Park by Groups and Commercial Enterprises

1. This note sets out the basis on which:

  • Organised groups may use the Adastra Park.
  • Commercial enterprises may use the Adastra Park on a regular basis.

General Use of Adastra Park

2. The Adastra Park is a public space to which all people have reasonable access at all times. It is expected that any person may use the space in any way within the terms of the Law and without interfering with the use, or causing a nuisance to any other person.

3. From time to time groups of people or organisations will propose to use some or all of the space in Adastra Park. These will be events which take place infrequently and irregularly.  An event is where there is a planned activity involving several people, which is organised by a definable person, group of people, organisation or company (the organiser).  These can be small events or large events.

4. Individuals or businesses with a commercial interest i.e./ fitness training, fairs, professional coaching etc. can apply to the Parish Council for permission to run one off or regular activities on a commercial basis on areas of the Adastra Park.

Small Events

5. A small event is defined as complying with all of the following:

  • Less than 50 people (adults and children) gathered
  • There being no machinery or vehicles deployed
  • There is no trading (the sale of goods, food, drink or services) for commercial purposes.
  • There are no public address systems (loudspeakers)
  • There are no fires lit, including BBQ’S
  • There are no fireworks.

6. The organiser is asked to seek the permission of the Parish Council, in writing. The following information will be required:

  • The name and address and contact details of the organiser
  • The date and approximate times of the event
  • A brief description of the expected activity
  • The area of the Adastra Park to be used
  • An estimate of the number of people (adults and children) attending
  • Confirmation that the terms of the small event will be complied
  • Confirmation that all litter will be removed and any damage will be made good before leaving the recreation ground on the day of the event
  • Confirmation that appropriate health and safety issues have been considered.

7. The Parish Council may make a nominal charge for a small event to be decided in accordance with individual applications.

Large Events

8. A large event occurs where any of the following apply:

  • More than 50 people (adults and children) gathered
  • There being machinery or vehicles deployed
  • There is trading (the sale of goods, food, drink or services)
  • There are public address systems (loudspeakers)

9. Organisers of a large event must apply to the Parish Office for permission to use the land and the following conditions will apply:

  • A charge will normally be made
  • A returnable bond might be requested
  • The organiser will be required to remove any litter and to make good any damage to the Adastra Park
  • The organiser will have to submit a Risk Assessment covering the activities, to demonstrate that proper attention has been given to all matters including safety, crowd control, emergencies, traffic and parking.
  • The organiser may be required to obtain an Entertainment Licence from the Licensing Authority (Mid Sussex District Council)
  • Evidence will be required of public and third party insurance of up to £5 million.

Commercial Activities

10. Individuals or Business who wish to use areas of the Adastra Park to run regular or one off commercial activities i.e./ fairs, fitness training, for which they are charging a fee, must apply to the Parish Office for permission to do so.

11. The organiser is asked to seek permission of the Parish Council, in writing. The following information is required:

  • The name, address and contact details of the organiser
  • A brief description of the business and activities involved
  • The day and time on which the activity is proposed
  • The area of the Adastra Park to be used
  • An estimate of the number of people attending and fees being charged
  • Confirmation that public and third party insurance is held
  • Confirmation that any damage will be reported and made good.

12. The Parish Council will make a charge for such activities, to be decided on individual arrangements specific to each application.

13. No equipment is to be used which is likely to damage the turf, and the playing of music for fitness training is prohibited.