Grounds & Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Angus Neil, Peter Richardson, Alex Simmons and Paul Shepherd) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

cc. Richard Higgs

A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on 21 September 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk – 13 September 2023



3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 27 July 2023. (Previously Circulated).


5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1).

6. SPEED LIMITS IN HASSOCKS. Village Centre 20mph Scheme. To consider in further detail specific elements of a potential scheme to implement a 20mph speed limit in parts of the village. (Cllr Ian Weir).

7. FESTIVE LIGHTS. Members are invited to consider and agree a new festive lighting design for 2023-25. (Appendix 2).

8. ALLOTMENT RENT. Members are invited to approve an increase in the allotment rent for Parklands Allotments to £43.00 per half plot from 1 October 2023. (Appendix 3).

9. ADASTRA PARK TREE MAINTENANCE. Members are invited to consider an approach towards the maintenance of trees which border residential properties in Adastra Park. (Appendix 4).

10. ADASTRA PARK DEVELOPER SUPPORT OPPORTUNITES. Members are invited to consider correspondence received from the developer Taylor Wimpey. (Appendix 5).

11. GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE. Members are invited to consider approving replacing an empty section of flower border with turf. (Appendix 6).

12. ADASTRA TENNIS COURTS REFURBISHMENT. Verbal Update. (Deputy Clerk/Cllr Bunting).

13. ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal update (Cllr David Bunting).

14. WINDMILLS SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT. Members are invited to consider whether the Council can support any elements of suggestions to encourage environmental improvements within the village as part of a project undertaken by Windmills pupils. (Appendix 7).

15. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Verbal Update.

16. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update. Cllr Ian Weir.

17. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 2 November 2023 at 7.30pm.

Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 September 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 5 – Officer Report

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.


2. Groundsman’s Absence. The Groundsman remains on long term sick leave and various temporary contracts are now in place to cover essential work including line marking, litter collection and mowing. In addition to this the Parish Office is very grateful to various volunteers who have offered to undertake specific tasks to assist with ongoing maintenance.

3. Talbot Field. Members are invited to note the following update from the The Woodland Flora and Fauna group (TWFFG) on Talbot Field.

The group have been attending Talbot Field fairly frequently to water the new trees and wildflower plugs during the hot spells and to remove flowering ragwort and thistles.

The group have also been working hard to remove some of the widespread tree seedlings that regularly re-appear each year. The most noticeable being the legacy of the white poplar trees that were removed from the southern boundary. Good progress was made however they will keep sprouting unless we can completely eliminate them, so the group will continue with this programme of removal.  There is a complex network of live substantial roots running beneath the ground and throwing up new saplings every two or three feet. Some of the roots are the thickness of a person’s wrist.

All the ox-eye daisy plugs purchased at the end of last year were planted and are growing nicely. Hopefully, they will all be flowering next summer to enrich the meadow.

4. Bus Stop Shelter – London Road, near Little Copse Road. A request has been received for a litter bin to be installed adjacent to this shelter due to the amount of litter being left in the shelter. At this point MSDC is not able to confirm that their contractor has capacity to empty a further bin on the current round, however it is hoped that this will be possible in the near future.

The bus shelter has also been subject to a significant amount of offensive graffiti which was removed by Burgess Hill Town Council within 24 hours of being reported.

Appendix 2


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 September 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 7 – Festive Lighting

1. The purpose of this report is to update members on Festive Lighting for 2023 and to invite Members to consider and agree a new festive light design for 2023-25.

2. Members were informed at a previous meeting that the Dove motif light had some sections which were in need of repair. The motif is now being fully re-roped by the contractor at a cost of £185 plus VAT.  Funded from the Christmas Light Budget.

3. It was noted last year that the Hassocks Light motif had some sections which were faulty, as this was only recently re-roped, the contractor has agreed to carry out repairs free of charge.

4. New Lighting Designs.

The contactor has provided a selection of lighting designs and Members are requested to select a preferred design which could be used for the next three years.  The designs can be white and gold, or include sections of colour depending on the Committee’s preference. (designs previously circulated).

As agreed at the G&E meeting held on July 27, the lighting design options have been shared with the HCO Light Up Hassocks Committee to enable the committee to offer some input towards the final design choice.

The lighting designs will be available to view at the G&E meeting or can be viewed in the Parish Office.

5. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION: Members are invited to consider the options for light designs and to decide on an agreed design for 2023-25.

Appendix 3


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 September 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 8 – Allotment Rent

1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the proposed Allotment Rent for 2023/24. At a meeting of the Grounds Committee on 11 March 2015, a formula proposed by Hassocks Allotment Holders Association was agreed for calculating allotment rents which composes of three elements, plot rent, water installation, and water charges. (Minute 7b). This formula continues to be the agreed process for calculating allotment rents, with one amendment as agreed on 3 September 2021 relating to water charges.

2. The Rent formula is as follows:

(a)       Plot Rent 2013-14 Plot Rent £18.50 – increased annually based on inflation.

(b)       Water Installation. 2011 – an addition of £10 per annum for water installation costs to run for 21 years until 2032.

(c)        Water Charges. The charges for water usage were increased from £5 per annum to £7 per annum on 3 September 2021 Minute ref: GE 20/24.1.

(d)       Using the agreed formula rents have been set as follows:

October 2019
£20.63 plus water = £35.63 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £36.00

October 2020
£20.80 plus water = £37.80 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £38.00

October 2021
£21.10 plus water = £38.10 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £38.00

October 2022
£22.99 plus water = £39.99 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £40.00

3. WATER CHARGES. These have been reviewed for July 2023 as previously agreed based on calculations for water charges between Jan 2020 and July 2023.  Water usage has fluctuated but remained fairly constant, however the cost of water has increased from approximately 187.68p per cubic metre in 2020 to 214p per cubic metre in 2023.  Therefore the expenditure on water has increased.  The standing charge is not included in the calculation.

(a) The average annual cost of water between 2018 – 2020 was £280, which divided between 40 plots equalled £7.00 per half plot.

(b) The average annual cost of water between 2020 and 2023 was £330, which divided between 40 plots gives a charge of £8.25 per plot.

(c) Therefore it is proposed that the charge for water should increase to £8 per half plot per annum.

4. PLOT RENT. Using the agreed formula, applying inflation to the rent of £22.99 for a half plot for 2022/23 would result in a total increase of £2.39 (10.4%), bringing the plot rent to £25.38.

Rent    (22/23)           £ 22.99

Inflation increase     £   2.39

Water installation     £ 10.00

Water Usage             £   8.00 (Subject to approval

Total Rent 23/24     £ 43.38


5.1. Members are invited to approve an increase to the water element of the allotment rent from £7 per half plot to £8 per half plot from October 2023.

5.2 Subject to approval of an increase of £1.00 to the water usage element of the rent, Members are requested to approve the Allotment Rent for 2023/24 increasing to £43.00 per half plot per annum, based on applying a £2.39 inflationary increase and £1 water usage increase; rounded to the nearest pound.

Appendix 4


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 27 July 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 9 – Tree Maintenance Adastra Park

1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members about an ongoing matter regarding the three Oak Trees on the east border of the Tennis Courts. Each of these trees have a Tree Preservation Order.

2. Historically it had been understood that these trees were in no-man’s land and therefore not the responsibility of the residents or HPC.   However the council has always assumed responsibility where safety is a concern.   It has very recently come to light that these trees are, in fact, on land owned by HPC.

3. For several years, the residents whose gardens border this section of the park have individually and collectively requested various work to be carried out on the trees to reduce overhanging branches and lifting canopies to reduce debris and allow more light into the gardens.

4. Each request has been dealt with individually and in certain situations the Council has agreed to share the cost of specified tree work when this is deemed appropriate. On these occasions the decision was made following a report from the HPC Tree Warden.

5. Recently essential emergency work was required on one of the oak trees which had a torn limb, this was undertaken and the tree has been made safe on both sides.

6. Further enquiries and requests have been received over the past year from individual residents for the Council to cover the cost of further tree work to lift canopies and cut back overhanging branches to increase light, reduce leaf fall/debris and reduce damage to shrubbery and plants in gardens. Residents have been informed that they are permitted to carry out and fund work independently subject to planning approval.   Some residents have indicated that they are not in a position to make any contribution, others have indicated that they would be prepared to cover the full cost.

7. The last report provided by the Tree Warden in November 2022 stated that the Oak Tree in question was a ‘fine tree’ and that any work undertaken by the PC would certainly invite further requests for similar action on the additional two Oaks at this site.

8. The trees were not deemed to have any structural or safety issues at the last full survey in 2021 and subsequent professional advice has concurred that the trees are general good specimens and in good health.

9. These are well established Oak Trees which have been growing for over a hundred years, certainly before any properties were built in the area.

10. Adastra Park is bordered by many fine long standing trees and requests are received intermittently for the council to fully or partly cover the cost of reduction work for various reasons – to improve light, to allow for a better view, to reduce debris/leaves, to reduce overhang and on occasions for safety reasons or to lift branches from garden buildings or structure.

11. The Council has previously indicated its priority is to protect and preserve trees in Adastra Park wherever possible and this has been used to guide any operational decisions to date.

12. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to review how the Council would wish to see such requests managed in order to provide a clear operational process for managing future and existing requests.  It is important that the council has a consistent approach to all requests.

Matters to consider:

1. Is the council in support of fully funding tree work to provide improved light/reduced debris/better garden conditions/reduce overhanging branches on healthy trees?

2. Is the council in support of part funding the above work?

3. Is the council in support of full or part funding any work where overhanging branches are on garden buildings or structures?

4. Is the council happy to approve the funding of any work which is considered necessary for safety reasons whether over the Council’s land or on private property?

Appendix 5


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 September 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 10 – Adastra Park Developer Support Opportunities.

1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to consider the following correspondence received on behalf of Taylor Wimpey offering to make a contribution towards improvements in Adastra Park.

Taylor Wimpey are always keen to support the communities in which they build, and I believe this is a great opportunity for us to be able to support you in your efforts to continue providing a wonderful outdoor space for both Hassocks residents and visitors from further afield.

Please let us know if there’s something you’re particularly looking to do at this time? It could be, for example, a donation to help with improvements towards the park, or equipment that you need that we can gift to you.

Furthermore, we’d like to know if there’s the possibility that younger residents (accompanied by parents) or a local school would be able to plant some flowers at the park, either as part of or irrespective of the any potential support given? We’re in the process of facilitating this and thought it would be a nice idea for members of the local community to be involved in something such as this at their local park.

2. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to consider how this offer could be utilised within Adastra Park and to delegate to the Clerk/Deputy Clerk to progress.

Appendix 6


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 September 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 11 – Garden of Remembrance borders.

1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to approve turfing the narrow borders which run north to south across the Garden of Remembrance.

2. These borders were previously planted with roses which have had to be removed due to disease. The borders are regularly walked across and require significant maintenance, therefore the gardening volunteer group has suggested that these borders should be turfed rather than replanted.

3. The Gardening Volunteers will undertake to lay the turf if approved.

4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to approve the purchase of turf for the identified borders with expenditure to be taken from the Garden of Remembrance EMR.

Appendix 7


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                    

Date: 21 September 2023

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk                         

Subject: Agenda Item 14 – Windmills School Environmental project

1. The purpose of this report is to enable Members to consider in detail the item noted under Urgent Matters at the previous meeting (27 July 2023) relating to an environmental project which was undertaken by Year 6 pupils at Windmills Junior School last summer.

2. The Eco Pioneers project ran in the summer term 2023 with approximately 100 students in Year 6 with a number of aims, relating to environmental education (linked to Geography), developing transferable skills (teamwork, communication) and citizenship. It was a pilot project lead by Katherine Crisp at Katherine Crisp at Social Innovation For All (SI4A) which also ran with Queens Park School in Brighton and Swiss Gardens School in Shoreham. The endpoint for the students was to present their ideas to parents, leadership and the local community (which included County Cllr Kirsty Lord and HKD transition representatives).

3. Cllr Lord subsequently contacted the Parish Council to share some of the ideas that were proposed by the pupils and invited HPC to consider the possibility of supporting or implementing any of the ideas which were appropriate to the Council.

4. Not all of the suggestions are considered within the Parish Council’s remit however have been included below for information, these have been marked *

Food Waste

a. Food waste collection by the council.*

b. Working with Hassocks shops and cafes to minimise food waste and share with those less fortunate

c. Install community compost bins and food waste in Hassocks*

d. Encourage restaurants and school meal providers to provide smaller portions

e. Encourage residents to minimise waste with recipes to use up older food

f. Install a community food box to pass unwanted food on to Hassocks residents who need it


a. Create a nature reserve on the currently abandoned and undeveloped part of Hassocks golf course*

b. Create homes for animals – bats, birds and bees

c. Create a mini-Knepp on Parklands Copse

d. Encourage residents to help in their own gardens – avoid slug pellets, create hedgehog highways, let grass grow

e. Give wildflower seeds to residents to plant and help our bee population

Rubbish and Recycling

a. Install plastic recycling bins on Hassocks streets*

b. Decorate bins throughout Hassocks and provide challenging tick sheets at the parish council to encourage children to use them

c. Organise regular group litter picks in Hassocks

d. Install a pen recycling box at school*

e. Create art out of rubbish at a Scrap Club*


a. Encourage people to install solar panels*

b. Campaign to encourage people to turn off plugs, saving money and the environment


a. Provide more buses and community minibuses*

b. Provide more cycle racks outside shops in Hassocks

c. Create more safer cycle routes*

d. Run a Walk to School week with tally charts and certificates for participants*

e. Encourage more electric vehicles*


a. Build terraced houses with communal gardens rather than detached bungalows with private gardens in order to provide the housing we need but save valuable land for nature.*

5. S106 Funding – Public Arts. Members also noted at the previous meeting that there were S106 funds available for Public Arts and it was suggested that there may be potential to access these funds to support specific art based projects as listed above.

6. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to consider whether the Council is able to offer support in any of the ideas raised by the Y6 Windmills pupils.



Minutes of the meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on Thursday 21 September 2023 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Councillors Kate Bailey, David Bunting (Chair), Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Peter Richardson, Paul Shepherd and Ian Weir.

In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk. Mr Robert Kenhard and Mr Fred Maillardet (Hassocks Community Organisation – HCO), one member of the public.

GE23/31 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllr Frances Gaudencio, Cllr Alex Simmons and Ian Cumberworth, Parish Clerk. Absent without apology: Cllr Kristian Berggreen and Cllr Angus Neil.

GE23/32 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were initially no declarations of interest.   Cllr Sue Hatton declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 14 as a Governor of Windmills Junior School when this item was considered.

GE23/33 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on 27 July 2023, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE23/33.1 Cllr Peter Richardson asked for clarification about the location of Footpath 8C which was referenced at the previous meeting.  Cllr Ian Weir provided this.

GE23/34 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were three members of the public present.  Andy Hanson introduced himself to the committee as a member of Greener Hassocks and Ditchling (formally HKD Transition). He informed the Committee that Greener Hassocks and Ditchling would be holding a launch event on Saturday 23 September, and extended an invitation to all Councillors who were able to attend.

GE23/35 Mr Fred Maillardet and Mr Robert Kenhard (HCO) had been invited to attend the meeting to contribute to item 6 Speed Limits in Hassocks.  Therefore the Chair considering this as the first item which was supported by the committee.

GE23/36 SPEED LIMITS IN HASSOCKS. Village Centre 20mph Scheme. To consider in further detail specific elements of a potential scheme to implement a 20mph speed limit in parts of the village.

Cllr Ian Weir introduced this item.  HCO had written to the Council to request and propose a reduction in the speed limit to 20 mph in Hassocks and Keymer.  The Council had indicated its support for the proposal at a previous meeting and it had been agreed that the details of such a request should be discussed further.  Cllr Weir informed the Committee that County Councillor Kirsty Lord is working with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to address various other traffic and speed related matters throughout Hassocks and that this item would align with Cllrs Lord’s work.

In order for a request to be presented to WSCC for consideration by the Parish Council, a clear proposal was required setting out details of where 20mph speed limits should start and end, as well as evidence of community support for any proposal.

Cllr Weir invited Members and attending guests to share their thoughts on where 20mph speed limits should be implemented in Hassocks and Keymer.

This was discussed in detail and there was a strong consensus that the introduction of 20mph speed limits should be throughout the village starting from the following locations:

  • At the beginning of Lodge Lane after junction from New Road, B2112.
  • At the bottom of Ockley Hill on Lodge Lane just before Ockley Park.
  • At the Railway Tunnel on Keymer Road, B2116, entering Hassocks.
  • Just before Beaconhurst on Keymer Road, B2116, entering Keymer from Ditchling.

Cllr Weir expressed some concerns about the level of community support for extending the limits so far out of the centre of the village.

Fred Maillardet noted that the reduction of speed limits in Hassocks was part of the HPC Business Plan set in 2018 and asked why this had not been actioned sooner.  Cllr Weir acknowledged this point and noted that the Council had addressed some traffic issues through its Traffic and Parking Scheme, however accepted that the implementation of 20mph speed limits had not been directly addressed.  Cllr Weir also reported that the approach by WSCC towards community schemes had changed over recent years, making it easier to progress such proposals providing that the Parish can evidence a good level of community support.

It was also agreed that it was important for all to recognise and understand that the Parish Council is not the decision making body for any highways schemes, this lies with WSCC.

Robert Kenhard offered the support of HCO to assist with any aspects of putting together the proposal.  He noted that HCO has a large database of people who have signed up to be involved in community schemes and would therefore be happy to be contacted with details of a survey.  Cllr Bill Hatton thanked Robert Kenhard for this offer on behalf of the council and noted that such support would be gratefully received.

The Committee further discussed the details of how to progress this matter and it was suggested that a working party should be set up to consider how to effectively seek the views of the community on the reduction of speed limits.

Therefore it was AGREED that:

GE23/36.1 The initial proposal would recommend a 20mph speed limit starting at the following locations:

  • At the beginning of Lodge Lane after junction from New Road, B2112.
  • At the bottom of Ockley Hill on Lodge Lane just before Ockley Park.
  • At the Railway Tunnel on Keymer Road, B2116, entering Hassocks.
  • Just before Beaconhurst on Keymer Road, B2116, entering Keymer from Ditchling.

GE23/36.2  A working group would be set up including Councillors and representatives from external organisations as appropriate.  The group would finalise the proposals and manage a community consultation. Robert Kenhard agreed to join the group on behalf of HCO.  The Deputy Clerk would send out an invitation to all Councillors to indicate if they wished to be a member of the working party.

The Chair thanked the attendees for their input and assistance with this item.

Robert Kenhard, Fred Maillardet and Andy Hanson left the meeting.

GE23/37 OFFICER REPORT. Members noted the Officer’s report.

The Deputy Clerk also updated the Committee on the following matters:

GE23/37.1 Parklands Copse.  The Deputy Clerk informed the Committee that emergency tree work had been actioned for trees in Parklands Copse which were overhanging the Scout Hut and presented a danger to the building and hall users.  The cost of this work was £750 which would be covered from the Parklands Copse budget.

GE23/37.2 Anti-Social Behaviour in Adastra Park. Members were informed that there had been a particularly high level of anti-social behaviour recently in Adastra Park on an afternoon when Downlands School finished early.  This had resulted in the Clerk having to intervene in one incident and a report from a member of the public about other incidents which had also taken place.  Downlands School and the Police were informed after the event and both have offered increased support.

The local PCSO has requested further attendance by the local Policing Team after school and Downlands School will also be arranging to have staff on site. A further early school closure is planned on 28th September and the school and Police have both confirmed their intention to provide a visible attendance in the park on that date.

GE23/38 FESTIVE LIGHTS. Members were invited to consider and agree a new festive lighting design for 2023-25.  Design choices were made available for the committee to consider.  The preferences of representations from HCO Light Up Hassocks had also been sought and the Deputy Clerk passed these onto the Committee, who also selected the same designs.

GE23/38.1 It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the following design choice as the festive lighting for Hassocks between 2023-25. (Please click here to view the chosen design).(Please click here to view the chosen design).

GE23/39 ALLOTMENT RENT. Members were invited to approve an increase in the allotment rent for Parklands Allotments to £43.00 per half plot from 1 October 2023.

Members considered the calculations as presented in Appendix 3 of the agenda and agreed with these. Using the agreed formula applying inflation to the basic rent for a half plot for 2022/23 with the addition of an additional increase in the water element of the charges, the proposed rent increase for a half plot was from £40.00 to £43.00 for 2023/24.

GE23/39.1 It was RESOLVED that rent for Parklands Road Allotments would increase to £43.00 per half plot and £21.50 per quarter plot for the year commencing 1 October 2023.

Members were also invited to note that the Parklands Road Allotments would be participating in the NGS Hassocks Open Gardens in 2024.

GE23/40 ADASTRA PARK TREE MAINTENANCE. Members were informed that for several years, the residents whose gardens border the park have individually and collectively requested various work to be carried out on the trees to reduce overhanging branches and lifting canopies to reduce debris and allow more light into the gardens.  This has particularly applied to properties whose gardens back onto the Tennis Courts.

A further recent request has been received from a resident and therefore Members were invited to consider how the Council would wish to see such requests managed, in order to provide a clear operational process for managing future and existing requests.

It was noted that many of the trees on the eastern border of the park were protected by Tree Preservation Orders.

Members discussed this in detail and it was unanimously agreed that the trees were a much valued feature of the park and should be protected wherever possible.  It was recognised that essential maintenance should be undertaken for health and safety reasons, but that no requests by for other work would be considered other than in exceptional circumstances.

GE23/40.1 It was AGREED that the Parish Council would not undertake work on trees bordering residential properties in Adastra Park unless required for health and safety reasons, or for other reasons initiated by the Parish Council. .

GE23/41 ADASTRA PARK DEVELOPER SUPPORT OPPORTUNITES.  Members are invited to consider correspondence received from the developer Taylor Wimpey which offered to make a contribution towards improvements in Adastra Park.

The Deputy Clerk informed the committee that it was understood the financial limit for this would be circa £1000.

The committee were in support of accepting this offer and after some discussion two suggestions were put forward dependent on costs:

  • A concrete table tennis table.
  • A sun shade for the children’ play park in the North Field.

GE23/41.1 It was AGREED that the Deputy Clerk would get costings for both items and feedback to the developer and Committee.

Taylor Wimpey had also suggested the possibility of funding a planting project with a local school that would be facilitated by HPC.  Members felt that this was not something the Council could undertake at the current time.

GE23/42. GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE.  Members were invited to consider approving replacing an empty section of flower border with turf.  Funds are available in the Garden of Remembrance Ear Marked Reserves to cover the cost of the turf, and the garden volunteers have offered to lay the turf.

Members fully supported this proposal.

GE23/42.1 It was RESOLVED to approve replacing an empty section of the garden of Remembrance border with turf.  The cost of the turf to be expended from the Garden of Remembrance EMR.

GE23/43 Cllr David Bunting invited Members to consider the following matter which had been raised at the recent Park Working Group meeting.

It had been proposed and agreed that to make the Garden of Remembrance more accessible a modification was required to the Yorkstone step access from the pathway which borders Keymer Road onto the pathway that runs south to north under the pergola.  This modification would include a ramp.

The Clerk had obtained an indicative cost in the region of £600 and this is available within the Garden of Remembrance EMR budget.

The G&E Committee were therefore invited to approve this proposal subject to the costs being within the region of £600.

GE23/43.1 It was RESOLVED to approve the proposal of the Adastra Park Working Group to modify a Yorkstone step onto the side path in the Garden of Remembrance to increase accessibility up to a cost in the region of £600.  Expenditure to be taken from Garden of Remembrance EMR budget.

GE23/44 ADASTRA TENNIS COURTS REFURBISHMENT.  Cllr David Bunting informed the Committee that the refurbishment was now complete and the courts were open for booking.  The recent launch event had been successful and was well attended.

The online booking system has been used and is working well.

Additional signage had been ordered for the courts in line with the signage throughout the park.

Outstanding items include implementing an ongoing maintenance programme and the removal of the remaining herris fencing by the contractors.

GE23/45 ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN.  Following a recent meeting of the Adastra Park Working Group, Cllr David Bunting updated the Committee on the following items:

GE23/45.1 Drainage. The Clerk has finally had a positive response from the contractor who had previously been approached regarding the drainage in the park about undertaking their 2022 proposed works. The contractor will now resubmit a proposal reflecting some design alterations/ water run off/ discharge approval with MSDC and updated project costs.

When received, the new schemes will be reviewed for HPC by a third party local experienced professional who is also a park user and has volunteered his services to provide additional support to the Parish Council in resolving the drainage issues.

If the proposal is deemed suitable it will be put to tender by the contractor with a view to a phased  programme of managed works leading to possible start of major works at end of summer 2024 (all subject to HPC approval of costs and proposed works).

GE23/45.2 Water fountain. At the previous meeting, the installation of a water fountain was discussed. It was agreed that this would be a good addition to the park, providing free drinking water which would be available for park users.

The Clerk had provided additional information for the group setting out the requirements and possible complications of the installation of a fountain.

The group were keen to explore this proposal further and the Clerk would therefore be asked to gather more detailed costs.

GE23/45.3 Infant Playground.  HAGS have finally returned to the play area in the North Field and made effective remedial works to all outstanding issues and so all of their works and liabilities are now complete.

The Committee noted the report.

GE23/46 WINDMILLS SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT. Members were invited to consider whether the Parish Council can support suggestions made as part of a project undertaken by Windmills pupils to encourage environmental improvements within the village. (Full details provided in appendix 7 of the agenda).

Members discussed this in detail and it was noted that many of the suggestions made were not in the remit of the Parish Council.  Nevertheless Members were keen to provide support to this project in some way.

At the previous meeting it had been noted that s106 funding was available for Public Art in Hassocks and it was suggested that this could perhaps be utilised to facilitate a project to support the Windmills School work on Environmental Awareness and Improvements.

After some discussion, a proposal was put forward for the creation and installation of a wood carving or totem pole in Hassocks encouraging environmental awareness and/or reflecting environmental issues.  A competition could potentially be run within the school to design the installation based on the elements covered in the environmental project.

GE23/46.1 It was AGREED that the Deputy Clerk would:

  • Contact MSDC to ascertain whether the proposed project would meet the criteria for s106 funding for Public Art.
  • Contact the Chair of Governors at Windmills School to discuss whether the proposal would meet with the aims of the Environmental Project of the school.

GE23/46.2 S106 Funding – Art Projects.  Members were also notified of correspondence received from MSDC requesting feedback on a release of s106 application for £5016 from the Adastra Hall Hassocks Community Association towards the cost of a public art project.

Members were aware of this project and noted the application.

GE23/47 FLOOD ACTION GROUP. The Deputy Clerk informed Members that the Riparian Ownership booklet was in the final stages of completion and due to go to print imminently.  Members were also informed that Cllr Peter Richardson had also written an article to inform residents about the booklet which would be published in Hassocks Life.

GE23/48 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Cllr Weir noted that he had reported PROW matters to Full Council on 12 September 2023 and there was nothing further to report.

GE23/49 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  There were no urgent matters.

GE23/50  DATE OF NEXT MEETING. 2 November 2023 at 7.30pm.

 There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm.