Grounds and Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, Kristian Berggreen, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Peter Gibbons, David Hammond, Bill Hatton, Frank Rylance and Alex Simmons) and Co-opted Members (Tony Copeland) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

cc        Richard Higgs

A virtual meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Thursday 3 September 2020 at 7.30pm.

Parish Clerk 27 August 2020



3. MINUTES To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on Thursday 9 July 2020. (Previously Circulated)


5. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1)

6.1. Members are invited to consider increasing splitting five half plots to assist with reducing the Allotment Waiting list. (Appendix 2)

6.2. Members are invited to approve an increase in the allotment rent from £36.00 per half plot to £38.00 from 1 October 2020 based on a review of the water charge.  (Appendix 3).

7. SPORTS CLUBS FEES. At the meeting of the G&E Committee on 9 July 2020, the full rate Winter Pavilion Charge was approved as £31.80, and the discounted rate as £16.00 (min 20/08.1). The discounted rate should have read as £15.90.  Members are therefore requested to approve the Winter Pavilion discounted rate as £15.90 for 2020/21.


9. DOG WASTE BIN. Members are invited to consider a request to take on responsibility for a dog waste bin situated in a private road in Hassocks. (Appendix 4).

10. MONDAY GROUP ANNUAL REPORT. Members are invited to note The Monday Group Annual Report and Accounts 2019 for information. (Appendix 5) The Parish Council makes an annual grant to The Monday Group West in recognition of the support provided by the organisation in the maintenance of the Council’s assets.

11. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Thursday 22 October 2020 at 7.30pm.

Please Note
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees.

Item 4 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.  It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

If you wish to attend this virtual meeting please email before 09.00 hrs on Thursday 3 September 2020 to be sent an electronic invitation by 12.00 noon on that same day.


During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.

Appendix 1


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   3 September 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 5 – OFFICER’S REPORT

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on Grounds and Environment (G&E) Matters.

2. STREET TREES. This has proved a very popular project again this year with a total of 27 trees due to be planted.  The cost remains at £150 per tree which will be funded from the £3,600 budgeted by HPC, £500 donation from Hassocks Community Organisation and some other private donations.


Heating System. The Pavilion heating has been faulty since the beginning of the year, and there have also been ongoing concerns about the efficiency of the system.  It has proven incredibly challenging to source a suitably qualified and experienced engineer to establish the root cause of the problems which appears to be partly historical from installation.  A suitable engineer has now been commissioned and a full investigative survey was undertaken prior to essential works being carried out to repair the faults and to improve the energy efficiency of the heating system.   Some further repair work is still required and the effectiveness of the system will be monitored going into the Autumn/Winter months.

Roof Leak.  Despite numerous repairs, there is an ongoing leak in the pavilion which has been difficult for roofing contractors to locate, partly due to the materials used in building the pavilion.  The original contractor who fitted the roof has been contacted and has made a site visit to establish the cause of the leak.  We are awaiting his report.

4. COVID 19 UPDATE. Some sports clubs have resumed activities subject to Covid restrictions.  The pavilion remains closed to hirers due to the difficulties in ensuring the building can be adequately cleaned between use to ensure the building is ‘Covid safe’    The Parish Council does not have the resources to maintain the required level of sanitisation and it would not be cost effective to employ an outside contractor to carry this out.

5. FESTIVE LIGHTS. A final design has been selected for the Festive Lights in Hassocks over the next three years, and the Merry Christmas Motif is to be fully refurbished ready for Christmas 2020 as approved by the Committee.

Appendix 2


To: Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   3 September 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 6.1 – DIVISION OF ALLOTMENT PLOTS

1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to approve a further splitting of five half plots on the Parklands Road allotments in order to increase the number of plots available.

2. In 2015 the Grounds Committee approved a request from HAHA to increase the number of quarter plots available in order to reduce the allotment plot waiting list. It was agreed that with the approval of the appropriate Council Officer, suitable half plots would be split as they became available with the aim of reaching 50/50 split of quarter to half plots, with an upper limit of 27 quarter plots.

3. This has proved a successful strategy and resulted in a reduction of the waiting list, and the waiting time for an allotment tenancy. There are currently 27 quarter plots and 27 half plots.

4. However, over the last 18months, the waiting list has steadily increased with 39 residents waiting for a plot, and the average wait being 18mths – 2years. Therefore it is requested that the Committee approve the splitting of a further five half plots as they become available and where it is deemed suitable.

5. This would provide 37 quarter plots and 22 half plots for rent.

6. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. The Committee are invited to approve the splitting of five suitable half allotment plots to create 10 quarter plots as and when they become available subject to the approval of the Parish Clerk.

Appendix 3


To: Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   3 September 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 6.2 –ALLOTMENT RENT 2020/21

1. The purpose of this report is to inform Members of the proposed Allotment Rent for 2019/20. At a meeting of the Grounds Committee on 11 March 2015, a formula proposed by Hassocks Allotment Holders Association was agreed for calculating allotment rents which composes of three elements, plot rent, water installation, and water charges. (Minute 7b). This formula continues to be the agreed process for calculating allotment rents.

The formula is as follows:

a) Plot Rent 2013-14 Plot Rent £18.50 – increased annually based on inflation.

b) Water Installation. 2011 an addition of £10 per annum for water installation costs to run for 21 years until 2032.

c) Water Charges. The charges for water usage were agreed as £5 per annum until 2016 when water charges would be reviewed to take into account any variations in water costs or usage

d) Using the agreed formula rents have been set as follows:

October 2014
£18.85 plus water = £33.85 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £34.00

October 2015
£19.04 plus water = £34.04 Rounded to nearest pound =Total £34.00

October 2016
£19.23 plus water = £34.23 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £34.00

October 2017
£19.74 plus water = £34.74 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £35.00

October 2018
£20.21 plus water = £35.21 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £35.00

October 2019
£20.63 plus water = £35.63 Rounded to nearest pound = Total £36.00

2. PLOT RENT. Using the agreed formula, applying inflation to the rent of £ 20.63 for a half plot for 2020/21 would result in a total increase of 17p (0.83%), bringing the plot rent to £20.80.

Using the formula as agreed by the Grounds Committee in 2015 and continued application since, the charge for water usage has been £5 per half plot pa since 2014.

This was calculated to cover four years bills from 2012-2016 which were averaged to be £150 pa over 4 years totalling £600.  This was divided over 3 years 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 totalling £200 per year/40 plots = £5 per plot.

The water charge was reviewed in 2016.  There had been some fluctuation and an increase in water costs, but no change was proposed to the water costs element of the rent to allow for an average picture to be achieved.

Current Situation

The cost of water has increased from approx. 163p m3 in Jan 2018 to 180p m3 in Jan 2020.

Usage has been as follows:  (lowest unit cost applied for year)

Jan 18 – Jan 19 – 134m3 @ £1.63 = £218.42

Jan 19 – Jan 20 – 143m3 @ £1.71 = £244.53

Jan 20 – July 20 – 162m3   First half of the year.   The minimum predicted likely usage for the second half of 2020 is 48m3 based on previous years.   210m3 @ £1.80 = £378.00.  The usage has increased considerably this year, most likely due to such a prolonged dry spell.

The standing charge is not included in the calculations.

The total expenditure on water between Jan 2018 – Dec 2020 is likely to be in the region of £840.  Averaged out over the three years it gives an annual total of £280.  Which divided between 40 plots = £7.00 per plot.

Therefore, it is proposed that the water charge element of the rent is increased by £2 per half plot from £5 to £7 pa from 1 October 2020 with a review in July 2022.

Rent    (19/20)           £ 20.63

Inflation increase     £    0.17

Water installation     £ 10.00

Water Usage             £   7.00

Total                        £ 37.80

3. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are requested to approve an increase in Allotment Rent for 2020/21 from £36.00 to £38.00 per half plot per annum, based on applying a £2.00 increase to the water charges element of the rent only, and rounding to the nearest pound as previously agreed.

Appendix 4


To:       Grounds & Environment Committee

Date:   3 September 2020

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk

Subject: Agenda Item 9 – Request for a Dog Bin.

1. Members are invited to consider correspondence received from the South Bank Residents Association for the Parish Council to adopt responsibility for a dog waste bin which was installed privately by a resident of South Bank some years ago.

The bin was installed by the then Chairman of the Committee, Trevor Humber, at least 20 years ago close to North entrance to South Bank off the Keymer Road please click here to see where dog bin located (marked with red x).

Mr Humber was an advisor to the ‘Tidy Britain Group’ and was passionate about avoiding littering. The bin was installed to curb the littering of non residents walking through the road or attending the tennis club.

Until his death late last year Trevor resided at ‘The Bend’ in South Bank and despite being in his 90’s would empty the bin every week himself, disposing of the waste in his own household bin.

In recent years South Bank has become a popular destination for non residents to walk their dogs, especially as they are now able to access the woods via Hassocks Close (constructed 2013). This has led to a marked increase in dog bags and other litter. Walkers are aware of that the bin is the only one for dog waste on the west side of the railway track and it is usually full before the week is out.

Since Trevor’s death his widow has taken it upon herself to empty the bin every weekend. However, the committee are aware that she struggles with the task and feel that as this is the litter of non residents she shouldn’t have to do this.

The committee don’t wish to remove the bin out of respect to Trevor and his wife. Is there anyway it could be adopted by the Parish Council as it serves the whole Hassocks community?

Although the present bin is on a private road it is NOT used by any of the residents. I can count the number of dogs in South Bank on one hand and know that they are walked in the woods and don’t pass by where that particular bin is located. The bin installed by Mr Humber 20 years ago is used by other Hassocks residents walking on the West side of the railway tracks. That is why Mr Humber located it at the end of South Bank close to the junction with Keymer Road.

I am aware that there is a dog bin on the Cinder path, however this is on the (East) other side of the railway track. Therefore, Hassocks residents using South Bank to enter the woods to walk dogs couldn’t be expected to use it as they are not coming anywhere near it.

It is the belief of the Residents Association that if we removed Mr Humber’s bin (which we may be forced to do) it would lead to a marked increase in abandoned bags of dog waste and other litter along the Keymer Road.

2. HPC currently has responsibility for 13 dog waste bins in Hassocks, four in Adastra park, one in Talbot Field and 8 bins in various locations around the village. The bins are collected by MSDC contractors at a weekly cost for each collection of £3.05 per bin.

3. MSDC is currently at capacity for bin collections and is not accepting any requests for the installation or collection of additional bins. Should HPC agree to take on responsibility for any additional bins an external contractor would need to be sourced.

4. Previous requests have been received for the installation of new dog bins on other private roads and have been declined by HPC. In some cases the management committees of these roads have then decided to employ a contractor privately.

5. If Members are minded to approve taking on responsibility for this dog bin under a private contract, Members are requested to consider the Council’s longer term policy towards requests for dog bins on other private roads, and potential requests for new dog bins on adopted roads which have previously been reviewed under the MSDC contract.

6. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. Members are invited to consider whether Hassocks Parish Council wishes to take on responsibility for the maintenance and funding of the existing dog bin in South Bank by entering into an agreement with an external contractor.



Minutes of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held virtually on 3 September 2020 at 7.30pm.

Attendees: Cllrs Jane Baker, Frances Gaudencio, David Hammond, Bill Hatton (from item 6.1) and Ian Weir.

In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk

Ian Cumberworth – Parish Clerk

Cllr Claire Tester

Cllr Sue Hatton from Item 6.1

GE20/18        APOLOGIES. Cllrs Leslie Campbell, Peter Gibbons, Frank Rylance and Alex Simmons and co-opted member Tony Copeland. Absent without apology Cllr Kate Bailey and Kristian Berggreen.

GE20/19        DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.

GE20/20        MINUTES.

It was noted that the minutes from the meeting held on 9 July 2020 omitted apologies which had been received from Cllr Leslie Campbell.  This was amended and signed by the Chair following the approval of the Committee

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on 9 July 2020, with the approved amendment as above, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE20/21        PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  There were no members of the Public present.

GE20/22        OFFICER’S REPORT.  Member’s noted the Officer’s report (Appendix 1 of the Agenda). The Deputy Clerk also informed Members that the WSCC Access Ranger, Sue du Chemin had announced that she would be leaving her post from Friday 4 September.  Members noted that Sue had been very supportive to the parish and proactive in addressing Public Rights of Way matters. The Deputy Clerk confirmed that a message had been sent to Sue thanking her for her hard work.


GE20/23        Division of Plots. Members were invited to consider increasing splitting five half plots to assist with reducing the allotment waiting list.  Members were informed that over the last 18 months, the allotment waiting list has steadily increased with 39 residents waiting for a plot, and the average wait being 18mths – 2years.  Therefore it was requested that the Committee approve the splitting of a further five half plots as they become available, and where it is deemed suitable, to provide 37 quarter plots and 22 half plots for rent.

 Members discussed the demand on allotments and the aspiration to increase allotment availability.  It was noted that the Council should consider requesting land for allotment provision as part of the proposed new developments planned for the village.

Cllrs Bill Hatton and Sue Hatton joined the meeting.

GE 20/23.1    It was RESOLVED to approve the dividing of a further five half plots as they become available and where it is deemed suitable to provide 37 quarter plots and 22 half plots for rent.

GE 20/24       Allotment Rent. Members were invited to approve an increase in the allotment rent from £36.00 per half plot to £38.00 from 1 October 2020 based on inflation and a review of the water charge.

Using the agreed formula, applying inflation to the basic rent for a half plot for 2019/20 would make an increase of 17p (0.83%) bringing the total overall rent to £35.80.

However, it was noted that the water charges, which form part of the formula, had not been increased since 2016.  Following a review of water use and cost since 2018, it was recommended that the water charge element of the rent was increased by £2.00 per half plot from 1 October 2020, with a review in July 2022.

Members reviewed the calculations as set out in Appendix 3 of the agenda.

Using the previously adopted principle that the rent should be rounded up or down to the nearest pound, it was proposed that the total rent should be increased to £38.00 pa per half plot.

GE 20/24.1    It was RESOLVED that rent for Parklands Road Allotments would increase to £38.00 per half plot and £19.00 per quarter plot for the year commencing 1 October 2020.

GE 20/25       SPORTS CLUBS FEES. At the meeting of the G&E Committee on 9 July 2020, the full rate Winter Pavilion Charge was approved as £31.80, and the discounted rate as £16.00 (min 20/08.1).  The discounted rate should have read as £15.90.  Members were therefore requested to approve the Winter Pavilion discounted rate as £15.90 for 2020/21.

GE 20/25.1    It was RESOLVED to approve the Winter Pavilion discounted rate as £15.90 for 2020/21

GE 20/26       ADASTRA PARK MASTERPLAN.  The Clerk reported to the Committee that the play areas have now been completed, with the markings on the basketball area being installed last week.   The facilities are proving extremely popular however limited social distancing is occurring in some areas. Specific high-risk pieces of equipment were initially cordoned off, however the tapes were being removed daily and therefore these items are no longer isolated and are reliant on users, parents and carers applying the appropriate level of caution in line with Coronavirus safety restrictions.  Whilst it is a real positive to welcome so many people to the park, unfortunately this has also seen a significant increase in litter. Despite numerous bins being placed in easily accessible locations, many users continue to drop litter on the grass resulting in an unsightly mess and a significant amount of work for the Groundsman each morning.

The Clerk acknowledged the work of the Groundsman to ensure that the large amount of turf laid in the play areas has survived.  This is despite being laid at a far from ideal time of year and particularly given the exceptionally dry weather conditions and high temperatures this summer.

The Clerk confirmed to Members that the s106 contribution of just under £33,000 from Mid Sussex District Council(MSDC) has now been received towards the play installations.

The Clerk informed the Committee that a request has been received from Bendcrete (Skate park contractor) to release the Contract Retention sum of £2,500 (net). He has sought confirmation from them that they have undertaken an inspection on or around the anniversary of the completion of the contract, to confirm no defects were identified.  The Clerk has requested sight of any inspection report prior to the releasing any funds.

Cllr Jane Baker expressed her thanks on behalf of the Committee to the Clerk for his  hard work in overseeing the project and ensuring it reached completion despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.  This was echoed by members and extended further to express thanks to Cllr Frances Gaudencio and the members of the  entire Adastra Park Masterplan Working Group, for their hard work in driving this successful  project.

Cllr Frances Gaudencio requested a meeting of the Masterplan Group in the near future to reflect and review the whole project so far and to consider future steps.   It was agreed that this would be useful and that Cllr Gaudencio would set up a meeting.

GE 20/27       DOG WASTE BIN.  Members were invited to consider correspondence received from the South Bank Residents Association (SBRA) for the Parish Council to adopt responsibility for a dog waste bin which was installed privately by a resident of South Bank some years ago. (Appendix 4 of the agenda).  The Deputy Clerk informed members that MSDC were not taking any further requests for new dog bins and that should the Council decide to adopt responsibility for this bin an external contractor would need to be employed.

The request was discussed in detail by the Committee. The Committee acknowledged that the adoption of this bin would necessitate the need to reconsider the Council’s approach to other dog bin requests in the village and have a financial impact for the Council.

However it was also felt that the role of the Parish Council is to serve the village as a whole.  It was noted that the new developments in the village, both those under construction and those which have not yet commenced, are very likely to be private estates.  Yet there will be an increase in the population of the village and most likely in the number of households which are dog owners, as will be the case throughout the many proposed developments in Mid Sussex.  Therefore it was considered that it was not acceptable for MSDC to reject responsibility for Dog Waste bins on private land, as in the case of housing developments.  Members also questioned why MSDC is not accepting any further requests for new dog bins at this current time.

The Committee agreed that this matter should be discussed in further detail at a future meeting and the Deputy Clerk was requested to action the following:

i. To ascertain clarity on the MSDC policy for the responsibility and emptying of dog bins on private land, particularly unadopted developments.

ii. To explore the cost of employing a private contractor to empty one bin, and also all of the bins under the responsibility of Hassocks Parish Council.

iii.To write to all three MSDC Cllrs for Hassocks to request that the District Council reviews the current policy to refuse all requests for the installation of new dog bins and the lack of responsibility for the installation and collection of dog bins on adopted estates and roads.

The Committee agreed that once further information had been gathered, this matter should be reconsidered at a future meeting.  The Deputy Clerk to contact the representative of the SBRA to provide an update.

GE 20/28       MONDAY GROUP ANNUAL REPORT.  Members were invited to note The Monday Group Annual Report and Accounts 2019 for information (Appendix 5 of the agenda).  The Parish Council makes an annual grant to The Monday Group West in recognition of the support provided by the organisation in the maintenance of the Council’s assets.  Members found the report informative and expressed their ongoing thanks to the Monday Group for its hard work.

GE 20/29       URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.  There were no urgent matters.

GE 20/30       DATE OF NEXT MEETING 22 October 2020 at 7.30pm

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.16pm