REGULATION 14 PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION Hassocks Parish Council has formally withdrawn the Submission (Regulation 16) Hassocks …More on HASSOCKS NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN >

17/Dec/2018 - Hassocks Parking Scheme – Stage 2

WSCC Formal Consultation Following the Public Exhibition in March 2018, and further road by road …More on Hassocks Parking Scheme – Stage 2 >

27/Nov/2018 - Got an idea for a community project?

Apply for WSCC funding by MONDAY 14 JANUARY 2019 Click here for more details.

20/Nov/2018 - Public consultation on the proposed Adults Services and Strategy from WSCC

The proposed Vision and Strategy for Adults’ Services sets out the journey the Council will …More on Public consultation on the proposed Adults Services and Strategy from WSCC >

2/Nov/2018 - Adastra Park Project Update June 2020

Since the consultation event in May much work has been going on behind the scenes …More on Adastra Park Project Update June 2020 >