Grounds & Environment Committee



To:      All Members of the Grounds & Environment Committee (Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, David Bunting, Kristian Berggreen, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir) with copies to all other Councillors for information.

cc. Richard Higgs

A meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Wednesday 18 May 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks.

Parish Clerk 12 May 2022




4. MINUTES. To accept the Minutes of the Grounds and Environment Meeting held on 3 February 2022. (Previously Circulated)


6. OFFICER’S REPORT. (Appendix 1)

7. ALLOTMENTS. Members are invited to consider increasing splitting a further five half plots to assist with reducing the Allotment Waiting list. (Appendix 2)


8.1 Review (Cllr Frances Gaudencio).  (Appendix 3)

8.2 Verbal Update (Parish Clerk)

9. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Verbal Update

10. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Verbal update Cllrs Ian Weir and Leslie Campbell.

11. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 6 July 2022 at 7.30pm

Please Note:
All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its Committees. Item 5 – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public statements and questions relating to the published non-confidential business of the Meeting.

It may be necessary to consider particular items in confidential session and where this arises, these items will be considered at the end of the agenda.

FILMING, RECORDING OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. During this meeting members of the public may film or record the Committee and officers from the public area only, providing it does not disrupt the meeting. The Confidential section of the meeting may not be filmed or recorded. If a member of the public objects to being recorded, the person(s) filming must stop doing so until that member of the public has finished speaking. The use of social media is permitted but members of the public are requested to switch their mobile devices to silent for the duration of the meeting.


Appendix 1


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee                                               

Date: 18 May 2022

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 6 – OFFICER’S REPORT

1. The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on (G&E) Matters.

2. ADASTRA PARK. Ice Cream Van. Good progress has been made in the arrangements for an Independent Ice Cream Van to trade from the Pavilion Car Park in the South Field of Adastra Park. The agreement and required documentation are being finalised and it is hoped that this will commence from the end of May.  The agreement is for a trial period of six months primarily on selected weekday afternoons.  At the end of the trial period a report will be presented to the Committee on the success of the project.

3. PARKLANDS COPSE. LOST WOODS OF THE LOW WEALD AND DOWNS PROJECT. At the previous meeting held on 2 February 2022, Members supported the inclusion of Parklands Copse in the Lost Woods of the Low Weald and Downs project currently being organised by The Woodland Trust in conjunction with other partners. Following an initial site visit to the woods, an Ancient Woodland restoration survey is to be arranged to enable key data to be collected and any threats identified. This will then provide evidence of elements that may be able to be funded by the Lost Woods project.  Members will be kept updated as this progresses.

4. TALBOT FIELD. As agreed at the Full Council meeting held on 8 March 2022, the diseased Oak Tree in Talbot Field adjacent to the main road has been felled. A large section of the trunk has been left in situ on its side to create a wildlife habitat.

5. HANGING BASKETS. There has been a very positive response this year from local traders regarding the hanging Basket project. A total of 30 hanging baskets are to be displayed in the village which is the most baskets to date. In addition to the baskets, the Council has purchased two new Jubilee Planters to be installed on Orion Parade and a new wooden planter being built by the Monday Group beside the village sign at the entrance to Adastra Park.  The baskets and all planters will be planted with a red, white and blue colour scheme and it is hoped that these will collectively provide an eye catching floral display throughout the village to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

6. STREET TREES. The process for arranging street trees with WSCC has changed this year. Previously trees funded by the Parish Council were arranged directly in liaison between the Tree Group, the WSCC Arboriculturist and the Parish Council, however the system has become more automated and trees now need to be ordered through an online system.  Individual residents also have the option to request and pay for their own tree independently through the same system. Currently the Parish Office and Steve Richards, Hassocks Tree Group, are reviewing the HPC process for street trees to accommodate the new system and indeed to consider the future of the scheme.  A report will be presented to the Committee later in the year should any changes need to be considered.

It was understood that the cost per tree charged by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) would be £200 and the HPC budget for 22/23 was set in anticipation of this.  Previously tree planting was not included in the WSCC budget increase, however the Parish has been informed that this has been brought in line now with all the other activities WSCC provide and will be subject to a small yearly budget increase.  This means that from 1st April 2022 all tree requests will be charged at £209.80. It should be noted that the charge made by WSCC still does not cover the full cost of supplying and planting a tree. Unfortunately the increase in cost had some impact on the number of funded trees the Tree Group had originally planned for Hassocks for 2022.  However due to much appreciated individual donations, 25 trees can still be planted this year as hoped.


Appendix 2


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 18 May 2022

Contacts for this report: Deputy Clerk
Subject: Agenda Item 7 – Division of Allotment Plots

1. The purpose of this report is to invite Members to approve a further splitting of five half plots on the Parklands Road allotments in order to increase the number of plots available.

2. In 2020 the Grounds Committee approved a request from HAHA to increase the number of quarter plots available in order to reduce the allotment plot waiting list. It was agreed that with the approval of the appropriate Council Officer, suitable half plots would be split as they became available with the aim of reaching 50/50 split of quarter to half plots, with an upper limit of 37 quarter plots.

This proved a successful strategy and helped to reduce the waiting list slightly.  There are currently 37 quarter plots and 22 half plots.

3. However, over the last 18 months, the waiting list has steadily increased again with 49 residents now waiting for a plot, and the average wait now being between two and three years. Therefore it is requested that the Committee approve the splitting of a further five half plots as they become available and where it is deemed suitable.

This would provide 47 quarter plots and 17 half plots for rent.

4. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION. The Committee are invited to approve the splitting of five suitable half allotment plots to create 10 quarter plots as and when they become available subject to the approval of the Parish Clerk.


Appendix 3


To:      Grounds & Environment Committee
Date: 18 May 2022

Contacts for this report: Cllr Frances Gaudencio               

Subject: Agenda Item 8.1 – Adastra Park Masterplan Review

Current Projects

Project Estimated cost Sources of funding Comments Target Completion Further Action
Paths Network Significant – Initial program £20,000 HPC Path Design depends on completion of Drainage Works 2023/24 Outline Design in 2022/23 dependent on drainage


Drainage Unknown but likely to be over £50,000 HPC or S106 or WSCC flood prevention funding Initial report commissioned and received Investigative work with scheme design and costing currently under way. 2022/23 Stage 2 – Let Contract subject to investigation result and costing by Spring 2022
Garden of Remembrance £10,000 HPC – from Park Budget Central Arbour now repaired. Wood Memorial Structure taken down. Further Work starting April 2022 Staged Work Plan with final Completion by June 2023 Next Stages – 1. Opening up Dark areas.
2. Hedge repair, tree work,
3. Accessible paths
Tennis Court and Multi- Games Area £75K Sports Grant funding and S106 Proposal for funding and Contract in hand with Clerk / LTA Contract Let by Mar 2022 Works Completion Aug 2022 Change in match funding process, await details
U 12’s Play Area No allocation at present HPC + S106 *Additional pieces of equipment to encourage group play May 2022



Some research done but revisit after drainage report
Drinking Fountain – (Pavilion Water Supply) £3,500 installation HPC Regular maintenance required Outstanding with PWG to agree timetable
Pavilion Extension Un costed Community or MSDC Grants Storage space required to allow multiple users Not now considered essential by Clerk Outstanding with PWG to agree timetable ?
Tree Planting in football field Un costed HPC Dependent on Drainage Project Review in 2022/23


Completed Project Works

Project Estimated cost Sources of funding Comments Target Completion Further Action
Skate Park and  Path £6,000 HPC Path linking Car Park to Skatepark Completed May 2020 None
Climbing and swingsother than in formal play area
£40,000 HPC Youth Provision adjacent to Skate Park Completed May 2020


U 12’s Play Area Up to £100,000


£6,000 – Consultant

HPC + S106 Leave 3 pieces of equipment and tender to upgrade


Completed May 2020

All new equipment installed

*None, but see previous page
Basketball Hoop and groundworks £7 – 9K HPC Completed May 2020 None
Look and Feel Signage/ benches/ bins £1850 HPC Bins- Rolling Program of Replacement

Signage – In Hand


Completed Dec 2021


Adult Fitness equipment £7,500 to relocate or

£15,000 to expand

HPC Equipment became unsafe – To be removed Removed Early 2022 None



Draft Minutes of a meeting of the GROUNDS AND ENVIRONMENT Committee held on 18 May 2022 at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Adastra Park, Hassocks

Attendees: Councillors Kate Bailey, Jane Baker, David Bunting, Leslie Campbell, Frances Gaudencio, Bill Hatton, Sue Hatton, Alex Simmons and Ian Weir

In attendance: Tracy Forte – Deputy Clerk, Ian Cumberworth – Parish Clerk

GE22/01 APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from Cllrs Jane Baker and Kristian Berggreen.

GE22/02 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.

Cllr Kate Bailey joined the meeting.

GE22/03 ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR.  Cllr Jane Baker had indicated that she would be willing to stand as Chair again subject to there being no other expressions of interest. There were no other Members who wished to stand. Cllr Ian Weir proposed that Cllr Baker was appointed as Chair of the Grounds and Environment Committee for 2022/23 and this was seconded by Cllr David Bunting.  All Members voted in favour.

GE22/03.1 It was RESOLVED that Cllr Jane Baker was elected as Chair of the Grounds and Environment Committee for 2022/23.

Cllr David Bunting indicated that he would be prepared to stand as Vice Chair again.  There were no other expressions of interest from the Committee to fulfil this role.  Therefore Cllr Bill Hatton proposed that Cllr Bunting was appointed as Vice Chair of the Grounds and Environment Committee and this was seconded by Cllr Alex Simmons.  All Members voted in favour.

GE22/03.2 It was RESOLVED that Cllr David Bunting was elected as Vice Chair of the Grounds and Environment Committee for 2022/23.

GE22/04 MINUTES. It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Grounds & Environment meeting held on 3 February 2022, be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

GE22/05 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There were no members of the public present.

GE22/06 OFFICER REPORT. Members noted the Officer’s report.

Ice Cream Van.  Members were pleased to learn that the arrangements for an ice cream van to trade from the park were progressing well.  There was some disappointment that the van would not be present over the weekends, however the Deputy Clerk explained that this may change once the vendor had been able to establish the best working pattern for her business.  It was also noted that once the Council had had the opportunity to review the success of the agreement, it may be that a second vendor could be invited to trade over the weekends at a later date.

Floral Displays.  The Clerk informed Members that at the current time, the refurbishment of the existing planters on Orion parade had been completed and that the new Jubilee Planters were still in fabrication.  They had been due to be delivered on Monday 16 May but this had been delayed.  The Parish Office is awaiting a further update on the delivery date.

GE22/07 ALLOTMENTS.  Members were invited to consider increasing splitting a further five half plots to assist with reducing the Allotment Waiting list.

Members had previously approved the division of five further half plots and Members were invited to consider increasing splitting five half plots in September 2020 to assist with reducing the allotment waiting list.  Members were informed that this had helped, however, the allotment waiting list has continued to increase with 49 residents now waiting for a plot, and the average wait now being between two and three years. Therefore it was requested that the Committee approved the splitting of a further five half plots as they become available and where it is deemed suitable.

Members were in full support of the proposal to divide a further five half plots into quarter plots.

GE22/07.1 It was RESOLVED to approve the dividing of a further five half plots as they become available and where it is deemed suitable to provide 47 quarter plots and 17 half plots for rent.

GE22/07.2 Members noted the need to increase allotment provision and consider the options available for this.  The Council has previously requested allotment provision as part of both current developments in Hassocks, North of Clayton Mills and the Land to the Rear of Friars Oak, however this was not accepted by the developers.  It was noted that there is land that borders both developments and that the landowners could be approached with regard to selling an area of the land to HPC for allotments, and that this could also be applied to further pockets of land in the village.

It was proposed that the Council should explore any potential sites which could be purchased or leased and that the landowner is approached formally to consider this.

GE22/07.3 It was RESOLVED that the Parish Office would identify any potential sites for allotment provision and make a formal approach to the relevant landowners to ascertain the possibility of the land being made available for lease or purchase by the Parish Council.


GE22/08.1 Adastra Park Masterplan Review.  Cllr Frances Gaudencio briefly summarised the Adastra Park Masterplan Review (Appendix 1).  She explained that the review shows what the Parish Council had achieved in the past three years and set out future/ongoing projects.  Cllr Gaudencio noted that the list of Completed Project Works was a great achievement and that credit should be given to the Council, the Clerk and his staff for enabling this to happen.  Cllr Gaudencio explained that several of the outstanding or ongoing projects could not progress any further until the exploration of the drainage issues in the park had been fully explored and any potential remedial action considered.

Cllr Gaudencio invited the Committee to consider whether the Park Working Group should continue to meet to progress and manage the Park Projects, reporting back to the G&E Committee, as it had done to date; or if it was felt that the group should be ceased and all matters considered by the G&E Committee.  Members were very much in favour of the Park Working Group continuing and it was AGREED that the Park Working Group would be maintained.

GE22/08.2 Verbal Update (Parish Clerk)

Drainage Report.

The Clerk informed the Committee that he had very recently received the initial drainage report and was awaiting clarification on some issues.

The consultant has proposed some options with estimated costs, however as expected they are costly but they may be possible to deliver in phases if Members were minded to progress these.

One of the key challenges facing the council is that they would need to control the rate of which water is discharged into the stream at the bottom of the north field therefore we would not be permitted to discharge water directly into the stream.

To effectively manage the level of water discharged it may be necessary to establish a holding pond in the north field where the water can be held back and discharged in a controlled manner.

Members will therefore need to consider whether the options proposed are viable and affordable at some point in the future. It’s suggested that the Park Working Group should consider the options initially prior to formal decision being taken by Council to progress the scheme or not.

Tennis Court Refurbishments.

The intention was that this scheme would be match funded by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) & section 106 funding contributions.

However post a government announcement in October last year regarding a proposed capital investment scheme in park tennis facilities, HPC (Hassocks Parish Council) will no longer qualify for match funding from the LTA as the Adastra Park site does not now meet the qualifying criteria. The government scheme will now be targeting areas of deprivation as part of the levelling up agenda.

However the LTA have indicated they will provide/support the installation of an automated gate access system, access to on-line booking and payments systems for the HPC courts.

The basis of the Hassocks bid was match funding which has now changed as a result of the government scheme we have therefore sought confirmation that MSDC approval to fund up to £45k from section 106 funds remains unaffected – MSDC have confirmed that the offer of £45k is unaffected.

A site visit was undertaken by the LTA technical team last week who will prepare a detailed report on the condition of the facility detailing the works required. This may enable HPC to access existing LTA contract frameworks which may expedite any tendering requirement.

Once the report has been received and the position regarding any market testing requirement the council may need to take a view as to how they wish to progress the project.

One option maybe to consider whether the council wished to release any direct funding to support this scheme itself or to progress on a modified initiative with certain elements not being progressed.

It’s suggested that once the initial report setting out the extent of works required & the impact of any tendering requirement in respect of the delivery timeframe the Park Working Group in the first instance should consider how to take this scheme forward prior to progressing further.  It was agreed that the Park Working Group would schedule a meeting once the report had been received.

Members noted the report.

GE22/09. FLOOD ACTION GROUP. Cllr Gaudencio informed the Committee that it was hoped a meeting for the newly formed Flood Action Group would take place very soon.  The purpose of this meeting is to scope out what needs to be done by the Flood Action Group and what action needs to be taken to move forward with the aims to mitigate surface water flooding and encourage the relevant authorities to do the same.  Arranging a meeting which Councillors, community members and other authority representatives could all attend was proving a challenge.

GE22/10. PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW). Cllr Ian Weir provided the following update on current PROW projects.

Footpath 5K. Cllr Ian Weir informed the Committee that the official opening of the Network Rail Tunnel on Footpath 5K was to take place on 25th May 2022 and that he would be attending along with Cllr Sue Hatton.  It is a very positive step that both developers have agreed to upgrade footpath 5K to Bridleway status on both sides of the tunnel.  However it was noted by Councillors that the lack of lighting in the tunnel continues to be a concern.  After some discussion it was suggested that one possible solution might be for both developers to install street lighting on the paths leading to and from the tunnel which would in turn illuminate the tunnel.

Therefore it was AGREED that a letter would be sent to Kirsty Lord (WSCC Councillor) and Mid Sussex District Council planning department on behalf of HPC to request that lighting on either side of the tunnel is included as part of the Lighting Plan for both developments.

Footpath 11C. The improvements to the north section of this footpath have now been completed meaning that the path will be more accessible all year round.

Footpath 13C. Following a review West Sussex County Council has agreed to include improvements to a section of Footpath 13C in next year’s programme, this is part funded by HPC through a partnership agreement as approved by Members at the G&E meeting held on 8 September 2021.

Footpath 21K. It appears that the entire wooded area surrounding Footpath 21K is protected by a Woodland Tree Protection Order which means that no improvement works can be undertaken without permission from MSDC.  Cllr Weir is due to meet with the MSDC Tree Officer to discuss this.

GE22/11. URGENT MATTERS at the discretion of the Chairman for noting and/or inclusion on a future agenda.

GE22/12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Wednesday 6 July 2022 at 7.30pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.20pm

Adastra Park Masterplan Review  (April 2022)


Current Projects

Project Estimated cost Sources of funding Comments Target Completion Further Action
Paths Network


Significant -Initial program


HPC Path Design depends on completion of Drainage Works 2023/24 Outline Design in 2022/23 dependent on drainage
Drainage Unknown but likely to be over £50,000 HPC or S106 or WSCC flood prevention funding Initial report commissioned and received Investigative work with scheme design and costing currently under way. 2022/23 Stage 2 – Let Contract subject to investigation result and costing by Spring 2022
Garden of Remembrance £10,000 HPC – from Park Budget Central Arbour now repaired. Wood Memorial Structure taken down.

Further Work starting April 2022

Staged Work Plan with final Completion by June 2023 Next Stages – 1. Opening up Dark areas.

2. Hedge repair, tree work,

3. Accessible paths

Tennis Court and Multi- Games Area  £75K Sports Grant funding and S106 Proposal for funding and Contract in hand with Clerk / LTA Contract Let by Mar 2022

Works Completion Aug 2022

Change in match funding process, await details
U 12’s Play Area No allocation at present


HPC + S106 *Additional pieces of equipment to encourage group play


May 2022




Some research done but revisit after drainage report
Drinking Fountain – (Pavilion Water Supply) £3,500 installation HPC Regular maintenance required Outstanding with PWG to agree timetable
Pavilion Extension Un costed Community or MSDC Grants Storage space required to allow multiple users Not now considered essential by Clerk Outstanding with PWG to agree timetable ?
Tree Planting in football field Un costed HPC Dependent on Drainage Project Review in 2022/23


Completed Project Works

Project Estimated cost Sources of funding Comments Target Completion Further Action
Skate Park and  Path


£6,000 HPC Path linking Car Park to Skatepark Completed May 2020 None
Climbing and swings other than in formal play area
£40,000 HPC Youth Provision adjacent to Skate Park Completed May 2020 None
U 12’s Play Area Up to £100,000


£6,000 – Consultant

HPC + S106 Leave 3 pieces of equipment and tender to upgrade


Completed May 2020

All new equipment installed

*None, but see previous page
Basketball Hoop and groundworks £7 – 9K HPC Completed May 2020 None
Look and Feel

Signage/ benches/ bins

£1850 HPC Bins- Rolling Program of Replacement

Signage – In Hand


Completed Dec 2021

Adult Fitness equipment £7,500 to relocate or

£15,000 to expand

HPC Equipment became unsafe – To be removed Removed Early 2022 None