8/Sep/2020 - Worried About Your Finances?

Struggling with your rent, mortgage or council tax Need help looking at your finances Unsure …More on Worried About Your Finances? >

3/Aug/2020 - News from Hassocks Parish Council

Communication with our community has been overdue primarily as a consequence of the rapidly changing …More on News from Hassocks Parish Council >

31/Jul/2020 - Adastra Park Play Areas – Important Information

Hassocks Parish Council has worked hard to complete the play area improvements within Adastra Park …More on Adastra Park Play Areas – Important Information >

29/Jul/2020 - Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan formally ‘made’ by MSDC

At the meeting of Full Council on 24th June 2020, Mid Sussex District Council resolved …More on Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan formally ‘made’ by MSDC >

25/Jun/2020 - WSCC Public Rights of Way Service – Updates and Information

Please note WSCC has suspended the 15 month Inspection and Maintenance Cycle, due to the …More on WSCC Public Rights of Way Service – Updates and Information >