Grounds & Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Angus Neil, Peter Richardson,
Alex Simmons and Paul Shepherd) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

cc. Richard Higgs

A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on 2 November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 26 October 2023



3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 21 September 2023. (Previously Circulated).


5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1).


7. FOOD CONCESSIONAIRE ADASTRA PARK. Verbal update and review giving consideration to winter trading options. (Parish Clerk).

8. ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal update (Cllr David Bunting/Parish Clerk).

9. SPEED LIMITS IN HASSOCKS. Village Centre 20mph Scheme. Members are invited to note that Cllrs Paul Shepherd, Bill Hatton, Peter Richardson and Kate Bailey have agreed to sit on this working party.


11. BUDGET INITIATIVES. Members are requested to consider potential initiatives they would like to see funded in the next financial year (2024/25). (Appendix 4).

12. LIGHT UP HASSOCKS/FESTIVE LIGHTS. TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE APPLICATION Friday 1 December 2023 16.00hrs to 20.00hrs. Members are invited to consider the road closure applications and any comments they may wish to make on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council. (Appendix 5).

13. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Verbal Update. (Cllr Frances Gaudencio).

14. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update. (Cllr Ian Weir.)

15. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 14 December 2023 at 7.30pm.

Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee

Date: 2 November 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 5 – Officer Report

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.

2, TALBOT FIELD. Michael Nailard of the Woodland Flora and Fauna Group has generously personally funded the purchase of 250 bluebell bulbs which he has planted around the new tree that has replaced the felled oak. Michael felt that the time was right for them to establish while the tree canopy above was missing.

3. PARKLANDS ALLOTMENTS. After 9 years, Tony Copeland has stepped down as the Chair of Hassocks Allotments Holders Association. Tony has been an enormous support to the Parish Office in helping with the management of the allotments in many ways including showing prospective tenants around, preparing and dividing allotment plots, accompanying and advising on allotment inspections and generally being on hand to assist with all sorts of tasks!  We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Tony for all of his help and support.  Tony will be replaced by Rob Yates who is a long term allotment tenant and was also a previous Chair of HAHA.  We welcome Rob and look forward to working with him, continuing the excellent partnership between HAHA and the Parish Office.

4. AGREED ANNUAL DONATIONS. Members are invited to note that the following agreed annual donations/grants will be paid in November.

  • £200 to Hassocks Allotment Holders Association. This is a contribution of £5 per half plot which is used by HAHA towards materials and projects for improvements and maintenance on the allotment site. This expenditure forms part of the approved part budget for 2023/24.
  • £750 to the Monday Group in recognition of the work carried out by the group on HPC land and around Hassocks on behalf of the Council. This grant comes from Section 137 expenditure and was approved as part of the budget for 2023/24.
  • £600 to The Woodland Flora and Fauna Group towards their work in maintaining and managing Talbot Field as a nature reserve. This grant comes from Section 137 expenditure and was approved as part of the budget for 2023/24.

Appendix 2


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 2 November 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 6 – Adastra Park Developer Support Opportunities.

1. This report is to update Members on the previously discussed matter of an offer from Taylor Wimpey to make a contribution towards improvements in Adastra Park.

2. Members had considered the offer at the previous meeting and had instructed the Deputy Clerk to enquire as to whether the contribution might extend to the purchase of a concrete table tennis table. Further research gave an indicative cost in the region of £2,500 plus delivery and installation for a concrete table.

3. It has now been advised that the contribution being offered will be in the region of £500, therefore Members are invited to consider alternative suggestions for park improvements which could utilise a donation of around £500.

Appendix 3


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 2 November 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 10 – Windmills School Environmental Project.

 1. The purpose of this report is to update Members on the initiative to offer support to Windmills School Environment Project.

2. At the previous G&E meeting Members had proposed exploring the potential use of s106 money for Public Art in Hassocks to enable an environmental centred arts project; one suggested idea was the design, creation and installation of a wood carving or totem pole.

3. Following the meeting, discussions have been held with both MSDC and with the Chair of Windmills Junior School.

4. The outcome of these discussions is a proposal to utilise the skills of a local artist who can work with the pupils to design and subsequently create, a piece of artwork promoting the message ‘Re-use & Re-cycle’. This would be an extension to the original project first brought to the Council’s attention and would be aimed at current pupils in the school.

5. MSDC has indicated that this type of project would be very likely to meet the criteria for the release of s106 funding.

6. Given the specific nature of the project, the Chair of Governors will need to discuss the implementation with the relevant school staff. Following this, a brief will be drawn up and an artist sourced.  The aim is for the creation of a permanent piece of artwork which can be displayed somewhere on Parish Council land, however this is still very much in the formative stage.

7. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to indicate whether they are supportive of this course of action and for the Deputy Clerk/Clerk to progress the project as required at this stage.

Appendix 4


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee               

Date: 2 November 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk             

Subject: Agenda Item 11 – Budget Initiatives

1. In considering options, Members should have regard for the Council’s current allocated Earmarked Reserves (EMR), priorities within the current Business plan and the new emerging business plan document.

This exercise will then enable any initiatives identified to be considered as part of the forthcoming budget setting process alongside other funding bids.

2. The current position regarding the Council Earmarked Reserves (Capital) is summarised on the next page.

3. Members are invited to consider any initiatives to enable them to be considered as part of the budget setting process later in the year.

Potential Initiatives

1. Allotment Gates. The current entrance gates to the allotments are in need of replacement and it is suggested that funds are allocated towards this project in the new financial year.

2. Winter Maintenance. Potential purchase of grit bins, salt and salt spreaders for key points within the village subject to a revised Winter Plan. .

Appendix 4


1 HASSOCKS TRADING ASSOCIATION 500 0 Held on behalf of the HTA to be released if this organisation reforms 500
  ADASTRA DRAINAGE SCHEME 76,000     76,000
2 ADASTRA SKATE/MASTERPLAN 33,886 (9,239) Retention


Contract retentions currently being held due to be released subject to contractual conditions being discharged. 24,647
4 BUS SHELTER 10,000 10,000
5 TREE PLANTING 936 (936) Tree planting scheme is now funded through revenue budget. EMR element  represents external donations received but not expended in year. £936 allocated to tree planting 23/24 0
6 PLAY EQUIPMENT – SINKING FUND 20,204   Represents 2 years funding 20,204
7 REPAIRS FUND 18,785 0 Sinking fund 18,785
8 LEGAL/LAND TRANSFER 8,000 0   8,000
9 FLOODING 2,400 (305)   2,095
10 BURIAL GROUND 40,000 (37,885) Burial Ground path installation. 2,115
11 PROW IMPROVEMENTS 45,072     45,072
12 SDNPA – CIL Funds 1,994   Allocated to PROW works 1,994
13 TENNIS COURTS 20,000 (20,000)   0
  VALUES 287,209 (69,857)   217,352


Appendix 5


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee               

Date: 2 November 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk             

Subject: Agenda Item 12 – Light Up Hassocks

Light Up Hassocks
Friday 1st December 2023



 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mid Sussex District Council, in pursuance of their powers under the above Acts have ordered and directed that as:

Keymer Road B2116 (from the junction of Woodsland Rd to the junction of Wilmington Close (including Orion Parade) additionally for a reduced time extend the closure to Villa Adastra for the children’s parade only)

Includes the junctions with
Downsview Rd;
Chancellor’s Park;
Parklands Road;
Grand Ave;
Dale Ave and part time only
Wilmington Close and
The Minnals

will be thronged and liable to be obstructed, that the aforesaid streets, and parts of streets, will be closed to vehicular traffic (including pedal cycles and horses) between the hours of 16.00hrs & 20.00hrs Friday 1st December 2023 or such lesser period as may be required for the Light Up Hassocks to take place.

PROVIDED THAT this temporary closure is subject to any direction, which may be given by a police constable in uniform.

Wilful breach of this Order renders offenders liable to a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds.



Minutes of the meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on Thursday 2 November 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Councillors Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting (Chair), Bill Hatton, Peter Richardson, Paul Shepherd, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir.

In attendance: Ian Cumberworth (Parish Clerk), Tracy Forte (Deputy Clerk) and Rob Yates (Chair of Hassocks Allotment Holders Association)

GE23/51 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllr Sue Hatton.  Absent without apology:  Cllrs Kate Bailey and Angus Neil.

GE23/52 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were initially no declarations of interest.

GE23/53 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on 21 September 2023, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE23/54 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. The Chair referred to the first item on the Officer’s report regarding Tony Copeland stepping down as the Chair of Hassocks Allotment Holders Association (HAHA).  He introduced and welcomed Rob Yates, the new Chair, to the committee.  Rob is a long term allotment tenant and has been Chair of HAHA in the past.

Rob Yates thanked the Committee and the office for the support that had been given to Tony Copeland during his time as Chair.  He informed the Committee that he had met with the Deputy Clerk and Jane Barker, who manages the allotments, that afternoon which had been very useful.  He also noted that there have been many positive changes over the years and that he was looking forward to working with the Parish Council.

The Chair thanked Rob Yates for attending to introduce himself and Rob left the meeting.

GE23/55 OFFICER’S REPORT.  Members noted the report.  Cllr Weir requested that formal thanks were sent to both Michael Nailard who had kindly donated 250 bluebell bulbs to Talbot Field and Tony Copeland for his support and assistance during his time as Chair of HAHA.

It was also noted that additional funds could be considered for further planting in Talbot Field as part of the budget setting for 24/25.

GE23/56 ADASTRA PARK DEVELOPER SUPPORT OPPORTUNITES.  At the previous G&E meeting Members considered an offer from Taylor Wimpey to make a contribution towards improvements in Adastra Park and put forward a concrete table tennis table as a potential option.    Members were advised that on requesting further clarification on the amount being offered, the contribution will be in the region of £500.  This could be used for a single item or as a contribution towards a larger item.

Members discussed this in more detail and it was agreed that there were limited options for a single item within the region of £500.  The proposal of a concrete table tennis table was discussed further and there was a general consensus that this was not a feasible option for Adastra Park for various reasons:

  • Limited Sheltered locations to enable table tennis to be played.
  • Potential for encouraging increased anti-social behaviour.
  • Delivery and installation of a concrete table would be highly challenging without causing damage to park grounds and costly.

GE23/56.1 It was noted that the Adastra Park Working Group had committed to exploring the option of installing a drinking fountain in the park, therefore it was proposed and AGREED that the developer would be asked to make a donation towards a drinking fountain.  This was to be followed up by the Clerk/Deputy Clerk.

GE23/57 FOOD CONCESSIONAIRE ADASTRA PARK.  The Clerk provided a verbal update on the current situation with the food concessionaire in the park.

The concessionaire has indicated that it is beginning to become more challenging to operate viably in the winter months due to weather conditions etc. however they are keen to continue trading in the park and have built up a regular clientele.

They have therefore approached the Council to explore the suggestion of allowing them to hire (fee to be agreed) the pavilion for 2-3 hour sessions to create a pop up eatery/coffee shop.

The concessionaire has indicated that dependent on the availability of the pavilion, they could offer either a lunch or an afternoon tea. No food would be prepared on site, reheating only.  They have undertaken to set up/take down & undertake any cleaning required. Operationally provided the facility is available it should not create particular issues, obviously conditions would be put in place to ensure these arrangements are in place.

Members’ views are sought as to whether they would support this initiative.

Members discussed this and were very supportive of an initiative which would enable the concessionaire to remain trading within the park over the winter.

GE23/57.1 Members AGREED that subject to appropriate conditions being put in place, the concessionaire could hire the pavilion at the community rate.   The management of this to be delegated to the Clerk.

GE23/58 ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN.  The Clerk provided a verbal update on various matters.

GE23/58.1 North Field Play Area.   All defects on the play equipment have now been resolved so the retention monies that have been held for the last 2 years will now be released.  This totals just under £7,000.

GE23/58.2 Tennis Courts. There have been some minor defects on the courts but the contractor has returned to site to resolve these.  The online booking & payment system appears be operating relatively trouble free.

GE23/58.3 Adastra Park Drainage.  This is one of the items under budget initiatives that Members may consider later in the agenda.

The Clerk informed Members that the Council may be able to access a potential funding stream to part fund any drainage work in the park.  This being some developer contributions which have been received by MSDC as part of the Ockley Park development.

Members discussed the drainage scheme at length and it was agreed that although further contacts had been identified as potential sources of information, a great deal of research had already been undertaken by the Clerk and a contractor was already involved in the project.  In addition to this the Clerk is in contact with a local contractor with some specialism who has volunteered to oversee any proposals and there is a Civil Engineer on the Council.

The current situation is that if the Committee indicates continued support for progressing a drainage scheme, the Clerk will request revised costs and a clear specification of the proposal.

Members AGREED full support to progressing a potential drainage scheme and instructed the Clerk to proceed with obtaining revised costs.

GE23/58.4 Table Tennis Table.  Further to the previous conversation it was noted that this would not be progressed.

GE23/59 SPEED LIMITS IN HASSOCKS. Village Centre 20mph Scheme. Members were invited to note that Cllrs Paul Shepherd, Bill Hatton, Peter Richardson and Kate Bailey have agreed to sit on this working party.  This was noted by Members and the Deputy Clerk was instructed to arrange a meeting.

GE23/60 WINDMILLS SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT.  Members were updated on the initiative to offer support to Windmills School Environment Project.

It is proposed that the school create a brief and initiate discussions with potential local artists to secure an art based project based on the message ‘re-use and re-cycle’.  The proposal being to create a final piece of art which can be displayed in a public area.

MSDC has confirmed that there is just over £5000 available in S106 funds for Public Art in Hassocks, and that this project would be highly likely to meet the criteria to access the funding.  However at this stage no application can be submitted until further details are available on the project.

It was noted that the artwork could be for display inside or outside but would need to be available for the public to view, and therefore the council might need to give some thought to possible locations in due course.

Members were supportive of the proposed project.  It was noted that the project should be mindful of the brief to create a piece of ‘public art’ which would be appropriate for the setting.

Members AGREED that the Deputy Clerk/Clerk should enable the progression of the project as required at this stage.

GE23/61 BUDGET INITIATIVES.  The Clerk invited Members to consider potential initiatives they would like to see funded in the next financial year (2024/25).

Members were advised that a summary of the current Ear Marked Reserves were set out in appendix 4 of the agenda.

At the recent PR & C meeting Members considered and were supportive of acquiring IT packages to manage the Allotments and the Burial Grounds.

It was also discussed and agreed in principle to explore the replacement of the current windows/soffits/bargeboards in the parish centre rather than refurbish the existing.  One option for this could be to utilise funding held in the existing EMR sinking fund which currently stands at £18,785. These funds were initially established for these types of situations.

The Clerk noted that whilst still healthy, the Council’s General Reserves were being drawn on more than usual currently for various reasons including the need to provide cover in the absence of a groundsman and the agreement of a significant contribution towards the Adastra Hall extension.

Two further initiatives which Members were invited to consider were the replacement of the entrance gates at the allotments and the installation of grit bins around the village as part of a revised Winter Maintenance plan.  Members supported both initiatives for consideration as part of the budget setting.

Winter Maintenance Plan.  Further work was due to be carried out on this and a proposed revised plan for 24/25 would be put forward to Members in due course.

The following initiatives were also raised by Members.

  • Youth Budget. It was noted that some youth funding remained with Hassocks Community Organisation and confirmation was required as to whether these had been utilised.

It was suggested that additional funds could be allocated for further community youth groups to access.  The Clerk noted that the Community Grants Schemes was open to all of these groups.

  • Village Signage. Concerns were raised about the condition of the signs when entering the village, particularly from the south and north.  Therefore it was proposed that new signage could be explored to provide a more updated and welcoming feel when entering the village on the A273 from Burgess Hill and from Brighton.

This proposal was supported by the Committee as a potential initiative and the Clerk was asked to obtain indicative costs.

GE23/62 LIGHT UP HASSOCKS/FESTIVE LIGHTS. TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE APPLICATION Friday 1 December 2023 16.00hrs to 20.00hrs.  Members were invited to consider the road closure applications and any comments they may wish to make on behalf of Hassocks Parish Council.  Members noted and supported this application.

GE23/63 FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Cllr Frances Gaudencio informed Members that a meeting of the group was due to be held later in November.

Cllr Gaudencio also reported that the Riparian Responsibilities booklet had now been printed and was ready for distribution.  Copies were circulated to Members for information.

Cllr Gaudencio thanked the office staff and Cllr Alex Simmons for their input on this document.  Cllr Carolyn Barton was co-ordinating the distribution of the booklet and had been in contact with Cllr Simmons and Cllr Neil who had previously offered to help with distribution.  Cllr Peter Richardson also offered to assist with distributing the booklets.

It was agreed that the Deputy Clerk would liaise with Cllr Barton to co-ordinate the distribution of booklet.  Electronic copies would be sent to local solicitors and estate agents with a covering letter as previously agreed; the Deputy Clerk would arrange this.

Cllr Peter Richardson had written an information article on the Riparian Responsibilities booklet which was to be published in the forthcoming Hassocks Life magazine.

Once the booklets have been delivered, a post would be published on the HPC website with links to the booklet and the article.  (Deputy Clerk).

GE23/64 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update. (Cllr Ian Weir.) There was nothing new to report.  There are various matters to action as noted at a previous meeting, however these are dependent on the availability of resources.

GE23/65 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

GE23/65.1 The Chair referenced the recent Hassocks on Show event and gave his thanks to the office staff for their involvement in the preparation for the event and also to Cllr Don McBeth for the promotional video he produced.  All of which were very informative and reflected positively on the Council.   Members agreed that the event had been very successful and a good communications opportunity for the Council in general.

GE23/65.2 Cllr Peter Richardson raised concerns about the lighting on the path running between the Garden of Remembrance and Keymer Road.  The trees in Adastra Park overhang the lights and reduce the lighting shining onto the park making it very dark.  The Clerk reported that there was potentially some budget available to have these cut back, however a report would be made to Enerveo in the first instance.

GE23/66 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 14 December 2023 at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.