To: All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, David Bunting, Kristian Berggreen, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir) with copies to all other Councillors for information.
cc. Richard Higgs
A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Thursday 3 February 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.
Parish Clerk 27 January 2022
3. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 27 October 2021. (Previously Circulated)
5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1)
6. ADASTRA FACILITIES HIRE FEES AND CHARGES. Members are invited to consider approving an increase in fees for the Adastra Park facilities from 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023. (Appendix 2).
7. BURIAL GROUND FEES Members are invited to review and approve fees for Hassocks Burial Ground from 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023. (Appendix 3).
8. PAVILION FURNITURE. Members are invited to note the purchase of new tables for the Adastra Pavilion. (Appendix 4)
9. HASSOCKS MAY CELEBRATION. Members are requested in principle to approve a request from Michelle Binks for a May Day Event to be held in Adastra Park on Monday 2 May 2022 subject to the same terms and conditions as previously applied. If approved, Members are invited to agree to waive any hire charges for this community event as for previous May Day events. Any Councillors who would like to volunteer to assist with running the event would be very welcome.
10. ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN. Verbal Update (Parish Clerk).
11. LOST WOODS OF THE LOW WEALD AND DOWNS PROJECT. Members are invited to consider the inclusion of Parklands Copse in the project. (Appendix 5)
12. FLOOD WORKING GROUP. Update Cllr Claire Tester. (Appendix 6)
13. WEST SUSSEX CHARGEPOINT NETWORK. Verbal update (Cllr Ian Weir).
14. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update Cllrs Ian Weir and Leslie Campbell.
15. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 2 March 2022 at 7.30pm.
Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.
It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.
FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.
Appendix 1
To: Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 3 February 2022
Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 5 – OFFICER’S REPORT
1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.
2.1. Play equipment.
i. Skatepark Play Area. Overhead Rotator. The rope on the rope seat has started to fray and presents a risk of injury. A temporary repair has been carried out in house and a full repair is scheduled to be carried out in the near future at a cost of £452 plus VAT.
ii. Adult Fitness Equipment. All three pieces of kit are now failing and are therefore scheduled to be removed as agreed at the G&E meeting held on 8 September 2021 at a cost of £575 plus VAT
iii. Children’s Playpark. Problems have been identified with the following two pieces of equipment in the children’s playpark:
- Roundabout. The roundabout does not rotate smoothly despite maintenance and remedial works being carried out in house. This has been raised on several occasions with the supplier HAGS who have now agreed to carry out a full investigation.
- Swingo. A crack has developed in the top of the swingo which is to be removed and repaired by HAGS.
2.2. Signage. The signage in Adastra Park has now all been updated and replaced with the new agreed signage.
3. AGREED ANNUAL DONATIONS. Members are asked to note that the following agreed annual donations/grants have been paid, and that all groups have expressed their appreciation for the support.
- £200 to Hassocks Allotment Holders Association. This is a contribution of £5 per half plot which is used by HAHA towards materials and projects for improvements and maintenance on the allotment site. This expenditure forms part of the approved part budget for 2021/22.
- £750 to the Monday Group in recognition of the work carried out by the group on HPC land and around Hassocks on behalf of the Council. This grant comes from Section 137 expenditure and was approved as part of the budget for 2021/22.
- £500 to The Woodland Flora and Fauna Group towards their work in maintaining and managing Talbot Field as a nature reserve. This grant comes from Section 137 expenditure and was approved as part of the budget for 2021/22.
4. TALBOT FIELD. The Woodland Flora and Fauna Group have kindly cut and stacked some limbs which have been torn on one of the trees in Talbot Field. The branch stacks will provide future wildlife habitat. The group is also collecting and planting a tree sapling which has kindly been donated to the Council by a local resident and is suitable for planting in the field.
5. HANGING BASKETS. Penny Wadsworth has very kindly begun to deliver letters to all local shops and businesses on the High Street (including Keymer Parade) offering them the opportunity to request a Hanging Basket for the summer. With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in mind, the aim is for all HPC floral displays in the village to be based on a red, white and blue theme subject to supplier’s availability. It is hoped that many shops will be keen to take up the offer of a hanging basket again this year; although following the disappointing condition of some baskets last year, traders will be asked to ensure that they are committed to maintaining the basket throughout the season before registering an interest. This is the final year of the current contract.
Appendix 2
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 3 February 2022
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 6 – Adastra Park Facilities Fees
1. The purpose of this report is to ask the Committee to consider and agree charges for the hire of Adastra Park Facilities from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
2. At the G&E meeting held on 28.01.21, Members approved the application of a formula based on inflation in the annual calculation of Adastra Park Facilities hire fees and charges (Minute ref: GE20/58.1), in place of the previous calculation which was based on the fees charged by Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC).
3. Members are therefore invited to consider the proposed increases to Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges as set out below for 2022/23 based on a 3% increase in CPI between September 2020 and September 2021.
4. Members are invited to consider the revised charges as provided, with particular attention drawn to the following:
Tennis Charges
i) HPC has agreed on an annual basis not to apply any increase to public hire charges for Adastra Tennis Courts since 2011. The current charge is £7.00 (full Rate)
ii) For information, in 2019/20 MSDC reduced its fees for Casual Hire of Tennis Courts from £8.60 (Full Rate) to £6.50 (Full Rate). This was following advice from the LTA that the previous charge was considered too high for casual tennis. The MSDC Casual Hire fee for 2021/22 was £6.60 (Full Rate).
i. It is recommended that the Committee agrees to maintain the current charge of £7.00 (Full Rate) for Public Tennis hire.
ii. It is recommended that the Committee approve all other proposed increases in charges and fees as set out in the following table for the use of Adastra Park facilities in 2022/23.
Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 2022/23
General Conditions
- The charges included in this leaflet are effective from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 in relation to the sports facilities operated by Hassocks Parish Council. Summer and Winter season dates are specific to each facility and activity.
- All hirers must complete an official HPC application form and adhere to the Council’s published Terms and Conditions of Hire prior to the booking period.
- Payment for the hire of facilities must be made in advance unless otherwise are agreed.
- Discounted Rates – where a discounted rate (50% of the full rate) is provided, the following conditions apply:
Juniors-to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be under the age of 17 at the time of hire. Senior Citizens – to qualify for the discounted rate, facility users must be 60 or over at the time of hire.
Full Rate |
Discounted Rate |
21/22 |
Proposed 2022/23 |
21/22 |
Proposed 2022/23 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – per use |
45.55 |
46.90 |
22.80 |
23.45 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – evening rate |
23.90 |
24.60 |
Juniors on Artificial Pitch |
11.95 |
12.30 |
Cricket Net Practice – Per session |
23.90 |
24.60 |
11.95 |
12.30 |
Water for cricket square will be recharged at cost |
Stoolball – South Field per use |
22.30 |
23.00 |
11.15 |
11.50 |
North Field |
5.60 |
5.75 |
Bowls – Club Members |
131.90 |
135.85 |
65.95 |
67.90 |
Water use will be recharged to the Bowling Club |
Tennis – Casual Hire per Court |
7.00 |
7.00 |
3.50 |
3.50 |
Key Deposit – returnable |
5.00 |
5.00 |
5.00 |
5.00 |
Tennis – Club Members |
94.50 |
97.30 |
47.25 |
48.65 |
Couples |
141.60 |
145.90 |
Children of Adult Members |
16.55 |
17.00 |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Bar/Storage |
38.80 |
40.00 |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
26.25 |
27.00 |
13.10 |
13.50 |
Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
6.55 |
6.75 |
Football – per use |
58.80 |
60.60 |
Junior Football on Senior Pitch |
29.40 |
30.30 |
Mini-Pitch |
14.60 |
15.15 |
Training Session (per session) |
15.10 |
15.55 |
7.55 |
7.75 |
32.00 |
33.00 |
16.00 |
16.50 |
Community Pavilion Hire |
9.80 |
10.00 |
Fitness Training Charges (4 hour session) |
10.85 |
11.20 |
Appendix 3
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 3 February 2022
Contact for this report: Deputy Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 7 – Burial Fees
1. The purpose of this report is to invite the Committee to review the current charges for Hassocks Burial Ground and to agree if an increase is to be applied.
2. In line with the agreed approach of increasing Burial Ground and Allotment fees based on an annual inflationary increase, rounded to the nearest whole pound using the Consumer Price Index, Members are invited to consider the proposed increases to the Burial Ground fees as set out below for 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023 based on a 3% increase in CPI between September 2020 and September 2021.
3. With the exception of Search Fees and fees relating to Deed of Grant amendments which are above average in comparison with other parishes and it is therefore recommended that these fees remain at the same level.
4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are recommended to approve the proposed Burial Ground Fees as shown below to be applicable from 1 April 2022.
Hassocks Burial Ground |
Current Fees
August 2021 |
Proposed changes
Increase by CPI Increase Sept 20 to Sept 21 – 3% |
EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment
Non parishioner – 5 x fee |
EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment
Non parishioner – 5 x fee |
A stillborn child, or a person who’s age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years months (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years. |
Single plot depth |
£381.00 |
£392.00 |
Double plot depth |
£495.00 |
£510.00 |
Second interment – ashes or coffin |
£123.00 |
£127.00 |
Memorials |
For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. |
£123.00 |
£127.00 |
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. |
£61.00 |
£63.00 |
A stillborn child, or a person who’s age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years months (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years |
NORTH SECTION Memorial Wall area
EROB, first interment and numbered ground marker. |
£209.00 |
£215.00 |
To purchase a plaque on the Memorial Wall |
£32.00 |
£33.00 |
SOUTH SECTION Memorial Tablet Area
EROB, first interment and permission for a Memorial Tablet. |
£271.00 |
£279.00 |
Second Ashes Interment |
£104.00 |
£107.00 |
Additional Inscription on a memorial tablet. |
£19.00 |
£20.00 |
Search Fee |
£34.00 per hour |
Suggested no change |
Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant |
£57.00 |
Suggested no change |
Appendix 4
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 3 February 2022
Contact for this report: Parish Clerk Subject: Agenda Item 8 – Adastra Pavilion Furniture
1. ADASTRA PAVILION FURNITURE. This is to advise Members that it is proposed to purchase some replacement furniture for the Community Pavilion. Over time some of the furniture has deteriorated and has now reached a point where it needs to be replaced and in particular the tables. It is also proposed to have the chairs steam cleaned.
Initially it was intended to replace the furniture in 2020 however with the closure of the facility due the pandemic for almost 18 months and issues with supply chains this initiative was deferred. With the facility now being reopened it would seem an appropriate time to replace the tables prior to the higher usage of the facility in the summer months.
Previously members agreed to allocate a sum of up to £1750 to be used for the purchase of suitable replacement furniture for the Community Pavilion and a sum has continued to be incorporated into the Pavilion Repair & Renewal (R & R) budget (2021/22) to fund this replacement.
GE19/100 It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure of a budget of up to £1750 to be used for the purchase of suitable replacement furniture for the Community Pavilion as deemed appropriate by the Clerk. Expenditure to be taken from the Pavilion Budget |
2. The proposal is to purchase up to six foldable round tables and storage trolley and two folding trellis tables, the overall cost of which will be circa £1900 net. Members are asked to note the action being taken.
Appendix 5
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 3 February 2022
Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 11: Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs Project.
1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members about the Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs project currently being organised by The Woodland Trust in conjunction with other partners.
2. The following correspondence received from the project manager at The Woodland Trust provides details of the project and further information can be found via the following link Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs – Woodland Trust.
I am writing to let you know of our project, which is located across the low weald and incorporates your parish or some part of it. Together with our partners – Action in Rural Sussex, Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Small Woods Association – we will be bringing to the project area some wonderful opportunities for restoring ancient woodland and for connecting communities to their woodland heritage…….To qualify the woodland needs to be ancient, or plantation on an ancient woodland site (PAWS) and be of an area of no more than 3ha. However, for the purposes of community engagement we would welcome the inclusion of woodland of any type or size.
We are currently in the development phase of the project, testing a number of delivery techniques and trialling different ways of working which will help us pull together our second-round application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) next year. This will, if successful, unlock a 5-year delivery phase and £2.8M of funding and crucially provide us with more resources to provide opportunities for people to join in and help save our ancient woods.
The project has 2 main focuses; to restore and conserve small ancient woodlands and to engage communities in their local wooded areas. We will work with smaller ancient woodland owners to survey and create a plan for the restoration of their woods. Many ancient woods are in poor condition and sufferer from fragmentation, a lack of management, invasive species or pressure from high deer numbers. Whatever is having the biggest impact on the woodland biodiversity, we will work with owners to tackle it and allow nature to thrive in these special places once more. We also know that many people are not visiting their local woodlands and unlocking all of the health and wellbeing benefits of doing so, so we are engaging communities and developing opportunities to introduce a diverse audience of people to spending time amongst the trees. We are also developing a detailed training program for woodland owners and managers, engaging schools and creating a Forest School network, and recording ancient and veteran trees.
3. Parklands Copse is an ancient woodland and as such would qualify for the project; the project would provide support and advice on managing and restoring the wood.
4. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION. Members are therefore invited to consider whether HPC would like to be involved in this project.
Appendix 6
To: Grounds & Environment Committee Date: 3 February 2022
Contacts for this report: Cllr Claire Tester Subject: Agenda Item 12 – Flood Working Group.
Report from Grounds and Environment Working Group on Flooding
This Working Group was set up in December 2020 to review the evidence of flood incidence and risk in the parish and the potential solutions and make recommendations for future action.
The members of the group are Parish Councillors Frances Gaudencio (Chair); Claire Tester; Bill Hatton; Alex Simmons and Kristian Berggreen; County Councillor Kirsty Lord; District Councillor Benedict Dempsey; Juliet Merrifield (HKD Transition); and Peter King (Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust).
The Terms of Reference agreed by Grounds and Environment Committee on 3rd December 2020 included that the Working Group would report its findings back to the Committee within 12 months unless otherwise agreed by that Committee. The Group has met five times and reported back to the Committee regularly during 2021. This report summarises all the information the Group has discovered in the last year and makes recommendations to the Committee on future actions.
Findings of the Working Group
Review of Existing Reports
WSCC Hassocks Surface Water Management Plan 2016 was reviewed and the following matters were raised:
- The WSCC report was confirmed as adopted by WSCC, and its absence from the website likely due to technical problems. HKD Transition has an electronic version which it shared with the Group.
- The implementation of the WSCC report has been delayed but is next in the queue (see section on Evidence from West Sussex County Council).
- Many of its recommendations are subject to funding and it will be difficult to secure such funding due to need to provide evidence of effectiveness in moving properties to a lower flood risk.
OART Reducing Flood Risk in Hassocks – Upstream Flow Mitigation Herring Stream and Lagg Stream report 2016 was reviewed and the following matters were raised:
- The OART report had been mostly implemented with the exception of establishing further retention ponds and other natural flood management (NFM) features in Butchers Wood. Butchers Wood is now being managed under a Woodland Management Plan and this does not include any NFM measures. There may be an opportunity to have some input to the 2023-2028 plan for the site.
- Anecdotal evidence from last winter and this winter suggests that the implemented NFM measures have been successful in slowing the flow and reducing flooding along Parklands Road.
Both reports indicate that Parklands Copse and Play Area are areas for future investigation into NFM measures, and this potential should be explored further with the landowners Hassocks Parish Council and Mid Sussex District Council. Further work on other tributaries was needed and HKD Transition is considering this and whether the aims of any of the engineering projects in the WSCC report could be achieved through NFM measures instead.
HKD Transition report on Green Infrastructure was reviewed and the following matters were raised:
- The proposals for verges around Mackie Avenue etc were intended to make these absorb more water through rain gardens and/or tree planting to capture more water before it reached the watercourses or areas of flood risk.
- It was noted that many of these verges were maintained as short grass by adjacent householders and that their support for any measures would be essential.
- It was considered that there was more scope for some of the wider verges, particularly along Ockley Lane and adjacent to the junction with Adastra Avenue, but that WSCC’s position with regard to sight lines and maintenance would need to be understood.
- The potential for tree planting to assist flood management was discussed and it was considered that single trees in verges offered only small benefits whereas larger scale planting for instance in fields alongside streams could be more beneficial.
- Opportunities existed to install ‘tree pits’ – i.e. large holes for water retention with trees planted in them – along the top of Keymer Road near Station Approach to catch water before it goes to the centre of Hassocks / Spitalford Bridge (further research indicates that there are too many services under the pavements to implement this proposal).
- There may also be an opportunity to work with WSCC re the verge/old pond at the entrance to Beaconhurst.
- HKD and OART has produced a table of ‘Flood Mitigation Options for Hassocks’ which has been prioritised according to ease/cost of implementation. (see Appendix 6 pages 6-10). Please click here to view Appendix 6 pages 6-9 Flood Mitigation Options for Hassocks, and please click here to view Appendix 6 page 10 Flood mitigation options for Hassocks Map.
Evidence from West Sussex County Council
Cllr Lord obtained input from Richard Speller of WSCC Highways on current and proposed drainage works in the highway. This included the following information:
- There are two Hassocks locations on Richard Speller’s list of 25 flood hotspots in Mid Sussex and Crawley – London Rd and central Hassocks.
- Work was undertaken in February 2021 at Beaconhurst to investigate the cause of frequent flooding at the junction with Keymer/Ditchling Road. This was established as intrusion of roots and debris into the drainage pipes from Ditchling. Further liaison needed with ESCC.
- The Community Grants Scheme could be used to fund ‘tree pits’ as they being proposed on new roads around the county, so a precedent has been set. More information is needed about the cost to install and whether a commuted sum would be required to cover maintenance. There may also be potential obstruction to pedestrians or impact on utilities infrastructure.
- WSCC fully supports wildflower verges and rain gardens / trees within verges where appropriate, Steve Hill leads on this issue.
- Surface water often pools around some drains rather than drains away because the pipes between the drains no longer have the capacity to discharge the volume of rainfall.
- It was confirmed that Spitalford Bridge is in the ownership of WSCC. It was reported that the previous drainage holes in this bridge had been filled in. Photographs were requested.
- Keymer Road / Parklands Road
- A basic level survey and inspection has been carried out.
- This identified i) that all of the existing highway drainage outlets are below water level when the stream is in full flow and ii) when the water level in the stream is above the soffit level (i.e. the top) of the culvert under Keymer Road, water from the stream could flow out of the lowest gulley in Parklands Road, adjacent to the shop. This has indeed been reported by residents during flooding at this location.
- WSCC proposal to install a number of gullies that would discharge into the stream at a high level, i.e. above full flow level. (work carried out December 2021).
- Keymer Road / Railway Bridge
- Flooding at the bridge caused by intrusions of roots and debris into gullies;
- Would resolve these issues after Keymer Road / Parklands works to avoid sending more water into the centre of the village before those issues have been resolved.
- Richard Speller visited site with Christine Ellison and investigated the existing culvert crossing and highway drainage adjacent to ‘Waterside’ and No. 11, Downs View Road.
- The existing highway drainage is directly connected to the culvert.
- During periods of heavy rainfall the stream can flow out of the garden of ‘Waterside’ and across the road putting No. 11 at risk of internal flooding.
- The culvert is not a straight line under the road which may reduce to volume of water that the culvert can take during times of heavy rain. But this is not considered to be a significate reduction in volume.
- Discussed with the owners of No. 11 the possibility of lowering the kerb line in front of their property and channelling the water directly into the stream. This has been passed to the ‘Major Projects Team’ and is currently on a list for further investigation and design.
- Lodge Lane
- Cllr Lord has been raising the longstanding problem of sitting water on Lodge Lane working with Parish Councillor Barton. It was listed as Priority 2 but there has been a backlog of Priority 1 jobs to get through before they could deal with this. Drainline were out jetting in November so this may be fixed.
- Hassock Surface Water Management Plan proposals
- Work has yet to start on the proposal to attenuate water within the existing stream network south of Hassocks, although WSCC aware that Peter King is looking at a similar project too. WSP the design and modelling consultants are still working on the Angmering Flood Alleviation Scheme, which is currently at the planning stage. Once this work is complete work will start on the Hassocks modelling.
Evidence from Mid Sussex District Council
The balancing pond between Keymer and Ditchling confirmed as maintained by MSDC but they are resolving a current issue with access.
Cllr Dempsey to liaise with Cllr Lord to set up a meeting with Kevin Macknay (WSCC) and Tony Johnson (MSDC) to discuss flood water retention measures at Parklands Play Area.
Accountabilities for Flooding and Drainage
Emails received from Tony Johnson, MSDC Facilities and Services Surveyor, clarified the accountabilities for flooding and drainage as follows:
Under Riparian Rights and Responsibilities it is the landowners responsibility to maintain a watercourse and to ensure it’s free of blockages. The removal of such blockages should be treated initially as a private landowner matter. If the landowner is unknown then the Parish Council may know the landowner and initial reports should be made to them. Alternatively blockages can be reported to The Flood Risk and Drainage Team as Lead Local Flood Authority delegated officers in writing to Please be aware that this approach follows a formal process and should not be used in an emergency.
Cllr Barton to discuss with Group members leaflets for distribution to houses with adjacent streams advising of riparian rights and responsibilities; asking for volunteers for ditch wardens; and to identify where residents might need extra support.
Rapid (First) Responders
It was noted that HKD had a ‘rapid respondence team’ of volunteers willing to help in flood situations. WSCC (Richard Speller) has confirmed that they are welcome to rod highway drains if they can do it safely without standing in the highway and a risk assessment is carried out.
The Parish Clerk has confirmed that public liability insurance for the first responders could be included within the Council’s insurance policy. He also confirmed that keeping records in the parish office of flooding incidences would be achievable within existing resources.
Cllr Simmons is to research equipment needed to help residents help themselves during flooding incidences and provide indicative costs.
Some parishes on the Manhood Peninsula are taking a proactive approach and employing ditch wardens to help ensure that ditches and water courses are properly maintained. This project was seed-funded with £600k from Watershed. Hassocks Parish Council may wish to do something similar.
Wildflower Verges
The verge opposite Beaconhurst in Hassocks was included in the WSCC wildflower verges initiative in 2021. This meant that there was a survey of existing plants and cutting was reduced to once in August. Other verges (such as in Ockley lane) can be put forward for inclusion in the scheme for 2022.
An area in Adastra Park near the tennis courts was part of the PlantLife NoMowMay initiative in 2021.
Parklands Copse
In March 2021 the Grounds and Environment Committee granted landowner consent for the construction of debris dams at Parklands Copse to mitigate flooding in the centre of the village. Peter King, Director of the OART, advised that constructing debris dams through this section will de-synchronise the flows near to where the two channels meet (from Butchers Wood and Parklands Copse). Slowing the flow in this location will further reduce the amount of water meeting Spitalford Bridge in the centre of the village, creating additional capacity within the culvert. This should facilitate additional drainage from the road surface water drains which often back up once the level of water in the channel overtops the invert level of the pipes from the road.
In April 2021 full Council authorised a budget of up to £1,000 for the works and Peter King then obtained Water Course Consent from Mid Sussex District Council. HKD volunteers installed the debris dams in September 2021.
An article on the work of the Group and to raise the profile of flood mitigation community projects was placed in Hassocks Life in summer 2021.
HKD organised walks around the various flooding initiatives in September 2021 including the new debris dams and the rain gardens previously installed in Adastra Park. These were well attended by the public and councillors.
Recommendations for Future Actions
It is recommended that the Working Group be converted into a Flood Action Group. This would continue to be led by the Parish Council and be attended by representatives of the County and District Councils but would have a wider community membership potentially incorporating or working with the HKD ‘Floods and Suds’ group. Regular reports would be made back to the Grounds and Environment Group.
Tasks for the Flood Action Group could include the following:
- Take forward the actions in the table of ‘Flood Mitigation Options for Hassocks’ (see Appendix A).
- Meet with Kevin Macknay, WSCC Lead Officer for Flood Risk, to discuss the implementation of the Hassock Surface Water Management Plan.
- Meet with the WSCC Resilience Team and/or assist them in running a community workshop.
- Create a Flood Resilience Plan for Hassocks. The flood strategy and actions could also be incorporated into the Community Led Plan for Hassocks, being led by the Neighbourhood Plan Committee.
- Set up a Ditch Warden scheme with local volunteers to ensure local ditches and watercourses are maintained.
- Provide equipment for residents to protect their properties, monitors for streams and leaflets about riparian rights and responsibilities (budget proposal of £3,000 through the Parish Council budget setting process).
It is also recommended that the Parish Clerk be given the responsibility of maintaining a detailed record and map of flood incidences within the parish to guide future work on flood mitigation.
Cllr Claire Tester 19.01.2022
Minutes of a meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on 3 February 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks
Attendees: Cllrs Jane Baker (Chair), Kristian Berggreen, David Bunting, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir.
In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk, Ian Cumberworth – Parish Clerk and Cllr Claire Tester.
GE21/28 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllr Kate Bailey.
GE21/29 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.
GE21/30 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on 27 October 2021, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
GE21/31 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were no members of the public present.
GE21/32 OFFICER REPORT. Members noted the Officer’s report. The Committee were informed that the planned repairs to the Pergola in the Garden of Remembrance were due to start in the following week. A further pillar has been identified as requiring essential remedial work and therefore three pillars in total will now be rebuilt.
The Chair expressed her thanks to Penny Wadsworth for her support and assistance with the Hanging Basket scheme which was echoed by the Committee and the Deputy Clerk.
GE21/33 ADASTRA FACILITIES HIRE FEES AND CHARGES. Members were invited to consider increases to Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges for 2022/23 based on a 3% increase in CPI between September 2020 and September 2021. With the exception of the fee for the public hire of the Tennis Courts and it was proposed that this should remain at £7.00 (Full Rate). Members were in agreement with both proposals.
GE21/33.1 It was RESOLVED to approve the fees and charges for the hire of Adastra Park Facilities from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 as shown in Appendix 1.
GE21/34 BURIAL GROUND FEES Members were invited to consider proposed increases to the Burial Ground fees for 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023 based on a 3% increase in CPI between September 2020 and September 2021. With the exception of Search Fees and fees relating to Deed of Grant amendments which are above average in comparison with other parishes and it was recommended that these fees remain at the same level.
GE21/34.1 It was RESOLVED to approve the fees and charges for the Hassocks Burial Ground from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 as shown in Appendix 2.
GE21/35 ADASTRA PAVILION FURNITURE. Previously members agreed to allocate a sum of up to £1750 to be used for the purchase of suitable replacement furniture for the Community Pavilion and a sum has continued to be incorporated into the Pavilion Repair & Renewal (R & R) budget (2021/22) to fund this replacement. (Min Ref GE19/100).
Over time some of the furniture has deteriorated and has now reached a point where it needs to be replaced and in particular the tables.
Members were advised that initially it was intended to replace the furniture in 2020, however with the closure of the facility due to the pandemic for almost 18 months and issues with supply chains this initiative was deferred. With the facility now being reopened it would seem an appropriate time to replace the tables prior to the higher usage of the facility in the summer months.
Members were therefore invited to note the proposal to purchase up to six foldable round tables and storage trolley and two folding trellis tables, the overall cost of which will be circa £1900 net and is budgeted for within the Pavilion Repair and Renewals budget. Members noted the action being taken.
GE21/36 HASSOCKS MAY CELEBRATION. Members were requested in principle to approve a request from Michelle Binks for a May Day Event to be held in Adastra Park on Monday 2 May 2022 subject to the same terms and conditions as previously applied. If approved, Members are invited to agree to waive any hire charges for this community event as for previous May Day events. Members were also informed that Michelle Binks would be grateful for any volunteers to assist with running the event.
Members were fully in support of this request.
It was RESOLVED that Adastra Park and Pavilion would be made available for use without charge for the Hassocks May Day event on Monday 2 May 2022, under the same arrangements as have previously been put in place.
GE21/37.1 Drainage. The Clerk informed the Committee that the drainage feasibility study has now been let and that he is in the process of agreeing commencement timelines.
The scheme will entail a number of elements including site visits, topographical survey and a final report and design.
GE21/37.2 Tennis Courts. The Clerk confirmed that a funding bid has been submitted to MSDC to secure £45,000 section 106 monies to support the refurbishment of the tennis court area.
The council has been working in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to secure match funding from them, therefore if successful this scheme could potentially be funded fully from external funding. This approach with the LTA was progressing well until a Government announcement last October that they were to provide £30 million of grants for improving park tennis facilities; however to date the details of how this scheme will actually work or the qualifying criteria has yet to be finalised. As a consequence of this the LTA are not progressing any funding bids until the scheme details are finalised. It is hoped that this will become clearer in the next few weeks.
The LTA will be administering the scheme on behalf of the government and the Clerk is continuing to maintain dialogue with the LTA with the aim to be able to progress a match funding bid once it is possible to establish that the Adastra site meets the criteria.
If the bids are successful the intention would be to deliver improved court areas with an on-line booking system, on-line payment system and an automated gate entry system. Based on LTA data this would significantly increase the casual usage of the facility & also enable the existing club to make use of the facilities. Other sport activities may also be able to utilise the facility.
It was asked whether the LTA funding would still be available if the courts were to be made multi use and the Clerk confirmed that his understanding was this would be acceptable to the LTA.
GE21/38 LOST WOODS OF THE LOW WEALD AND DOWNS PROJECT. Members were invited to consider the inclusion of Parklands Copse in the Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs project currently being organised by The Woodland Trust in conjunction with other partners. The Woodland Trust will work with smaller ancient woodland owners to survey and create a plan for the restoration of their woods. Further information can be found via the following link Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs – Woodland Trust.
Members were in favour of HPC participating in the project and AGREED that the Deputy Clerk could progress this, subject to any action not impacting on any Flood Management Strategies implemented in Parklands Copse.
GE21/39 FLOOD WORKING GROUP. Cllr Claire Tester introduced the written report which was included with the agenda as Appendix 6. The report summarises the work carried out by the Flood Working Group over the past year and sets out the aims for moving the group forward.
It was proposed that the Flood Working Group be converted into a Flood Action Group. This would continue to be led by the Parish Council and be attended by representatives of the County and District Councils but would have a wider community membership potentially incorporating or working with the HKD ‘Floods and Suds’ group. Regular reports would be made back to the Grounds and Environment Committee.
Cllr Frances Gaudencio informed the Committee that it was likely that a Flood Action Group would require additional resources from the Parish Office to support tasks such as communication, administration, meetings and research. It was noted that Cllr Claire Tester had provided a considerable amount of administrative support to the group over the last year and would not be able to continue with this; this support would need to be provided through another route, ideally the Parish Office.
The Clerk indicated that a clearer understanding of the predicted workstream would be beneficial to enable an informed assessment of the level of additional staffing resources required. It was agreed that this would be considered in more detail by the Chair and Cllr Frances Gaudencio and discussed with the Clerk in due course.
Cllr Gaudencio also recommended that should the Flood Working Group become an Action Group, then the Parish should affiliate itself with the National Flood Forum which would provide access to a range of information and advice on Flooding. This was supported by the Committee.
The Chair noted that the report provided by Cllr Tester was excellent and greatly appreciated. Thanks were extended to Cllr Tester for her hard work over the past year which has made a significant difference to the progress of the group.
Members were in favour of the recommendation of the Flood Working Group being converted to a Flood Action Group.
GE21/39.1 It was RESOLVED that the Flood Working Group would become a Flood Action Group.
It was noted that no decision would be made regarding additional resourcing until further details had been discussed with the Clerk.
GE21/40 WEST SUSSEX CHARGEPOINT NETWORK. Cllr Ian Weir informed the Committee that he had recently joined a webinar hosted by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) on the West Sussex Chargepoint Network and provided feedback on this presentation. The network is a program of work to install charge points throughout West Sussex in partnership with a commercial provider Connected Kerb. As there is often limited on street space in smaller communities they are looking for community locations to install chargers such as village hall car parks. The usual installation will be 7kw chargers which would give a 20 mile range in 1 hour. This is ideal for overnight charging but not fast enough for a quick recharge by a day visitor. Cllr Weir enquired about the possibility of installing 50kw chargers in Hassocks based on s106 monies; this received a positive response and this could be discussed as a separate arrangement at a future date. The rapid chargers will be provided by the partner company ‘Osprey’. Cllr Weir stated that as the project covers the whole of West Sussex, he felt that if Hassocks is to get electric vehicle visitors to the High Street, then it is important to indicate potential sites to ensure Hassocks receives priority consideration. The main focus currently is car parks, and MSDC will be rolling out EV chargers in some of its own car parks over the next few weeks. Four chargers are to be installed in the Orion Car Park in Hassocks shortly, and further investigation is taking place as to the feasibility of chargers in the Dale Avenue Car Park.
Cllr Weir asked Members to consider to committing one or two spaces in the Adastra Park Car Park should this be feasible.
A discussion took place about the Chargepoint Network and it was agreed that it would be good to have EV chargers installed at both Belmont (London Road) and Clayton recreation grounds which are owned by MSDC.
Members were open to the idea of EV Chargers in Adastra Park, however concern was expressed at how this might impact on general parking provision. The Adastra Park main car park is frequently very busy and the loss of two spaces could generate additional difficulties both for park users and for office staff if required to monitor the use of EV spaces. The option of installing one EV charger in this car park was considered more favourable, and it was noted that the park also has two other car parks which might provide alternative options. The option of providing evening/overnight charging only was also discussed.
It was agreed that the Committee were open to the idea of EV chargers in Adastra Park however further specification and details were required on suitable sites. Cllr Ian Weir to follow up and report back in due course.
GE21/41 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Cllr Ian Weir informed the Committee that Network Rail had commenced work on the installation of the tunnel underneath the railway to replace the footbridge and rail crossing on PROW 5K. The rail line will be closed for a period of time as part of this work.
Cllr Weir confirmed that the path through the tunnel would be wide enough to have bridleway status. Cllr Hatton enquired as to the plans for the section of the footpath on the east from the completed tunnel to re-join the existing ‘made’ section of 5K. This section from the railway embankment is currently extremely muddy and does not have an accessible route. There was concern that this had not been included in the various plans to improve 5k by either developer. It was agreed that this was an important consideration and Cllr Weir agreed to follow this up.
GE21/42 URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.
GE21/42.1 The Chair invited Members to note that Hassocks Allotments are to be included in the NGS Open Gardens Trail for Hassocks again this year. The date for the trail is 12 June 2022 between 1pm and 5pm. Cllr Baker informed Members that the last Allotment Open Gardens had been a great success and that she was very impressed with the way the Allotment Holders and their children presented the allotments. The event also demonstrated the excellent work that the Allotment Holders Association does and the very positive working relationship between the Parish Office and the Allotment Association.
GE21/42.2 Cllr Baker also informed Members that she had recently spoken to the artist, Jo Myles, who painted the village sign. Jo informed Cllr Baker that she had received some very good feedback and interest following the recent article that had been published in Hassocks Life and is on the HPC website. Cllr Baker again thanked Cllr David Bunting for all of his hard work on the sign project.
GE21/43 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 2 March 2022.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm
Appendix 1
Adastra Park Sports Facilities Fees and Charges 2022/23
Full Rate |
Discounted Rate |
Agreed 2022/23 |
Agreed 2022/23 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – per use |
46.90 |
23.45 |
Cricket Turf Wicket – evening rate |
24.60 |
N/A |
Juniors on Artificial Pitch |
N/A |
12.30 |
Cricket Net Practice – Per session |
24.60 |
12.30 |
Water for cricket square will be recharged at cost |
Stoolball – South Field per use |
23.00 |
11.50 |
North Field |
11.50 |
5.75 |
Bowls – Club Members |
135.85 |
67.90 |
Water use will be recharged to the Bowling Club |
Tennis – Casual Hire per Court |
7.00 |
3.50 |
Key Deposit – returnable |
5.00 |
5.00 |
Tennis – Club Members |
97.30 |
48.65 |
Couples |
145.90 |
N/A |
Children of Adult Members |
N/A |
17.00 |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Bar/Storage |
40.00 |
N/A |
Changing Rooms/Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
27.00 |
13.50 |
Toilets/Kitchen/Storage |
13.50 |
6.75 |
Football – per use |
60.60 |
N/A |
Junior Football on Senior Pitch |
N/A |
30.30 |
Mini-Pitch |
N/A |
15.15 |
Training Session (per session) |
15.55 |
7.75 |
33.00 |
16.50 |
Community Pavilion Hire (per hour) |
10.00 |
N/A |
Fitness Training Charges (4 hour session) |
11.20 |
N/A |
Appendix 2
Burial Fees and Charges 2022/23
Hassocks Burial Ground |
Agreed Charges as from 1st April 2022 |
EROB (50yrs) and 1st Interment
Non parishioner – 5 x fee |
A stillborn child, or a person who’s age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years. |
Single plot depth |
£392.00 |
Double plot depth |
£510.00 |
Second interment – ashes or coffin |
£127.00 |
Memorials |
For the right to erect a headstone within the burial ground on a grave in Respect of which the exclusive Right of Burial has been granted. |
£127.00 |
For the right to have additional inscription on an existing memorial. |
£63.00 |
A stillborn child, or a person who’s age at the time of death, did not exceed 18 years (Residents and Non-residents). |
No Charge |
A person whose age at the time of death exceeded 18 years |
NORTH SECTION Memorial Wall area
EROB, first interment and numbered ground marker. |
£215.00 |
To purchase a plaque on the Memorial Wall |
£33.00 |
SOUTH SECTION Memorial Tablet Area
EROB, first interment and permission for a Memorial Tablet. |
£279.00 |
Second Ashes Interment |
£107.00 |
Additional Inscription on a memorial tablet. |
£20.00 |
Search Fee |
£34.00 per hour |
Replacement, transfer or amendment of Deed of Grant |
£57.00 |